Esper Showdown

John was in front of the ruins of Jaru, a city where The Child of Destiny was born. John then looks behind him where he sees Azazel in his griffon form flying towards him and lands in front of him cracking the ground. Rize jumps off with Anna and Alexis. Rize was now wearing a black shirt with the Qliphoth logo on it with brown boots with blue jeans.

"Rize you look better," said John.

"well after a good meal I fell like a million bucks," said Rize.

"you here to stop me you can't convince me these guys need to be stopped," said John. He then sees Rize and starts to laugh.

"no not really I think earlier I would but this has been an interesting week nearly dying and now I feel like I could take over the world if I wanted to," said Rize.

"well why are you here for?" asked John.

"I won't convince with words now how about we do this my favorite way," said Rize.

"what you want to fight me?" questioned John.

"of course you got some steam to get out now," said Rize with a smile. John starts to laugh.

"well alright I'm game," said John.

"how about we do this somewhere else," said Rize. They get on Azazel and he takes them to a remote Island nearby.

Rize and John stood across from each other while Azazel get some distance.

"This will do," said Rize while stretching.

"so how are we doing this?" asked John.

"come at me like you want to kill me we are going all out here," said Rize.

"what really?" questioned John.

"well of course because I'm going to come at you with all I got," said Rize who holds up the demon sword with Excalibur and Ragnarok and they fuse into Ragna-Calibur.

"I see you remember how to do that well then," said John. He holds up Kusanagi and it turns into Kusanagi Masamune and a green transparent wing appears on the right side of his back.

"oh that's right you can do this too," said Rize who looks surprised.

"well you still have to give this form a name since you created it," said John.

"how about God Rank since it happened when I fought Drazel," said Rize. They then wait for a signal to start staring at each other. They see a big rock about to fall and which it does and when it falls they lunge at each other.

Meanwhile, in Jaru's ruins, Levi was walking around feeling Rize and John fighting near.

"wow to think two humans could be that powerful I wonder what I should do I guess I could go kill all those people in that city now I have this power," said Levi. Oar then comes out.

"I don't know if we have the firepower for that my lady," said Oar.

"oh just leave it to me," said Levi.

Rize then punches John in the face with his left hand. John then kicks him in the right knee with his left foot and gives him a right side kick to the head. Rize then goes for a slash with Ragna-Cailbur but John blocks it with Kusanagi Masamune. Rize then kicks him and then swings his sword and unleashed an enormous white blast at John. John then slashes a green enormous blast at it and they both cancel out.

"damn it's like playing chess and I hate chess." thinks Rize.

"hope you got better tricks than that." said John.

"oh you see," said Rize but then they feel a large earthquake they see the ruins of Jaru is now floating in the sky and heads towards Val.

"it floating it must be the order doing that." said John. They then see Alduin's airship coming towards them.

"I guess we have to put this fight on hold for now." said Rize.

"indeed it time stop the Order of Rebirth once and for all before innocents get involved." said John.