OUT OF CONTENT: Meet Jean of Elation

At the random place beside the road.

"He is so cool" Ninya said while looking Momon who wore a big black armor slashing an ogre with one swing. He is too strong that made her forget to cast her spell.

Not only her, her other teammates also felt the same. One strike cut an ogre into 2 parts. Not many people have a skill to do that. Even the strongest man in the Re-Estize kingdom can't do that as ease like Momon do.

"Ninya. Focus on the battle." Peter , a leader of Swords of Darkness, said to remind his genius wizard.

"Ah yes." She focused and cast fireball. After done with chanting, she threw it towards group of goblin killing 3 of them in one strike.

"Nice. Good job. Ninya" Her leader raised her.

"Don't say like that" Her face was blushed.

Momon from afar saw the friendly conversation between them. That reminded his friends.

Nonetheless, he cast that old memory aside and focused the current situation. He went down and killed the group of goblin and ogre to test his power in this world. So far, everything is good.

After killing group of goblin, they continued their journey. Only stopped when the sky went black.

"Momon. You are awesome. How can you do that?" Ninya asked Momon who was received a bowl of soup.

"Ah. Diligence and hard-work" He replied.

"Hahaha. It should be so" Peter added with laughing. He wanted to stir the air more excited. "I also practice hard to get well with some beautiful girl"

"Hmm. You are drinking more than enough"

Dyne reminded his leader to not go overboard or else it will affect their image.

"I don't mind" Momon replied. Nabe who sitting beside Momon got annoyed by their manner. How could those ants talk to her master with that kind of tone. 

It will be merciful for them to die at this place. 

Just looking at them each time, her eyes grew more annoying.

Seeing this, Momon stopped Nabe before she did something bad.

"You are like Thirteen Heroes, Momon. Or maybe stronger than them" Peter pointed the main topic.

"If that so."

"Yes. Those heroes in legend can't compare to you."

"I'm quite curious. What are they"

"You don't know" Peter asked. Seeing no reply, he said to cure this awkward air. "Then you meet the right person to tell a story."

After that, they talked about how glory of Thirteen Heroes. Their achievement, their tale, their power.

"You should be proud when being compared to those legend."

"Oh. It takes your compliment as my pleasure."

"Just those ant dare to compare with her glorious master." Nabe stood up wanting to do something but stopped by Momon.

"It will be rude if you do that"

"I'm sorry Momo-san."

"You understand that then I have no question about your behaviour." Momon said before their eyes.

"Don't talk too harsh Momo-san." Peter joked "You must serve this lady with kind word"

Momon looked at Peter with averting eyes.

"Okay. I will remember that"

"Yo. Momo-san. You are too kind and humble. There is small number of people like you." Ninya said "Not like someone sleeping in the cart."

"Person. There is someone in your team that I didn't meet."

"Ah. She is not. Actually, she is another bodyguard that was hired by our owner before." Peter explained un-meeting character.

"Her personality is..." He had a hard time to choose his word.

"Unique." Lukrut added to save a day.

"Right and with imaginative knowledge." Peter said with curved mouth.

"And how unique is she" Momon asked for that person since he couldn't detect that presence. Excepting Nfirea Bareare who hired him, he didn't feel any presence in the cart. Even his Nabe failed to do so.

"I hear someone talk about me." A strange voice rang out. "I guess it's dinner time. Mind I join it for fun? " 

A messy girl with cyberpunk headphone stepped out from the cart.

"That is OK. We are talking about you"

"Oh. What are you talking about me?" She said "Is that you have a crush on me? Awh. I'm shy to be mentioned like that"

"You see. She is weird" Ninya whispered.

"Oh" Momon's attention wasn't on that girl attitude but his attention was an object on her hand.

'That is a phone. How can that thing exist in this place?'

"Double kill "




That sound is frighteningly similar to that game in his memory.

"Jeelation. This is Momon. He is curious about you." 

"I'm also curious about you too, Momo-san." Jeelation said with a smile and sat on the ground together with them.

"Nice to meet you" Momon said with avid voice.

"Where we start again. Aright. Tell us about the thing called Universe that you tell us."

Hearing this, Jeelation gave a mysterious smile.

"Universe is a sea of suffer." she looked each of them with investigating eyes. "But universe is also the sea of fun, of Elation. That place have many thing to enjoy that you will never on this planet."

"Oh. I'm so hooked about that. Can you tell me more?" Momon said.

"Let's see. How about the story that I first explored Universe."

And then, she started to talk about her journey but.

"I was fighting 10 space marine octopus with one pencil. One pencil. I killed them all" 

The story is sounded like a lie. 

She talked about Alien, Predator, Zombie world. Even god, demi-god, Aeon also included in her killing list.

There was more exaggerating in her way of telling.

"I kill them all. Gods, Demon, Devil. Even the being out of our concept. They are all died in my hands"

"Ahhhhh. Great for your story. I think that is enough." Peter put a stop before she told something more ... Difficult to understand.

"Wait. I want to hear more" Momon raised his voice.

"It's already late, Momon-san"

"You can go to sleep. I will watch this night shift."

"Are you sure" Ninya looked at Momon's helmet trying to see his eyes. Feeling his determination, she left it aside.

"Alright." They want to go into a tent for sleep but this fellow insisted on listening more.

"Tell me your opinion about 13 heroes."

"Ah. That tale, right." Jeelation, Or can be understood as Jean of Elation, said "To be honest, they are not very strong in my POV."

"What. That is an insult. We are Swords of Darkness. We take this name from one of those heroes."

"I know but they are indeed not strong in my eyes." Jean of Elation tried to explain, "I once killed a god and demi-god. How can I lose to them, a player."

When hearing the word "PLAYER", Momon became more vigilant.

Nabe wanted to beat this girl but was stopped.

"They are just a player. I guess their previous life should be very normal that you can find anywhere."

"How can you sure that you win them."

"Whew. Let say that I come from high dimension. And this dimension is low comparing to my dimension. High dimension wins low dimension with no diff. Beside, their strength is limited." Jeelation gave an evidence.

"And your purpose here is" Momon wanted to know her goal.

"I'm here for ..." she looked at Momon before saying "Fun. Of course"

"Fun" Momon felt insulted.

"Of course, let me introduce myself again. I, Jeelation, the believer of the god named Aeon of Elation, come to this place to seek a joy, fun, elation. Nice to meet you. You can call me as Jean for short"


"Never hear that god before"

"Of course you didn't hear that name. After all, that is outer god. A god outside your universe" Jean of Elation gave them a big smile. 

When hearing the word "GOD", Momon felt more scarier. 

'There is a god being. How can I live peaceful from now on. My reincarnation. Did that god do it? I want to know' With this kind of mind, he listed this girl as dangerous object that must be observed 24/24.

"Alright. I will tell a funny story for you guys. We will have fun and eat some candy beside this camp fire"

"I will skip this" All of them replied.

"Oww. I'm so hurt. My feelings" Jeelation's eyes dropped a fake tear.