Jean on the rampage

Re-estize kingdom

The street was filled with various kind of people. Old and young, woman and man, peasant and noble were presence.

Even a king Ramposa III, an important character of kingdom, also gave a presence on this street together with nobles.

Why such big characters attended at this street. The answer is on an incoming car guarding by many soldiers.

The door opened from inside. A soldier stepped out first. And then, a girl with blonde hair stepped out.

Main character of the show appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Jean, the joy, was stepped out being escorted by 2 mans.

Immediately, the street became more lively with the conversation of citizen.

"So she is the one who killed noble."

"How digusting."

"Look at her eye. That is an eye of murder."

"Even an noble dare to kill. What our normal people like us can do."

People scolded her even though they didn't know her. They just followed the atmosphere of this place.

King Ramposa looked at Jean with an eye of disdain. King Ramposa wasn't a good person like in comic.

In the face of noble, he could only pretend that he didn't see it but for normal person like Jean, it's normal for him to show his sincere emotion. After all, the anger of peasant can't do anything to him.

The reason why he attended this event was due to the pressure from noble family.

He didn't know why they want to kill this normal girl too much. Even to degree that they wanted to see her death in public.

However, to appease those noble, he was ready to sacrifice one person in exchange for peace.

Beside him was Golden princess, Renner. He also didn't know why his daughter insisted on witnessing this event.

Nonetheless. Jean stood before the execution platform under the eyes of everyone.

"So. Do you know why you are here" King Ramposa asked with a stern and warm voice.

He spoke loud enough for every his citizen hearing. In this opportunity, he wanted to show his kindness to everyone.

"Obviously nope." Jean said in informal language.

Undoubtedly, her way of talking made every noble angry. King Ramposa raised his hands to stop those noble before they made thing worse.

"So you don't know. I have a steel evidence to prove your guilty." A caster showed a magic crystal ball.

Immediately, that ball showed a short film.

Everyone saw what happened at that time. 

And the approval of execution for Jean was totally agreed by both noble and commoner.

"Oh wow. "

"So you admit that you are guilty."

"Ah no. It's just the scene is awesome. Look the effect of explosion meat, his fresh scatters everywhere making it into one of cool way to die." Jean raised her cuffed hand and mimicked the expression of the dead noble on the screen with her hands.

"Nuisance. You don't know what he has contributed this kingdom. Why you laugh at a good person like that?" A king should know when to unleash his anger.

"That's my king" A random commoner said.

"Crab" Jean didn't flinch a bit. "That's because I didn't believe in your word. What I believe is data and fact. If he is so good and careful then why he is so obese and his territory is so poor and heavy tax. Also why he is at that place by the way. That place belongs to 8 fingers. A mafia organization."

Momon who observed Jean from afar didn't know how to describe Jean's personality.

Sometimes she behaved out of common sense.

But he needed to confirm her ability first. Last time, he tried to read her memory but something blocked him from reading it.

Also, there was a time he used time stop but the result was out of his expectation.

Jean could move freely while time stopped. 

This made him hard to confirm her ability. He only knew that she had ability like card game. 

He once saw Jean collected card through completing mission in guild. Or sometimes, she collected it in random place.

He just wondered why she didn't resist at all. 

"Does it relate to her ability" Momon gave a guess. According to his understand about game, she must be trying to obtain some cards through this event.

"Master. Why she didn't resist." Mare asked. 

"If I am not wrong, she wants something from them." Momon said. He continued watching.


"To punish you, I, King Ramposa, give you death sentence. I have given you a chance. A chance to repent. Now, no more mercy." 

"That is what I long for." Jean answered.

"Silence. As a kind king. What kind of death do you want? Burned or beheaded by guillotine" 

"As a person with high belief in religion. I suggest you should burn me to death?"

"Fine. Guard. Bind her to the stake and burn her in my command."

2 guards led me to the stake and bound me with chains instead of rope. They piled up many woods under Jean's legs.

Opposite to what human will behave when facing death sentence, Jean just hummed her favorite song tunes.

After 10 minutes, they finished piling up the mountain of wood. Now, they were waiting for the king to ignite the fire.

Jean looked at the king with provocative look. This look was caught by his guard, Gazef Stroganoff.

He immediately gave her a death stare. Too bad, that didn't work on her a bit.

"Ignite her"

A soldier burned the dried wood. Very quickly, the fire spread swallowing Jean in it.

"As expected rotten country with rotten worms." She looked at nobles who enjoyed drinking wine while watching other people's suffer.

She didn't hate them at all but instead, she felt really excited.

The fire was so fierce making people stayed far away.

In the middle of fire, there was a package appeared in the middle of air.

"Make me waiting so long." Jean immediately activated the card hiding in her mouth. All the chains on her were disappearing in the blink of eyes.

She took a package and threw it into her dimension pocket.

"Guard, catch her." Many guards came to catch Jean.

"Allow me to join the fun" A black coat clad her in crimson darkness.

On her hand appeared a fire sword.

She swung a sword, a big slash destroyed the platform.

"Who do you think, you are? A joker" Jean said to King Ramposa III sitting on the throne.

Other nobles saw the situation gone wrong so they started running.

"No no no. You are not allowed to run away like that. You guys enjoy watching someone's death" Jean raised her sword high.

"It's time for you to feel that feelings." She slammed to the ground, a big earthquake shook the entire kingdom. A big cliff appeared and engulfed all nobles who were running.

One by one fell to the ground under her sword. Nobles who saw this and scolded her a monster. In fact, they are also a monster.

"It's funny to be seen as monster by another monster." Jean picked up a random noble's head on the ground and hit it like basketball to another alive noble.

Gazef Stroganoff couldn't stand this anymore so he joined the fight. As first, he showed overwhelming aura but as time passed, he lost advantages.

"What's wrong. Lost energy."

"Don't be rude to the king."

"That's your king. Not mine" she parried his normal sword and stabbed his legs with fire sword.

"You fail fiction - science. Normal sword can't win magic sword."

A hot sword pierced through his legs. He could feel the hot from it and only endure it with his will. Drinking amount of blood in his mouth, he shouted at Jean.

"Enough. Stop your madness."

"Madness. You are misunderstanding. This is not madness" Jean punched him flying through 2 building.

"This is a performance. I, you and they all actors." Jean targeted the king sitting on the throne.

"You didn't escape. Are you afraid of losing reputation or thinking that you can confront me with word alone?" Jean laughed at King Ramposa.

"No matter what, that is a poor choice" Jean threw a beheaded head to the throne.

Many soldier tried to kill her but failed. As a result of their failure, they were all dead.

Momon watching this couldn't describe his feelings. In his image, Jean was docile and funny.

Why she turned into lunatic suddenly. He couldn't understand her anymore.