The Journey Begins to find Ryza

Rize and they leave the Arena.

"so how you know I was here John?" asked Rize.

"We have to talk how about the girls go take their friend somewhere to eat," said John who then hands some money to Kacy.

"Alright," said Anna. They then leave only Rize and John.

"so what up something happened if only had my phone," said Rize.

"well how to put this place is not real," said John.

"What?" questioned Rize confused.

"you know about video games right?" asked John.

"Yeah," said Rize.

"well we are in one basically," said John.

"wait this kinda why I don't have my things here." said Rize. "so how do we get out?...wait what about Anya?" he asked.

"she's just an AI program she's not real," said John.

"well I can't leave her alone even if she has a computer program we should search for her user then at least she is not by herself," said Rize.

"well we don't know how to get out yet so we could look till the others find a way for you to get out," said John.

"great at least she is not alone," said Rize. John then takes the mask off and shoves it into a breast pocket in the coat. They then see a magical screen pop up with Cyrus on it.

"so what up?" asked John.

"Nothing yet but we are learning a bit more of Lunarians as we go," said Cyrus.

"so nothing yet well we have something you may help with," said John.

"what that?" asked Cyrus.

"well we are wondering if you can help us find a Ryza Lunar if you can," said Rize.

"I'll see what we can do till then you on your own," said Cyrus. The screen goes away.

"I'll tell the girls when Anya is not around," said Rize.

"I see have they have a liking to this girl," said John.

"well in a way they are the same age, speaking of which how long has it been here?" asked Rize.

"well you've probably been in this ship for probably over a year," said John.

"a year oh shit I'm so dead Lydia is going to kill me," said Rize.

"don't worry we already told her she's just more upset that this happened to you," said John.

"oh that's good," said Rize.

They then see a stage where they see a king and princess that looks like John and Kacy.

"whoa there two of you," said Rize.

"well I was king but now I'm with you Cyrus must put back in and he said he made some modify fix on him so he kinda likes a twin brother now," said John.

later at the Inn.

"alright so we going to go find Ryza now," said Rize.

"well there's a problem I don't know where he is." said Anya. "last time I saw him was at the Divine Tower."

"well that could be a problem," said Rize.

"well we could just travel a bit thanks to our connection to the king we have a way of traveling faster," said John.

"yeah it sounds fun to go on an adventure," said Anna.

"Alright," said Anya.

"don't worry we will protect you," said Alexis.

They then go out of the Inn and pack up a horse carriage.

"alright let's head off to the next town," said John. They then leave.

Meanwhile, in the Icy mountain, The Demon has killed what looked like a giant ice dragon.

"you serve your purpose now give me what I seek." said The Demon. The Ice Dragon then fades and The Demon absorbs it. The Demon then falls down in pain because of the power he has to obtain he then struggles into a cave he keeps screaming in pain till it stops. He then walks out of the cave in a new body he had pale skin and was more like his hair is white he was naked. "now then Rize Alistair you will give what I want." He starts laughing maniacally.