The Hike

They set out to hike the volcano early in the afternoon, when the sun was not as punishing. Azran had graciously offered her expertise in earth magic, moving a fairly big slab of rocks under their feet as a means of transportation.

"It's pretty handsy," Heon commented, already imagining what his own world would look like with magical abilities in it. He wouldn't have to hurry every morning just to get on the train in rush hour.

"Yeah, if you don't mind the wreckage she leaves behind," Sunny commented, sending the green-haired girl a dirty look.

"I'll fix it when we go back, don't get your pretty ass worried."

"Sorry, I can't help," Tero said, feeling conscious of his minimal earth magic power when compared with Azran.

"I need you to find the crown," Heon reminded.

"You can count on me," the werewolf boy tilted his head back smugly. "But, there is a rule you need to follow. If you see something strange, don't talk about it."