Rize Versus Galahad

They are all in the woods where they see the Eye of God above them.

"so we going up there," said Lizius.

"how are we going to get in?" asked Rize.

"beats me that thing is huge," said Judas.

"well we..." said John before they see a huge ball of lightning towards them they dodge out of the way. They look and see The Lunarian Royal Guard.

"Who are these tin cans?" said Rize.

"We are the Lunarian Royal Guards we come to defeat you," said Galahad.

"oh great she sent her dogs after us," said Judas.

"so what's the plan," said John.

"well there are seven of them and four of us," said Judas. a magical screen pops up with Cyrus on it.

"I already have that covered guys," said Cyrus. They felt the ground shake and they see Ion in his giant wolf form carrying Raijin and Mugetsu.

"We are here to save our friends," said Mugetsu. They jump off.

"Mugetsu and...Foxy?" questioned Rize.

Ion morphs back into his human form.

"but now it's seven on seven," said Judas.

"alright scatter," said John. They all split up with their own Royal Guard member.

Rize finds himself against Galahad in the woods.

"so you must be the leader knight guy aye," said Rize.

"you could say that I have lived the longest when the queen was alive," said Galahad. Rize then sees a girl with silver hair with pale skin with matching silver eyes wearing a white dress with a royal crest on it.

"so you using Lunarian Esper too," said Rize.

"Not just that but this was my esper Diana Defender," said Galahad. Diana then morphs to her Weapon Form. She became a giant steel broad great sword.

"well now this could be fun," said Rize with a smile. He then grabs Excalibur, Ragnarok, and Asmodeus and fused all three swords into Ragna-Calibur.

"bring it, boy you won't get the best of me," said Galahad. Rize then lunges at Galahad at a fast speed. Galahad then slams his sword down to the ground which makes the ground tremor.

"wow you esper must be tough," said Rize. Galahad then picks up his blade and lunges at Rize. Rize then tries to block the attack but once it connects Rize then goes flying back into several trees. Galahad then flies through the forest to get another strike. Rize then uses Hyper Speed Magic to make him go faster to dodge his attack. Galahad made a huge creature in the ground where Rize was standing.

"alright girls let's show him our new trick," said Rize. Ragna-Cailbur then evolves into True Ragna-Calibur.

"so that the power beyond God rank," said Galahad.

"That right," said Rize. He then fires a huge white blast at Galahad. Galahad then sticks his right hand out and blocks the blast without getting hurt it would fade away.

"he still able to numb my hand with that." thinks Galahad. Rize then goes in for a couple of high-speed slashes and Galahad used his right to block but starts to see that Rize is starting to see Rize coming slow.

"What this now? giving up," said Galahad. but he then sees his hand is taking too long to get up. "wait now he..." Rize then takes his right fist and slams it into Galahad's helmet leaving a dent in it where his fist was. Galahad didn't know but Rize used slow magic on him.

"nice try but now I won," said Rize. Rize then stabs True Ragna-Calibur in the ground. Rize then starts to give a few practice punches.

"what are you..." said Galahad before Rize gets up to him and starts slamming his fist onto him showing him his hand-to-hand skill as he was stuck by Rize's slow spell. Galahad had a bunch of dents in his armor. Galahad was back at the average speed he was on the ground coughing.

"hope you like your ass beating," said Rize.

"Only one problem with that," said Galahad.

"What?" asked Rize. Galahad then gets up and was in new armor like he was never hurt.

"it might be the data but I never got hurt," said Galahad.

"Now that's just cheating now," said Rize. Galahad then starts to swing Defender. Rize then uses hyper speed magic to lunge at him quickly and slams his left fist into Galahad's face which leaves a huge dent in his face. Rize then slams his right fist in his face which breaks apart of his mask. Rize then gives him a right jump kick to Galahad's jaw.

"keep trying...." said Galahad who then knowtist he was stumbling from head blows. "I see you trying..." he said before Rize knocks him out with couple of hard strikes to the face. Galahad falls to the ground. Rize sits back on the ground.

"damn his head was hard to break." said Rize.