
"what going on?" asked Oboth.

"This is Ultima's Grand Ballroom in here we begin our waltz," said Judas.

"I assume it not for dancing," said Oboth

"not really you see when Yumi was younger she was in the Ballroom dancing and my dad used to take her and me to parties where they did but now she is a young woman who only cares about clothing and shopping," said Judas.

"so, what the point?" asked Oboth.

"I only call it that so it has a bit of our history you see this form is also when an Esper is at true power," said Judas.

"I see," said Oboth who creates a Light Energy Sword. They then lunge at each other and clash. Judas goes for an upward slash and unleashed a blue energy blast that missed Oboth and destroyed nearby buildings.

"damn if he hit with that I would be done right there." thinks Oboth. Oboth then creates a light energy shield.

"you think that will work," said Judas. He puts his left up and grips all the energy sword goes at Oboth attacking him.

"well shit," said Judas. Oboth stands with a barrier surrounding him.

"you're out of tricks now," said Oboth.

"is that what you think now alright I guess we could get more intense," said Judas. Judas then snaps his left finger and all the energy swords come back up but this time they were more in. Judas and Oboth were at arm's length of each other.

"hope you're not claustrophobic," said Judas.

"what going on now?" said Oboth.

"I call This Ultima's Ballroom Tango Performances. The Tango is both an open and closed dance. But let me put it in terms you understand close combat one mistake could be deadly." said Judas.

"I see," said Oboth. They then clash with each other and start cutting each other.

"This might be a bad idea." said Judas. "wait I got one." Judas then gets them to clash again. Oboth then sees Ultima Cadablog emitting blue energy.

"What?" questioned Oboth.

"well, we reach a point where I made a drastic measure I plan to explode all of my Ultima's energy in this small space." Said Judas. "my Swan Song if you call it that."

"Are you crazy? You blow yourself too," said Oboth.

"a small price for victory at least Yumi gets my life insurance when I can kick the can." said Judas. "unless you kill me first before she goes off." Oboth tries to strike at Judas but keeps missing and gets more frustrated. Ultima Cadablog then explodes in energy covering the whole street in a blue flash. Judas stumbles down the road as Oboth was on the ground out cold.

"maybe that was a bit extreme," said Judas. Ultima then transforms into her human form and helps him walk.

"Why? do something that dumb," said Yumi.

"We got the win did we," said Judas laughing.

"I swear I think you're dumber than Rize sometimes," said Yumi. They head to the Sky Palace so Judas can get looked at.