The Ripply Library

They were in the airship waiting. They see Drazel come aboard with Nightingale.

"hey you coming too," said Rize.

"yes we will provide support," said Drazel.

"hey I heard what happened earlier with John," said Nightingale who looked sad.

"yeah almost got out of hand," said Rize.

"Just remember he not thinking clearly," said Nightingale.

"I know," said Rize. He then sees John walking with Cyrus and Judas to the Airship.

"hey Rize I want to apologize for earlier I wasn't thinking straight," said John.

"it's fine John I admit I might have got a little heated from it but it's fine just know whatever happens here I got your back," said Rize.

"Thanks, Rize," said John.

"good to see you guys made up," said Judas.

They then take off to Platinum Heights where the Ripply Library is.

Anna, Alexis, Kacy, and Yumi were sitting at the airship table in its kitchen.

"so how are you feeling Kacy?" asked Yumi. Kacy looked upset.

"I see," said Yumi.

"I will be fine I just hope John is okay," said Kacy.

"whoa you talk," said Alexis surprised.

"yeah she can talk she's just shy," said Anna.

"oh alright dang," said Alexis.

"ah sorry," said Kacy.

"no it's okay she probably heard you before," said Yumi. They see Nightingale walk in.

"oh hello miss Nightingale," said Yumi.

"hello Yumi you're feeling alright," said Nightingale.

"yes ma'am," said Yumi.

"hey Alexis how is your studying coming along?" asked Nightingale.

"not too good I hate studying," said Alexis. Nightingale sighs.

"I see it just reminds me of Rize when he was younger," said Nightingale.

"well I've been trying but she doesn't want to put any effort into it," said Anna.

"Well I never been the best study person myself," said Yumi.

"well we figure something out," said Nightingale.

They arrived at Platinum Heights.

"be careful out there." said Alduin. "creatures here are tough due to the climate."

"Alright," said Rize.

"I will stay here." said Judas. "just in case the killer come here."

"fine by me I'll call if something happens," said Rize.

"hey make sure John doesn't get crazy in there alright," said Judas.

"yeah I have a plan if something happens," said Rize.

Rize, Cyrus, and John leave the Airship and head inside an abandoned mine.

"so we have to find a strange wall right," said Cyrus.

"Correct," said John.

"Well hopefully we find it maybe just destroying the whole cave would be a better idea," said Rize.

"I could already see in the news Qliphoth member blows up mine with valuable artifacts inside," said Cyrus.

"yeah something more ticks me off about the news," said Rize.

"yeah could never win with them if you want your guild to look good," said John. They would then come across a strange-looking wall.

"so how to get in now it was a special…" said Cyrus before he saw Rize charge up his left fist full of energy and punches through the wall. "really."

"it works," said John. They then enter the Ripply Library the hole Rize made.

They walk into a vast chamber full of bookcases full of scrolls.

"wow there must be a ton of info of hundreds or even thousands of years so this what the Ripply Family has kept," said Rize.

"you forget before Neo Gotham was a thing it was merged with Murrow and it was led by one man Josuke Ripple, The King of The Starry Sky," said Cyrus.

"When he was in prime he saved the world against with five others against the Demon King, Paimon, of course, he gave up his throne for the life of adventuring with one of the other five saints," said John.

"didn't they call him a fool for doing that," said Rize.

"Sadly yes but he went on a great adventure and discovered the world," said John.

"well let's find this sword already," said Rize looking around. They then reach the end of the Library where they see a Katana on a pedestal it was green on the hilt and the blade was a strange kind of metal.

"man I feel sick," said Rize who looks he was going to vomit.

"it is made from a strange metal that kills demons if cut," said John.

"well we got here first then," said Cyrus.

"Yeah." said John but then they hear footsteps behind them coming in. John then glares behind him. They then see a man who wore a black robe with pale skin. He was carrying six strange swords on his sides he had black long scruffy hair with black soulless eyes.

"so this is the man who killed Jack." Rize thinks.