Something Wrong

Rize stops with Cyrus and Gau on a path to the Castle.

"I feel something strange has happened to Mugetsu," said Rize.

"yeah so you felt it too," said Gau.

"What happened did something get him," said Cyrus.

"I don't know but he is not dead it feels he is trapped," said Rize.

"We better get going it could be Oar doing," said Cyrus.

"Yeah." said Rize. They then continue their way to the Castle.

At the Castle. Judas had Ultima in his hand ready to fight Oar. Oar gets ready to fight.

"hope you're ready," said Judas.

"I should say the same…" said Oar before he felt something stab him from behind through his stomach when he see Levi's right hand go through him before she took her hand out and Oar stumbled forward. Judas looks shocked as Rize, Cyrus and Gau arrive.

"the hell," said Judas.

"But why lady Levi we're going to destroy the humans," said Oar.

"well you ever consider I was using you plus you are human I only need you to break my seal," said Levi.

"so you were only using him the whole time," said Rize.

"of course but it was the only way to get out of the Dimension but now that I have powers of other sin demons and those friends of you're I have become as strong as the Demon King but why take over the Demon Realm when the Human Realm is easier to do," said Levi.

"so it was all a plan from the start, my people," said Oar.

"here let me give you this you for helping me." said Levi before she walks over and cuts his head off with a side chop with her right hand killing Oar. "a painless death now you can be with your people."

"damn you," said Rize.

"hey we should retreat for now," said Judas.

"what no way we can take her," said Rize.

"no way she is on another level we need to fall back," said Judas.

"no way she ate my friends," said Rize.

"Don't worry Devil Boy you will be joining them hahaha," said Levi as she laugh insanely. They get caught in her shadow. Gau then hops off and grew up into a giant lizard to push Rize and Cyrus back out of the shadow.

"GAU!" yelled Rize.

"go get Azazel he could fix this," said Gau. Both Judas and Gau sink into Levi's shadow.

"damn she got them," said Rize.

"well I guess you're next…" said Levi before she sees Drazel appear with both his hands on Rize and Cyrus.

"sorry these two are not on the menu," said Drazel before he teleport away with Rize and Cyrus.

"oh well you can only run so far," said Levi with a smile.

They appear on the airship which is off the Floating Continent.

"damn gramps why do you interfere," said Rize angrily.

"Sorry but we saw what she been doing we made sure to evacuate the island for now," said Drazel.

"yeah but she will catch on to what going on," said Cyrus.

"but we need to find a way to get our friends out of her," said Rize. "I know." Rize then heads inside the airship.

"Wonder what he up to," said Drazel.

"well he thinking at least but it's still Rize we are talking about," said Cyrus. Rize then back with a blue backpack full of something.

"what you got?" asked Drazel.

"something that can help us," said Rize.

"I have a bad feeling about this…" said Cyrus before they felt the ship was under attack.

"she found us already," said Drazel.

"well if you are the only airship in the area gives you an idea," said Cyrus.

"warp me back," said Rize. Drazel then teleports him back to the castle.

Rize appears before Levi who was firing black energy blasts at the airship.

"huh came back Devil Boy," said Levi.

"yeah what you going to fight me." said Rize who then sees him sinking in the shadows. "oh no." Rize then dives in.

"huh what he just went in." said Levi with confusion. Levi then looks and see the airship going further out but sees different DHO black airships coming. "at least I won't be bored."