
Ion was walking in what looked like an old theater for plays.

"man this place is weird," said Ion. Ion then sees the demon from the manor.

"so why do you help the humans." said The Demon.

"because those humans are friends," said Ion.

"did you forget what those humans have done to you or your father." said The Demon.

"They didn't kill my father they have opened my eyes. I will find my father's killer and with them, I can make it possible," said Ion.

"you are a fool to believe that." said The Demon.

"yeah if I'm fooling your a complete moron why do you team up with humans," said Ion.

"because they promise me a world that won't betray me." said The Demon. "you have friends but how would you feel if your race wants you to die."

"how do you know that Oar can give you that world," said Ion.

` "quiet fool the time for talk is over." said The Demon. The Demon then lunges at him.

Rize and Cyrus were nearby hearing what going on.

"what the hell is going on?" asked Rize.

"We better go find out I think Ion went that way," said Cyrus. They then head for the theater.

Ion and The Demon clashed with each other when Rize and Cyrus entered.

"it that demon again," said Rize.

"yeah…" said Cyrus before Muramasa came out of his shadow.

"what up it that strange sword again," said Rize.

"beats me," said Cyrus grabbing it and glows and a beam of light come out and hits The Demon.

"oh what going on." said The Demon a dark stone come out of him and get destroyed.

"what was that," said Cyrus.

"where am I." said The Demon.

"Could that stone control him." said Rize.

"do you still wish to threaten humans," said Ion.

"no why would I do that they did nothing to me." said The Demon. "I left the demon world so I can live in peace I even went to DHO for help which they help me find work even if I had to be watched all the time it was better then being my races punching bag." said The Demon.

"then something is up with these guys are they being controlled." said Cyrus.

"last thing I remember is meeting a man name Oar." said The Demon.

"I think that answered our question Oar is controlling them with those stones." said Rize.

"I see well this could be a good thing we could change the tide with out anybody getting hurt." said Cyrus.

"well I help this guy back to the airship and tell the others the good news." said Ion. Rize and Cyrus then leave the theater to keep their search for Leviathan.

Lizius was with Mugetsu when they encounter Raijin at a church.

"Raijin so we found you." said Lizius.

"Prince I guess we can finish what we started." said Raijin.

"you will pay for you try to do to my family." said Lizius.

"I can feel Rize is nearby." said Mugetsu.

"maybe back up could be good go get him." said Lizius. Mugetsu then leaves to find Rize.

"so shall we." said Lizius with Frostmore in right hand.