The Five Great Kingdoms

Trying to quench the bad feeling, Heon continued to probe questions. "What about the summit?"

Instead of answering him again, Azran frowned at him and then turned her attention to the red-haired prisoner. "What's wrong with him?"

Sunny chuckled, "I told you, he's from another world, summoned here by God to be a hero."

Azran looked back and forth at Heon and Sunny. "Both of you are crazy."

Sighing, the light brown-haired boy with some white streaks spoke up, "For the last time, it is true that I came from another world, but I'm not here to be anyone's hero. I'm no hero."

The only girl there huffed.

"Just pretend that I lost my memory or came from a really faraway place and answer my question will you?"

Azran rolled her green eyes but complied nonetheless. "The Great King's Summit was supposed to be a meeting of all the Five Great Kings to discuss matters affecting the respective kingdoms and the world at large."

"Only five? What are those?"

"Didn't I tell you earlier in the tunnel?" Sunny clicked his tongue, "My little deer of a friend, you're really clueless, aren't you?"

"You mean the bastard's name?"

The earth mage responded, "Listen closely because it's the basic knowledge all people here must know, the fact that you don't, truly baffled me."

Heon nodded in resignation, ignoring Sunny's mocking cackles.

"There are Five Great Kingdoms in the Caeeruz continent. We're in Bahran Pasai, the kingdom right on Caeeruz's center. Atarion on its east, Vortheas on the south, Lecraid on its west, and Panthura on its north."

"Which one is the strongest?"

"Why, Bahran Pasai, of course! It's the greatest kingdom of all Five Great Kingdoms. In fact, if there is another kingdom out of Caeeruz continent, I bet Bahran Pasai easily bested all of it!" Sunny confidently stated.

"As if," Azran scoffed. "Bahran Pasai is indeed the largest kingdom and have the biggest number of the army, but even the supposedly strongest king was dead by an unknown assassin. I doubt Bahran Pasai could stand Atarion's attack now."

Sunny turned a heated look at the green-haired girl who kept him bound with earth magic. "Wow, what an unloyal citizen you are. The moment our king's dead, you turn to the weakest kingdom. I bet you never have a friend, much less a boyfriend with that backstabbing attitude of yours."

"Atarion is not weak!"

The manic healer then became suspicious. "Funny how you defend the Neanderthal's kingdom out of all Five Great Kingdoms."

Heon didn't like this escalating debate. He should stop them now before Sunny provokes the girl to use her magic and make earth golem attack him or something.

"Can all Five Great Kingdoms' citizens use magic?"

"All people born on this continent could use magic. What a stupid question," Sunny muttered.

At least, the healing mage turned the insult to him now.

"Don't believe the murderer," Azran commented, invoking another glare from the red-haired manic boy. "I know some people who can't do magic. But, I still can't believe that you control a beast. What kind of magic is that?"

"The kind that only heroes from another world could do."

Heon sighed. For the umpteenth time. 'Why did they revisit this topic again?'

Then, he remembered Avatar: The Last Air Bender and their respective elements.

"What about the magic type? Does every kingdom have a different magic type?"

"That's right," Azran nodded. She seemed like a smart kid in class who liked to tell her knowledge to other clueless students.

"Atarion is dominated by wind mages. Vortheas is overflowed with water mages. Lecraid is full of earth mages, and Panthura is the home for fire mages. Although, you can easily meet a few fire mages in Atarion, or wind mages in Vortheas."

"And Bahran Pasai with its healing mages?" Heon asked, glancing at the red-haired manic boy who healed the hole in his chest.

"No, Bahran Pasai as the center of Caeeruz, is like the mix between all of the other four kingdoms with its diverse types. Elemental, healing, space and time, or even the giants are here."

"There's a giant here?!"

Sunny laughed at Heon's shocked exclamation.

"What I meant by giants are mages who can increase their strength to match with the giants from the old tales. Not an actual one."


"You're bummed that there's no giants here?" Sunny asked, amused.

"Well, giants are cool."

Unless they were humans who could turn into giants and swore to eradicate the whole world to the ground.

"Yeah, wait until you see their feet blocking the sun and you're about to find out what being stomped by a giant feels like."

"Now, that you say it that way…."

And Heon's overactive mind quipped again.

"Could it be someone from the other kingdom who ended Bahran Pasai's late king?"

Azran stiffened and didn't comment on it. Sunny, however, seemed to be delighted to hear it. "I hope so."


The red-haired manic boy chuckled again, head tilting to the side as he excitedly said, "Because then, a war is going to happen!"

The green-haired girl once again hit Sunny's head. "A war is not something you joke about. Nor should you like it when there is a war. Moreover if it's between all Five Great Kingdoms."

"The more the merrier."

"I thought you agreed that the late King Verghan was mad?"

"On the notion that he used the word 'unite' when he should just say 'conquer' like a real king that he was. Wasted opportunity, I'd say."

Azran was horrified hearing that, and so was Heon. "You're just as crazy. Do you want a war to break now?"

"Why, yes, of course! I mean, it is forbidden to kill and all murderers are punished unless we kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumphets."

Heon blinked, eyebrows furrowed at the strange confession. But–

"What did you just say, 'we'?" The green-haired girl once again placed her sharp knife against Sunny's throat. "Finally admitting that you murdered those women and ten year old boy, did you?"

"I said no such thing!"

But Azran didn't hear him.

Or, it was more like, Azran ignored Sunny's protests as the ground opened up under his feet and the red-haired healing mage was buried, leaving only his head above the ground.

Heon sighed, unimpressed. "Not again…"