
Rize was in his room looking out his window it had been a few days since he returned.

"what should I do now?" questioned Rize. He then hears a knock at his door. "who is it?" he asked. He then sees the door open and sees Anna and Alexis.

"what are you two doing today it's summer now," said Rize.

"well we came to check on you," said Anna.

"I'm fine now," said Rize.

"maybe we should go somewhere I'm still new to the city," said Alexis.

"well it be nice to stretch my legs," said Rize.

"cool it's been a while since we hung out," said Anna.

"yeah it was a long while back then you thought you were a princess," said Rize. They then head out and go to a nearby park.

They were at Neo Gotham Park near his apartment. Rize goes and sits on a bench while Anna and Alexis go play.

"man now I feel like a single dad with his daughters well at least I'm not chasing boys away," said Rize.

"hey Rize." said a familiar voice. He looks and sees Lydia walking a black dog.

"oh Lydia walking your dog," said Rize.

"yeah you remember him he was a puppy before you went to the demon world," said Lydia.

"ah that's the right man you grew as much Anna and she split into two," said Rize as he petted the dog with his left hand.

"It must be rough with those two," said Lydia.

"well Anna is an angel where Alexis can be a demon," said Rize.

"well she just reminds me of this delinquent from school," said Lydia.

"Hopefully she likes it but that might be asking too much," said Rize.

Later that day Rize was carrying Anna and Alexis on his back as they fell asleep at Raze's house with Lydia.

"well those two must have fun today," said Raze.

"Yeah," said Rize, bringing them to their room putting them to bed, and goings back outside.

"it good to see you're out Rize," said Raze.

"Yeah I think it is almost time to meet Drazel," said Rize.

"well take it easy alright my son good night," said Raze.

"Alright dad," said Rize.

Rize then walks with Lydia and her dog to her apartment.

"well see yeah later…" said Rize before he was interrupted.

"hey would you like to come in I made too much beef stew." said Lydia. "did I just invite him in like that." she thinks.

"well I guess I don't think Cyrus made anything that great anyway," said Rize. They then go into her apartment to eat on her couch. "this is good." he said while eating.

"oh thank you," said Lydia who looked puzzled about what to say.

"what up? you barely touch your food," said Rize.

"oh sorry I was just thinking to myself." said Lydia. "so what have you been up to since the tournament I hear you and John became co-champions this year."

"more like a bigger loss than actually losing oh well there's always next year and I been mourning," said Rize who looks gloom now.

"oh sorry for your lost." said Lydia "damn I made it awkward now." she thinks.

"it alright anyway thanks for the food," said Rize. He gets up before Lydia grabs his right wrist with her left hand. "huh something wrong?" he asked.

"oh sorry I did it after instinct like I don't want you to go," said Lydia. He sits back down next to her.

"well I guess I can tell you what happened then," said Rize. Rize would then explain what happened to him after The Tournament to Lydia.

"so you guys we're fighting for you're lives in another realm in just a short amount of time and you been upset because of Azure's death," said Lydia.

"I can't explain it just at that moment I felt this rage and I couldn't control it," said Rize. She hugs him from the side.

"I'm sorry," said Lydia.

"it's alright he did what he promised to gramps he protect his legacy," said Rize.

"well that's a good thing," said Lydia.

"Thanks, you're good friend, Lydia," said Rize.

"well I like you," said Lydia.

"Yeah I like you too," said Rize. He sees she gets red on her face. He looked confused.

"well I like you," said Lydia.

"Okay this is getting weird," said Rize till he thinks a bit and looks surprised. She then looks away from him. "you don't mean as a friend do you." he said.

"ah well," said Lydia who started to get flustered.

"well Lydia I don't have any experience in this," said Rize. She looks back confused. "well I never dated a girl before so I don't know what to do." he sees her starts to laugh at him.

"I figured as much," said Lydia.

"well I'm willing to learn." said Rize.

"wait you mean you want to go out with me." said Lydia. "I just didn't expect you to say yes." she gets red.

"why not it not like I know any other girl I want to date." said Rize.

"man I feel like you're a complete idiot some times." said Lydia.

"hey…" said Rize before Lydia kissed him on the lips.

"sadly I like idiots." Lydia thinks. Rize would then spend the night at Lydia's Apartment.