The Celestial Knights of Yggdrasil

In the locker Room in the Neo Gotham Dome, it was loud nearly a hundred thousand people have come in a sold-out showdown between John and Rize. Rize was getting ready for the match putting on his new DHO jacket.

"wow this place is crowded," said Anna.

"don't worry I'll do most of the fighting just try to hang in there in the fight," said Rize. They then heard a knock at the door. Rize goes and answers it and sees it, Nightingale.

"what up?" asked Rize.

Nightingale hands him a gold pin it had a tree symbol on it with the word Yggdrasil under it.

"think of it as a good luck charm." writes Nightingale.

"Alright thanks," said Rize.

In The Neo Gotham Dome Arena.

"Ladies and gentlemen now we present to you the finals of the DHO Tournament in a sold-out event and with millions watching from home!" Yelled The Announcer. The crowd starts cheering.

"now than coming in first hailing from Neo Gotham he is now known as The Devil of Neo Gotham, Rize Alistair, and his Esper Anna Excalibur!" yelled The Announcer. Rize then walks out with Anna.

"We have last year's winner and the Heir to The Ripply Family known as The Wind of Neo Gotham, John Ripply and Kacy Kusanagi!" yelled The Announcer. John walks out with Kacy.

They meet each other in the middle of the Arena as the crowd cheers for them both.

"I had a feeling it would be you facing me Rize," said John.

"of course but you see what these wack jobs been calling this match," said Rize.

"of course then legendary rematch between Alistair and Ripply the match that spans nearly three generations just marketing our match but I don't see that I finally get a worthy final than last year," said John.

"yeah a bunch of hogwash if you ask me I just want to have a great fight," said Rize.

"exactly may the best man win then." John extends his right hand for a handshake.

"yeah may the best man win." Rize takes his right hand and they shake the crowd erupts in cheers from.

"now this is sportsmanship folks now then let's get this match started!" yelled The Announcer.

Both of their Espers transform into weapon forms and they clash with each other and then parry off each other. Rize then goes for a punch with his left hand but John grabs his left and Judo throws him to the ground as a counter. Rize jumps back up and goes for a bicycle kick to his face. John ducks and for a left elbow to Rize's head. Rize backflips over him before he hits and they stare at each other The crowd starts clapping in awe over their exchange.

"damn and here I thought you were only good in sword fights," said Rize.

"well I had to learn some hand-to-hand now can't let you outsmart me in that but it seems I have to try hard to beat you," said John.

"well what next?" asked Rize.

John then jumps back and raises his sword which starts emitting a green aura.

"fireworks already," said Rize he starts emitting a red aura from Excalibur. They both then unleashed an energy wave at each other and they explode when they collided and everything was engulfed by a flash. The Crowd was blinded by this. When the light disappeared they were standing with the arena looking like a mess.

"well you counter my Wind Slash now that something," said John.

"of course, my Slayer was burrowed move but one that works," said Rize.

They then get ready to continue until five pillars of light come down from the heaven around them in then the Arena. Five knights appeared they were wearing silver armor with different-looking helmets they were wearing black capes with a golden tree on the back.

"who the hell are guys?" asked Rize.

"I don't know they must be important," said John.

One Knight steps forward he was wearing a silver eagle helmet. "we come here for you Rize Alistair."

"yeah why is that don't see we are having a match here," said Rize.

"simple for you're execution Rize Alistair." said The Eagle Knight.