Five Against One

In a time like this, the only thing he could do was bullshitting his way to high heaven.

"I killed your King," he said with a preamble, "What makes you think that I can't do the same to you with my bare hands?"

Well, they didn't need to know that he couldn't do any magic. Let alone following his threat. But, his tough act seemed to buy him some time.

The leader gripped his curved blade tighter and said to him, "Careful with your mouth. I won't let a bloody betrayer like you free without a fight."

'Sunny, where the hell are you?' Heon thought, needing his manic friend's brash fighting style so much right now.

"Let me free, you say? As if I need your permission to do anything!" he found the knife. He had kept it firmly on the straps behind the small of his back. "Besides, who do you call 'betrayer'? I was never your dead King's little pawn to begin with!"

"Shut up! Nobody can disrespect my King like that!"

Fuck. Perhaps he went too far.