Aegis Genji

"what just like Rize?" questioned Simon in shock.

"Exactly," Issac said. He started to emit a blue aura as started to morph Aegis. Aegis change into a great shield that was gold with silver trim it looked as if it had a face of a woman in the middle of it.

"so, this your beyond master rank?" asked Simon.

"it's called God Rank and this is Aegis Genji it has no other form but this one," said Issac.

"but then why do you say it going to beat me if it has no other form," said Simon.

"come and find out Simon," said Issac. Simon then unleashed a huge gray blast of all magical elements at Issac. When the dust clears Issac stood there with a few marks on him and Aegis Genji was glowing red.

"what?" question Simon looking shocked.

"Aegis Genji protect me but not all shields can protect you but you see I can use Aegis Genji's true ability you see when she absorbs the blast and she will return back but this time tenfold the strength of the original," said Issac. Issac faces Aegis Genji at Simon and releases the full force of his original blast but ten stronger than the original. The dust clears and Simon was on the ground knocked out from the blast.

"The Winner is Issac Alistair of Qliphoth." Said, Announcer. Aegis Genji returns to Master Rank Form and heads back to the Qliphoth dugout.

In the Qliphoth Dugout.

"Great work Issac we only need one win to advance to the next round," said Drazel.

"thank you," said Issac.

"well let's see who fight is next," said Lizius.

They look up to the Big Screen and said "John Ripply Vs. Free Choice."

"go finish this," said Rize.

"of course, I won't let you guys down," said John who walks out to the Arena.

"what nothing to him before he walked out?" asked Judas.

"no why give advice to one who is a genius at battle John has no equal in battle he truly reassembles Joseph," said Drazel.

"what he lost before," said Judas.

"of course, but you know what happens to Joseph when he lost to me I never beat him again after that." said Drazel. "there were only two men that I met in my life that can truly challenge the world and succeed Lord Patrick and Joseph Ripply if these titans clashed would be made the whole world shake in fear."

"man, gramps must have been nuts in his youth," said Judas.

"you can say that," said Drazel laughing.

In the Arena, John walks with Kusanagi in hand. When he sees a man, who had long brown hair in a ponytail, green eyes, and pale skin he carried a katana and wore the same outfit as Surge and Simon. John looks surprised by this.

"well, it's been a while cousin. I see you are part of a guild," said John.

"yes, I have joined one to serve my people." said The Man.

"wow to think we would see this west versus east, John Ripply versus Jonah Ripply." said The Announcer.

In Qliphoth Dugout.

"This should be good," said Rize.

"wait there's a Ripply Family in Marrow?" asked Ion.

"of course, back thousands of years ago when Josuke Ripple was King of both land he gave up the lands to his twin sons who split in half. So, one took Neo Gotham and the other took Marrow so here we have this guy Jonah here is the second line to his brother the King of Marrow, Jake Ripply," said Judas.

"so, what to John's Royal status?" asked Ion.

"hundreds of years back The Gotham Ripplys gave their monarch away and made Gotham into Neo Gotham a democracy and they became nobility instead," said Lizius.

"we use to hang out with them when they were younger too," said Rize.