
Rize and Lizius follow Anya into a field below the Eye of God. There they see John and Judas.

"Where are the others?" asked Lizius. A Magical Screen appears with Cyrus on it.

"They are busy with the Royal Guard still so we are just sending you guys in," said Cyrus on the Screen.

"fine I guess I just want to get out," said Rize. They all get warped into the Eye of God.

They appear in front of the throne room.

"Cyrus?" questioned John. But the screen was gone.

"she is in there," said Rize. They go and enter the throne room.

They walk up and see Juno sitting on the throne.

"welcome humans to my domain," said Juno.

"It's over Queen get me out of here," said Rize.

"Sorry Mr. Alistair but there will be no way out you fell for my trap," said Juno.

"damn she planned for Cyrus to find a way in," said Judas.

"That right I can control the whole ship's network from within here," said Juno. "They might be dealing with security by now."

"well if it's a fight you want," said Rize.

"that won't work anymore," said Juno. All their Esper turn back to their human forms.

"hey I can't transform," said Anna.

"I control this world there is only one thing left you can do and that is surrender," said Juno.

"damn you think you beat me," said Rize with Asmodeus in his right hand. Everyone then warps away but Rize they were in cages on the side.

"shit," said Judas.

"Rize doesn't get hurt," said Anna.

"yeah or I'll kick your ass," said Alexis. Juno then sees Anya right in front of her.

"What?" asked Juno.

"do you think your sons would want this," said Anya.

"my sons...they are gone now," said Juno. Giant wires start to come out the wall and one grabs Anya.

"alright then I guess we are done talking," said Rize. The Wires surround Juno creating armor on her the same as The Royal Guard but the Helmet was of a woman's face and she hold twin blade sword. Rize then runs at her with Asmodeus. Juno uses one of the wires to fling him to the wall. Rize then uses Hyper Speed Magic to lunge at her again.

"That right you learned his magic," said Juno. Rize then feels as if the spell is canceled.

"damn," said Rize. He gets flicked back to the wall but this time he gets pinned to the wall.

"now then," said Juno. wires then surround him and they start to smack him over and some even electrocute him. Rize screams in pain.

"hey get me out of here my little brother I'll erase you bitch!" yelled Judas trying to pull the bars. She then lets Rize go he drops to the floor face first he couldn't move and he looked burnt a bit.

"give up you lost child," said Juno.

"no if you want to take my body then you have to better job of evicting from it," said Rize.

"fine then," said Juno. The Wires come back up and start shocking him again. Rize screams in pain again until he passes out.

He was in a dark room in his mind.

"let me have a go." said A familiar voice.

Juno stopped just to see Rize is gone.

"where did he go," said Judas. Juno looks around but sees a white flash. she then blocks an attack with the twin blade and looks shocked.

"what who that," said John. They all then see Ryza with Asmodeus clashing with Juno

"it can't be," said Juno.

"Been a while, Mother," said Ryza.