
Rize was holding a blue long sword that was identical to Excalibur in his left hand.

"what this sword…" said Rize but then he heard a voice in his head that said "Ragnarok."

"fascinating so is Anna a Master Rank now," said Judas. he then notices Yumi was sitting next to him on the floor wondering what happened.

"hey for some reason I can't transform back," said Yumi. They then see black numbers on her right hand counting down.

"I see that sword is not normal it be a runic blade it cancels out a magical attack so that means Anna didn't evolve," said Judas.

"that's right this sword isn't Excalibur this is Ragnarok my Second Esper," said Rize he knowtist Ragnarok transform into her human form. She looked just like Anna in appearance she had pale skin with blue eyes and long blue hair and she was wearing nothing.

"ah here kid," said Rize. Rize puts his jacket on her so she had something to wear.

"Thanks," said Ragnarok as she turned to Judas and runs at him and kicks him below the belt which surprised both of them.

"whoa hey kid," said Rize not Believing that she did that.

"shut it we're in a fight aren't we he wasn't expecting it," said Ragnarok.

"but that was dirty hey Judas you okay," said Yumi.

"well at least she thinks like Rize," said Judas in pain.

They then see Nightingale walk through the front door she sees Ragnarok. She gets her whiteboard and writes "Anna."

Ragnarok grabs her whiteboard and breaks it over her knee.

"hey no that was on called for I might have to punish you for being mean Raggy," said Rize.

"what the hell did you call me stupid," said Ragnarok. Excalibur then reverts to her human form. Anna left eye matched her right red eye which was both now red. "I'm done I don't want to fight anymore."

"what so lame," said Ragnarok.

"fine by me but we aren't done yet are we Judas," said Rize with a malicious smile.

"nope and since my Esper is down we have to do this without them," said Judas who smiles back.

Rize then summons the demon sword out.

"now give me a weapon I can use to defeat my enemy, Spirit Sword." Judas uses magic to create a magic transparent white sword.

Nightingale writes, "wait hold on I cancel the order to kill him Judas."

"alright but it doesn't mean I don't want to beat the shit out of Rize," said Judas.

"same here I always wanted to beat your face in too," said Rize.

"they never change." said Yumi. "just let them duke it out."

Nightingale then faces palms and wonders why they grew up like this.

Rize and Judas both then see a board hanging from the ceiling about to fall they wait patiently for it to fall as that will be their queue to start the final round. They both glare at each other ready to finish this. The board then falls its drops as if it was in slow motion til drops on the floor and they both disappeared but they hear them fighting throughout the manor.

They clash with each other in a big room which was a ballroom.

"This room is perfect for our fight." said Judas "but I always wonder why he had this room? when he doesn't even know how to dance."

"oh we knew one dance he liked most and that with his fists," said Rize.

"right." Judas agreed. He then lunges at Rize. Rize then runs at him as well and they keep slashing at each other clashing each other not even cutting one of them once.

Rize then sees his sword already cracking, "it was too soon to use my sword again I learned this in the Demon Realm after it breaks it gets weaker if I summon it again." he thinks

Judas knowtist his sword was fading, "really have I used too much mana, or could be Ragnarok doing I have to finish this." he thinks.

They both go for another slash but as they collide Rize's Sword breaks and Judas's magic wore off. Rize then hurls his right fist in Judas's face. Judas then counters by slamming his left fist in Rize's face. They would continue to punch each other for a while not giving each other it was night and both of them were sluggishly hitting each other now the rain has stopped and the moonlight shined through the windows at them. They glare at each other with marks and bruises on their face. They both get ready for their next punch they both give a right punch to each other and both fall to the ground knocking each other out.