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In Neo Gotham, Cyrus was doing his paperwork with John.

"so haven't seen Rize today," said John.

"oh I forgot to mention he left for Dragonland yesterday," said Cyrus.

"what? I didn't know Dragonland allowed humans there," said John.

"humans aren't allowed there so Rize is in a disguise," said Cyrus.

"I see so how much you want to bet he blows it," said John.

"I give it another two days," said Cyrus.

"so why did he go in the first place?" asked John.

"he wants to deliver Azure's Ashes to his family and since Dragonland is in the dark they probably don't know Azure is dead," said Cyrus.

"well Rize is doing the right thing then," said John.

"he even left Anna and Alexis home but he plans to deliver it and leave," said Cyrus.

"hope it goes his way then," said John.

Judas was in a large room looking at shelves of Qliphoth's shirts they sell with Ion.

"man so many shirts we got rich from," said Judas.

"to think splitting into a guild from DHO would do that," said Ion.

"yeah I also have a guy who makes good designs and basically helped him start a shop in town our shirts are his best sellers especially after the whole Order of Rebirth thing happened," said Judas.

"yeah can't beat them either especially if it saves me clothes shopping," said Ion.

"oh yeah I have a least two of each in here," said Judas.

"do you even wear them?" asked Ion.

"no I wear suits and when I am home I wear a lounge outfit Yumi mostly wears them," said Judas.

"figured," said Ion.

Anna and Alexis, we're at the kitchen table doing schoolwork.

"man I hate this," said Alexis getting angry.

"what you stuck on?" asked Anna.

"Everything I hate school," said Alexis. Lydia walks in.

"I hear it but you're almost there then you caught up," said Lydia.

"Why didn't Rize tell us he was going to Dragonland he just left us out," said Alexis.

"well he knew you had schoolwork to catch up on," said Lydia.

"I don't mind we deserve a break too," said Anna.

"I guess that's alright when you put it that way," said Alexis.

Rize was in a forest seeing that it was evening.

"better just set up camp for now," said Rize. Rize gets wood and goes in more away from the path. He sits down at a tree with a fire going as it gets dark.

"if feels it been forever since I camped by myself." He then opens the face plate and grabs the food he has in his bag. He gets out an energy bar he brought.

"these people don't even use phones here they rely on books such a learning experience." Rize gets a photo out of his bag of his family and Azure's Urn.

"This couldn't have happened if you didn't save me Azure this is the least I can do for you I bet even gramps would do this for you if he was still kicking." Rize lays back and falls asleep.