Bug Problems

Ryza was in his kitchen with a cup of coffee he didn't sleep that much since he didn't know what going on. he drew Rize on a piece of paper.

"so could this guy be that Rize guy but why did he appear when I look in a mirror," said Ryza. Anya looks at it.

"well since we have a picture we could ask around if anyone has seen this guy," said Anya.

"Good Idea Anya," said Ryza. They then go around town showing people the picture they have. But no one has seen Rize in Dream.

They were in a park in a Dream.

"nothing does this man even exist," said Ryza.

"beats me maybe we should give up for now till we get a lead," said Anya.

"probably for the best for now," said Ryza. He then feels his phone go off it was an alert from Dream DHO that a demon has appeared in the park.

"so we have a mission," said Anya.

"yeah and it's here," said Ryza. Anya then morphs into her sword form and they take off to find the demon.

They come to a playground where they see a bug humanoid demon it had the head of a bee with giant stingers coming from its hands it was all purple.

"well you seem tough," said Ryza. The Bee Demon then goes in to sting Ryza. Ryza then uses a speed spell to make him go faster. Ryza and The Bee Demon kept dodging each other at a fast speed. They both stop after the left stinger of the demon falls off.

"checkmate," said Ryza. The Bee Demon's head then comes off and fades away. "they just keep getting easier..." he said till he see The Demon before absorbing the Bee Demon's remains.

"thank you," it said in his head as it tries to take off.

"hey do you know anything about Rize Alistair," said Ryza. The Demon looked like it laugh before it left the area. "damn."

Later that day Ryza and Anya were sitting at a table in their home. They have a drawing of Rize and The Strange Demon.

"it's possible this thing knows more of this Rize character," said Ryza.

"who really knows only thing I know is this thing could be a problem it seems to have som intelligence," said Anya.

"true normal demons don't talk as much as this one does," said Ryza.

"yeah but it possible a B rank threat plus it just absorb that one demon so it gaining power for something," said Anya.

"beats me but it knows something," said Ryza.

"yes it does but I wonder what it schemes right now." said Anya.

"we just got to be careful when dealing with it." said Ryza.

Ryza stares at him mirror before he goes to bed seeing if he sees Rize again but no luck.

"maybe I'm just going crazy." said Ryza. He then goes to his bed and lays down and falls asleep.

Ryza would then Dream where he was in a black room with him sitting in a chair and another across from him where he see what looks like a black orb with a number thirteen on it.

"what that thing." said Ryza.

"what thing are you talking about." said The Orb.

"whoa you can talk." said Ryza.

"of course I can I'm... what am I." said The Orb.

"well what I see your an energy ball." said Ryza.

"If I'm honest I feel like I'm not here like it my mind." said The Orb.

"well do you have a name?" asked Ryza.

"that my problem I don't remember my name it like lost to me." said The Orb.

"well maybe I can help you." said Ryza.

"really you can do it for me thanks." said The Orb.

"of course it like I was meant to help you." said Ryza.

Ryza wakes up that morning and sees The Asmodeus Sword in his right hand.

"could this Sword help me find who that creature is." said Ryza.