Rize's Struggle

Rize gets Asmodeus out.

"well at least I can test my sword out on a demon," said Mushashi.

"Sure but I'm still going to kick your ass," said Rize.

"man you're annoying you see what I did to your friend," said Mushashi.

"yeah you cheated to get the upper hand I hate cheats," said Rize.

"Whatever you don't know how I struggled to get here for this sword," said Mushashi.

"no I don't but Ripply Family has kept that sword protected for generations and I can't let it stay in you're evil hands," said Rize. Mushashi lunges at Rize who tried to block with Asmodeus which got sliced easily but Rize's torso which starts to burn him.

"look at that must hurt badly," said Mushashi.

Cyrus gets back with John to the airship.

"hey I need medical attention," said Cyrus. He lays John down on a bench. Nightingale comes into the room with a first aid kit.

"man what happen to him?" asked Judas.

"he fought the guy who killed his dad a guy named Mushashi," said Cyrus.

"An what about Rize?" asked Judas.

"he now fighting Mushashi but he has been poisoned by him so he told us to head back with John," said Cyrus.

"damn I should go help him," said Judas.

"well after we left he destroyed the door to the Library," said Cyrus.

"That idiot," said Judas. Drazel then creates a magical screen that watches the fight between Rize and Mushashi.

"he looks like he struggling a bit," said Drazel.

Rize gets up and lunges at Mushashi who slashes him in the right shoulder which burns him.

"man you're stupid just to keep attacking me when I have this sword your even lucky you're not dead yet," said Mushashi.

"shut up that sword is nothing," said Rize.

"says the child," said Mushashi.

"then watch me shock you," said Rize who goes for a punch with his right.

"you never learn do you," said Mushashi who goes for a slash with the Ripple Cutter. They then clash but then Mushashi sees The Ripple Cutter snaps in half from his punch.

"ha told you it's nothing," said Rize who was smiling.

"but it was made with the strongest metal in the world," said Mushashi in shock.

In the Airship

"he destroyed the sword in one punch," said Drazel in amazement.

"man he like gramps with a punch like that," said Judas. John then starts to wake up after being bandaged up.

"where am I?" asked John.

"back on the ship Rize knocked you out to make sure you didn't hurt yourself," said Judas.

"What that's right what happened?" asked John.

"Rize is fighting him right now and he just broke the Ripple Cutter with his bare hand," said Cyrus.

"what," said John.

Rize falls to the ground coughing up the blood onto the ground.

"your time is running out of time but I have no reason to be here now since you broke this sword." said Mushashi who then tosses the broken sword on the ground. "soon he comes to get me to enjoy last moments Alistair." he turns around and walks away. But he then hears Rize get up and looks back and sees him glare at him freezing in a place he doesn't know why. Rize then starts to stumble forward.

"Why can't I move..." Mushashi thinks before he starts to see Rize as a creature as he starts to fear him for some reason.

"I will beat you," said Rize he generates a blue energy ball in his left hand and fires it at Mushashi he gets hit and pushed back. He then creates more energy balls and starts firing rapid energy blasts at Mushashi pushing him to the wall of the library. He keeps firing at a faster rate before The wall and the ceiling was starting to crumble as Rize keeps going Mushashi keeps getting pushed into the wall until Rize beings to charge his right hand with blue energy.

"TAKE THIS!" yelled Rize. He then unleashed a huge blue energy blast at Mushashi the wall falls apart and Mushashi falls down a huge ravine and the whole room opens up with light from the outside. "I win…" Rize then falls to the ground. He then sees a black portal open up a man comes out he had white short hair, pale skin, and blue eyes he wore a white fur jacket.

"oh where Mushashi?" asked the man.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Rize.

"ah the Thirteenth Devil it's an honor I am Oar the Leader of The Order of Rebirth," said Oar.

"wait so Mushashi and that fox guy are with you," said Rize who starts to get tired.

"ah you mean Raijin yes they will help me to rebirth this world from its true evils." said Oar. "well I hope you have peaceful rest may we meet in the next life." Oar then disappears as Rize passes out to the poison.