The Lunarian Queen

Rize then looks behind him he sees a woman in white. she had long white hair, really pale skin, and blue eyes.

"who is that?" said Anna but she looks at Rize and he had tears coming down in his face.

"hey are you okay?" asked Alexis.

"I don't know why I am crying but it's like I met her before," said Rize.

"I think the time I cleaned up your mess Genesis." said The Woman. she then see a small patch of data on the ground which was the remains of Genesis.

"you so now you showed yourself," said Genesis.

"of course, I been watching this whole time my failure." said The Woman.

"I would have him..." said Genesis as the patch was getting smaller.

"no if anything I allowed you to test him but you failed me again hopefully he will reconsider now begone." said The Woman.

"no mot..." said Genesis who then gets deleted.

"so who are you now?" asked Rize as he tries to protect Anna and Alexis.

"I am Juno Lunar XIX, The Final Queen of Lunarians." said The Woman.

"wait you're a Lunarian..." said Rize. Juno then sees what looks like a small fragment of data floating toward her.

"look what has become of you my child allow me to restore you," said Juno. Juno then touches the fragment which restores Anya from being gone.

"she back," said Anna. Anna and Alexis then run out and hug Anya. Rize still has a bad feeling about her.

"so there's something you want because I get a bad vibe from you," said Rize.

"I see your right not to trust me, Rize Alistair I am the one who brought you here," said Juno.

"what it was you. but why?" asked Rize.

"Now let me ask you. what in the outside world knows about the Lunarians?" asked Juno.

"ah nothing till I woke up here," said Rize.

"exactly we have been forgotten you see eons ago we crashed and landed here when our world was destroyed some of us worked on our ship but some who were led by my son decided to make this planet their new home so Lunarians then mingle with you humans." said Juno.

"but you see your species legacy does live on through Espers we only have them because of the Lunarians." said Rize.

"even though that true you can't leave..." said Juno.

"please my queen Ryza wouldn't want this." said Anya.

"Ryza is gone my child he wanted to side with the humans." said Juno.

"no he said we would meet again we promised." said Anya.

"that right we are going to help her find him." said Alexis.

"that right." said Rize. Juno looks at them with this bland look. She then turns around.

"I hope you reconsider your choice because next time we meet we are enemies." said Juno. Juno fades away.

Later it was evening and they we're riding carriage to a nearby town.

"so this whole time you knew you were not real?" asked Judas.

"correct I was created to serve Ryza Lunar as a guardian and as a Esper." said Anya. "I have also lost my key when Genesis attack me so I'm now just like a normal girl now."

"hey Judas have you heard of an Esper named Ascalon?" asked Rize.

"yeah what about her?" asked Judas.

"oh yeah I forgot she gave us the power to evolve above God Rank." said Alexis.

"well she one of the Saints Esper, Alice Ascalon the Dragon Slayer she helped the others defeat the Demon King eons ago." said Judas.

"well she is our Espers' Ancestor." said Rize.

"I see. when I feel like caught up you find a way to pass me." said Judas.

"that don't clear our situation now we have a new foe someone who can control this whole world." said Lizius.

"Queen Juno will be a hard foe she may do damage in the real world her system is connected throughout the ship." said Anya.

"so we can be trap here too now but Rize is in more damage they want his body to enter the real world." said John.

"yeah but she only one that knows how to get me out." said Rize.