The Old Manor

John and the others we're approaching an old abandoned manor outside of Val.

"so we just have to go in and slay a demon in this place," said Cyrus.

"This is a waste of time." John thinks.

"alright let's go in then," said Judas.

"We should split into different teams to cover more ground," said Lizius.

"right," said Ion.

"alright John, Mugetsu and I will check the right wing," said Cyrus.

"then Judas, Ion, and I will check the left wing then," said Lizius.

"Azazel and I will stay here and offer support," said Drazel.

"I'll stay too," said Gau who hop off Mugetsu's right shoulder to Azazel's left shoulder.

"alright let's go," said Judas. They then head inside and split up.

John's group makes it to a room where they see a strange-looking Katana on a Pedestal. John looks at it and relives in his mind what happened in the Ripply Library.

"John?" asked Cyrus.

"it nothing," said John. They then see what looks like a demon in samurai armor come out of the shadows and grab the sword and get ready to fight. "don't bother." he said. John lunges at a quick speed and destroys the Demon Samurai in one slash with Kusanagi.

"amazing he took it out in one slash," said Cyrus.

"let us leave we wasted enough time here," said John. John then walks back.

"hey are you feeling alright?" said Mugetsu.

"I'm fine Mugetsu there's no need to worry," said John who walks out of the room.

"there's something wrong with him," said Mugetsu.

"he just been having a rough time he just lost his dad and it doesn't help with Rize right now," said Cyrus. Cyrus then picks up the strange Katana.

"hey watch it Katana feels weird," said Mugetsu. The Sword starts to move on its own and stabs Cyrus' shadow and goes into it.

"huh what I didn't do that," said Cyrus. They then see the blade emerges from his shadow change it became smaller and had a black blade with a black hilt with purple diamonds. Cyrus grabs it and hears a voice in his head "Muramasa, Blade of Memory."

"it changed," said Mugetsu.

"Muramasa is what it's called I guess," said Cyrus.

"it still feels strange," said Mugetsu.

Meanwhile in the left wing. Judas, Lizius, and Ion we're walking around till they spot two men looking around in the manor. One had spiky silver hair with black horns on his head, he had red eyes and pale skin. He wore black leather armor.

The other was a man wearing a black robe, he had pale skin and black hair, and blue eye. They hid behind a corner.

"Who could these guys be with that order?" questioned Judas.

"Maybe we should be careful and we should try to capture these guys to get info out of them," said Lizius.

"well that one with the horns is a demon," said Ion. They then see The Demon grabs a steel sword and head towards.

"ah shit I wasn't good at being sneaky," said Judas who then gets Ultima out and blocks the attack from The Demon.

"well who we have here." said The Demon.

"wait Judas Alistair I can finally have my revenge." said The Robe Man.

"whoa man I did nothing wrong here," said Judas.

"oh you have do you remember Lisa?" asked The Robe Man. Judas seemed surprised by that.

"hey you know her?" asked Judas.

"she was my sister you murderer." said The Robe Man. Judas was quiet after hearing that.

"We need to go." said The Demon.

"fine I'll settle the score enjoy the rest of your days Judas." said The Robe Man. They then used a strange stone to teleport away.

"Lisa," said Judas who seems upset. Ultima then turns back into her human form.

"who is Lisa?" asked Lizius.

"she was an old friend but she is no longer with us," said Judas. They then leave the left wing.

At the Royal Palace in Val Anna and Alexis were studying together.

"man this sucks," said Alexis who was frustrated.

"well we can't do much until Rize is back up," said Anna.

"yeah yeah so boring," said Alexis. They see Fran walk in.

"hello children I like to say Rize is cured of the poison but I wouldn't go see him yet since he might be hungry," said Fran.

"Hungry?" asked Alexis.

"it might be that demon synthesis thing Mugetsu told us about," said Anna.

"indeed…" said Fran before she feels something strange.

Oars, Raijin, and Levi entered the Palace with The Robe Man and The Demon.

"so what are we doing here?" asked Raijin.

"well there is this powerful scent of magic here and I want to take it for myself by eating it," said Levi.

"for real we are babysitting this little girl…" said The Robe man before Levi's right hand created a black energy blade and point it at his throat.

"call me that again and your head will be on the floor," said Levi glaring at him.

"Please forgive him Lady Levi he doesn't know your power." said The Demon.

"it alright we have company," said Levi. They see Rize who was only wearing black pants whose body has come back to normal and he was eating a big chicken leg.

"man I never ate that much in my life...(burp)." said Rize.

"what he alive." said Raijin.

"must be the queen doing. it an honor you lived Thirteenth Devil." said Oar.

"well here I am ready for my after meal work out." said Rize who was smiling.