New Life

Two Years have passed since Rize defeated John in the DHO Tournament. The guild known as Qliphoth has become of the top fifty guilds in the world due to its popularity and from the Tournament and has said that the best DHO Hunters are from Qliphoth. But some who are the higher-up guilds think Qliphoth are just a bunch of kids playing pretend.

Rize has moved to an old servant's house near Patrick's Mansion which was turned into the Qliphoth Headquarters. Rize lives there with Lydia, his Espers, and his children. Rize was laying on his black couch in his living room in a black tank, and gray sweat pants reading the newspaper of an article on Qliphoth.

"just more bull crap about guild saying we are just a bunch of kids I'm twenty damn it," said Rize. Lydia then walks in holding a baby boy he had black hair, red eyes, and pale skin he wore a diaper.

"what are you whining about now?" asked Lydia. She sees him reading the paper. "Rize it just the news don't get so worked over it."

"oh you should see them when we went to the DHO summits they just are little us when we are there Judas almost wanted to kill someone," said Rize.

"give it time you guys would be the biggest in the world at some point then they will be asking you guys for work," said Lydia.

"Sure I can't wait for that day," said Rize. Rize then hears his cell phone ring on his coffee table near him. He looks and sees Nightingale he rolled his eyes and unanswered "yellow what up Alexis again?" he asked.

"oh god again," said Lydia.

"yeah I'll head right over," said Rize disappointed. He hangs up and gets up. "on my day off of all things."

"It's like looking in a mirror you use to do the same things," said Lydia.

"yeah now I know what dad went through," said Rize. He gets on two sandals at his front door and heads to the Esper Academy.

He enters Nightingale's office in the School where he sees Anna and Alexis in their Esper Academy School uniforms and Nightingale at her desk.

"she was caught skipping…" said Nightingale before Rize stopped her.

"hey for one thing call Lydia next time she the bad cop plus I hated school too," said Rize.

"Can you take responsibility in you're life for once Rize please she could be different than you," said Nightingale.

"so what can I do ground her she just keeps doing it," said Rize. They then see Judas walking in wearing a black fancy suit with a red tie he had a symbol of an upside-down red tree on the breast pocket on the right with red tint sunglasses in them.

"ah, the old and the new delinquents. I see called down again Alexis?" asked Judas.

"shut up Judas no one asked for you're two cents," said Alexis.

"well boss I tried maybe military school would get her act straight dad was thinking of putting Rize in one," said Judas.

"well…" said Nightingale.

"screw this I'm leaving," said Alexis who gets up and heads for the door but Rize grabs her with his left arm.

"but one thing is I'm done with these calls every day so maybe he right," said Rize.

"hey let me go," said Alexis who was struggling to get out.

"let's go Anna we are going home," said Rize.

"oh sure thing see you later guys," said Anna. They then left.

"oh brother," said Judas.

Rize was walking home with Anna and Alexis.

"so I hope you're ready for the warden at home," said Rize.

"so? she just you're girlfriend," said Alexis.

"yeah but she's also Ellie's and the boy's mother and if anything happens to me she is there for you," said Rize. "I know it sucks but at least deals with it until you're old enough to get a job at least you can support yourself." said Rize. "even though they get money through the DHO but they can't touch that till they are sixteen plus with all the demons and creatures we killed that's a lot of money." he thinks.

They get home and Lydia is feeding two baby boys the other boy had black hair, pink eyes, and pale skin and was wearing a diaper. They are both Rize's and Lydia's twin sons, the one with red eyes is Riley and the one with the pink eyes is Ren.

"ah welcome back that was quick," said Lydia.

"well it's just the same boring speech every day," said Rize.

"true I'll deal with her after I feed the boys," said Lydia.

"right," said Rize. Rize then sees Ellie who is now two walk to him she was now a toddler she had longer hair and wore a pink dress.

"Daddy," said Ellie.

"Finally up from your nap," said Rize who picks her up. Rize hears a knock on his door. "who now?" he asked.

He then answers and sees Cyrus. "what up boss?" he asked.

"well Rize I came to tell you we might have a big job that might help us get on top," said Cyrus.

"oh now I'm interested," said Rize with a smile.