The Devil vs. The Monster

In the Arena, it was starting to be evening out.

"now for our final match of this evening now introducing our first combatant from Neo Gotham City Rize Alistair and Anna Excalibur!" Yelled the Announcer.

Rize walks out with Anna.

"now then he is still a mysterious man but now we know he is the son of The Monster of Farwood he is Ion Gre." yelled The Announcer.

Ion walks out with his hatchet that had a green blade and what looked like a root handle.

"so you going to quit too because I don't want to win this Alistair." said Ion "I want revenge for what your father has done to mine."

Rize then laughs.

"what so funny?" asked Ion.

"so what my father put down your mongrel father he probably deserved it he was a monster wasn't he probably killed more people than what in this arena I'm glad he died," said Rize.

Ion glares at Rize. "I'll make sure you regret those words."

Rize gives this malicious smile to him. "don't disappoint me now I'm not afraid to die I just hope I don't get bored."

"you may begin!" yelled The Announcer.

Rize gives the signal to Anna to transform which she does into her weapon form. Ion then lunges at him ready to start to hack at Rize. Rize then slams his right fist into Ion's face. Ion stumbles back a bit and Rize grabs his shirt with his left hand and headbutts Ion in the nose which starts bleeding. Ion then slashes at Rize's right shoulder which cuts open. Rize then kicks Ion's left leg which makes him fall to his knee and gives him a dropkick to Ion's torso which makes him fall. Ion jumps back up to his feet and goes for another slash with his hatchet which clashes with Rize's Excalibur. Ion then knocks Excalibur down to the ground. Ion wraps his arm's around Rize's right arm and gives him an arm bar onto the ground.

"I'll break your arm that way you can't use Excalibur…" said Ion before Rize grabbed his head with his left hand. Rize starts squeezing his head and Ion starts to scream in pain which makes him let go of the hold on Rize's right arm.

"what the hell you not normal are you if you do that to my head," said Ion holding his head.

"I'm not done yet," said Rize.

Rize then goes in for a slash with Excalibur. Ion blocks with the hatchet.

"time to reveal my Esper's power," said Ion. The Hatchet then starts to transform it would become a giant cleaver ax.

"It changed," said Rize with shock.

"that's right this power of Gaia she able to change her size," said Ion.

"that's pretty neat," said Rize.

Rize jumps back and starts to emit a red aura off Excalibur. He then slashes a red blast at Ion. Ion then blocks but gets pushed back by the blast. Ion then runs towards ready to hack away at Rize who dodges it with ease but gets a cut here and there on his torso which cuts up his jacket.

Rize then rips his jacket off he was wearing a black tank top under it with a red and black left sleeve and the left glove that matches it which hid his demon's left arm.

"what up with your arm?" asked Ion.

"don't worry about it let's fight," said Rize.

"fine I feel this is not going anywhere I guess I have to use my last resort," said Ion. He goes and stabs Gaia into the ground near the edge of the fighting area.

"last resort what this now," said Rize.

Ion starts to grow and grows reddish fur all over he was about twenty feet tall he had the head of a wolf his body was covered in fur.

"the hell he can turn into a dog," said Rex.

Ion then grabs him with his right hand and picks him up.

"now I will crush your bones," said Ion.

Ion then grabs Excalibur with his left finger and thumb and drops it to the ground he would then starts to squeeze Rize. Rize starts screaming in pain the crowd starts to feel unconformable watching this and starts booing at Ion and some start to throw things at him. Rize then bites into Ion's right hand to get out.

"it no…" said Ion but then gets surprised when was starting to open his hand up with his bare strength.

"Just because you're bigger than a house doesn't mean you've beaten me yet asshole," said Rize. He would open his hand up and Rize gets out and starts climbing up Ion's right-arm fast.

"I'll crush you like a bug," said Ion.

Rize gets up to his right eye and slams his left fist in it which makes Ion stumble back in pain. Rize jumps off him but Ion swats him down with his right claw knocking him down his claw rips off his left sleeve revealing his left arm. The Crowd looks confused.

"what the hell is wrong with your arm?" asked Ion.

Rize gets up and takes off his left glove revealing his left claw.

"it what looks like this my arm isn't it my brother gave me this arm," said Rize who then rips off his tank top revealing his torso with the number thirteen on his chest. "I'm Rize Alistair and I'm the Thirteenth Devil."