Fire Circus

On the big screen, it said, "Judas Alistair Versus Pyro Bahamut."

"so, I fight Ifrit's kid." said Judas. "this should be interesting."

"don't underestimate your opponent Judas," said Drazel.

"yeah I got you," said Judas heading out to the arena.

Judas was walking with Ultima in hand but he looked confused. He looks and sees Pyro half of his face is painted white with green eyeliner and around his mouth is blue makeup as he is dressed like a clown.

"What?" asked Judas.

"hello Judas are you ready to entertain these people?" asked Pyro.

"huh? Ain't we fighting?" asked Judas. "and why are you dressing like a clown?"

"I see confused I see. Well as you know I am the Son of Ifrit after he gained control of Dragonland. The Dragons started to fear fire. When I was young people looked at me with disgust knowing my origin and that I would one day become like him a tyrant." said Pyro. "I was on my way but then I was shown a light of a different fire of one so pure. But I couldn't show people how beautiful fire can be as I was the son of Ifrit. So, I dressed like a fool so they see I won't harm them with the same flame as my father and I will show them my flames and how beautiful they can be." Pyro then gets into a showman pose mini flames then appear all over turning into fire flowers. The Crowd starts to look amazed.

"what going on?" asked Judas getting ready.

"Are you ready Judas? I will show you how beautiful my flames are because it is showtime," said Pyro with a smile.

"Alright then let it begin," said Judas.

"start." said The Announcer. Judas then lunges at Pyro and goes for a slash. But as he does Pyro because of flames and into sparklers.

"What?" questioned Judas.

"I'm over here," said Pyro. Judas turns around and is surprised to see five Pyros.

"or maybe I'm here who knowns allow me to introduce you to my will of wisps," said Pyro. One of the Pyros then conjures up a lion made of fire which roars while another makes a ring of fire which the lion uses to Jump through but as it does it becomes a hawk and flies up to the sky and explodes into fireworks.

"wow you got quite the light show." said Judas. "we might be in a pickle here, Yumi."

"here we come." said One of the Pyros. They then lunge at Judas. Judas gets ready for four of the Pyros then jumps on him and explodes into fireworks on him. The Real Pyro stands in the middle juggling balls made of fire. Judas appears with the top of his suit gone.

"well this was custom-made for this Tournament I had to pay a pretty penny for it," said Judas.

"I'm sorry you see my abilities are really made for combat," said Pyro.

"It's fine I feel like I understand your abilities," said Judas.

"shall we continue," said Pyro.