The Falcon

Rize finds himself where he was in a plane near an enormous white tree the biggest he has ever seen it had a white trunk with light blue leaves this was the Yggdrasil the Celestial Tree.

"wow it's huge," said Rize.

Anna and Alexis turn back to their human forms.

"so this is the Yggdrasil," said Alexis.

"So where do we go?" asked Anna.

"Judas said that the Commander's house is around the tree we might be the lucky ones here," said Rize.

Meanwhile, in a big room a bunch of the Celestial Knights was talking to each other these were the remaining captains of Yggdrasil. They wear the same armor but they wore different helmets. One wore a bronco helmet, a shark helmet, a bull helmet, a falcon helmet, and a chameleon helmet.

"so they made their first move." said The Bronco Knight.

"so let's crush them with no mercy." said The Bull Knight.

"We can't be fools here I hear these guys are Esper users and one of them is Judas." said The Falcon Knight.

"two are of them are demons no ordinary ones either but Devils," said Shark Knight.

"well we should deploy out quickly even if these are kids they are a threat to King Drazel." said The Bronco Knight. They then leave and split up to find the intruders.

John and Cyrus find themselves in a building in the Yggdrasil Realm.

"This place is huge," said Cyrus.

"Indeed and it very beautiful this the realm of King Drazel." said John he walks a bit till he stops. "we have been found." They see the Falcon Knight in front of them as if he just appeared.

"hello sir we came to deliver a message to your commander I do wish you let us pass," said John.

"Sorry but you're intruders and the punishment is death." said The Falcon Knight.

"well it was worth a shot well I'll wait till you finish with this guy John," said Cyrus as he slips into a shadow in the wall.

"he is confident in your ability but by looking at you. You're a Ripply ain't you." said The Falcon Knight.

"correct I am John Ripply next head of the noble house of Ripply," said John.

"well the honor is mine at least your death will be by a celestial Knight." said The Falcon Knight.

"if you make it that far who said I will give my life up so easy sir," said John who gets Kusanagi out for ready.

"very well may the best man win." said The Falcon Knight as he summons a twin blade and swings it around. John stands there he was calm with a smile.

"is he mocking me?" questioned The Falcon Knight who then lunged at John with full force but watch John disappear. "what.." he then sees John point his blade at the Falcon Knight's throat.

"you might want to fight me for real if you think you're going to beat me," said John he then jumps back and gets ready again.

"arrogant are we I'll make sure you regret that." said The Falcon Knight.

"then come at me Falcon," said John. The Falcon Knight then lunges at John again going in for a strike. John then parries him and goes for a couple of stab attacks. The Falcon Knight blocks with his blade. John then goes for an upper slash and cuts the Falcon Knight revealing he had a light brown right eye. John then slashes again which cuts up the rest of his helmet which revealed his face he had brown hair, and pale skin and his left eye was brown as well.

"what how did you." said The Falcon Knight.

"you think just because I'm younger than you that you outclass me." said John. "you think wrong I can end this right now if I wanted so I'll give you one last chance to surrender you are being used by Chaos in some twisted scheme."

"Sorry but I can't my honor as one of king Drazel's Celestial Knight Captain I will not surrender." said The Falcon Knight.

John then starts to have a sad expression. "I'm sorry then Falcon." Then in instinct, John appeared behind him. The Room starts falling apart around them and The Falcon Knights' Armor was carved up and he had several cuts all over him. "so how many did you count it."

The Falcon Knight then stumbles down to his knees. "I think it was a hundred."

"more like a thousand slashes in one second this is one signature technique I call it The Calm Killing Breeze," said John.

"You just like him…" said The Falcon Knight as he passes out. Cyrus then comes out of John's Shadow.

"look the mess you made here," said Cyrus. He then grabs a first aid kit out of the shadows. "I'll fix him up before we leave."

"I'll keep guard then and when he all patched up we will continue our way," said John who was calm again.