Holy Hufaz Temple

The palace where the Queen lived for the duration of her stay at Ecklet Island was not the biggest building he had ever been. But, it surely was the most grandiose he ever visited.

While he was marvelling at the architecture and ignoring the hateful, murderous looks sent to them, someone who perhaps was the one in charge – simply put – approached them.

"Greetings. My name is Azaleh Haust, and I will be the one accompanying you today."

Azaleh said with clear articulation and evened tone, no particular emotion could be detected from the way he was speaking. He was a tall man with a dark complexion. However, it was the flowing brown scarf around his head that caught attention.

Behind him, six guards stood with a hand near the hilt of their swords, while the other four were forming their fingers in an odd way – a preparation for a spell.

"If you would, please follow me."

Heon and the others moved as told, but on their third step, Azaleh turned around abruptly.