Extra: Judas: The Ghost of Whitewoods Falls

Judas and Yumi arrive at the village of Whitewoods where they head for the Inn and check-in for their room. They look around the room and see how dusty it was.

"Ever heard of housekeeping." said Judas. "and they want my Yumi to rest in here. unacceptable." Judas gets out a clean kit from his bag and starts to clean the room. Yumi sits on a couch in the room after Judas cleans it. after two hours he finished cleaning as it was starting to be evening.

"good job," said Yumi.

"Now I'm going to bed," said Judas. They both get in their own bed and fall asleep. Hours later Judas wakes up when he heard a train whistle. He gets up and sees Yumi is missing from her bed.

"Yumi?" questioned Judas. "damn," he said. He gets up and goes looking for her.

Judas finds himself in front of a strange train.

"what do we have here," said Judas. Judas then sees a door open on the train and he goes in.

Judas gets on the strange train and sees the door close behind him and the train begins to move.

"well I don't have a ticket," said Judas. He then looks and sees the train is full of ghosts sitting down. he then looks around and sees the train car open and he sees Yumi enter.

"There you are I thought I told you to stay in at night," said Judas.

"I woke up here," said Yumi.

"I see then someone kidnapped you and without me knowing or something not alive have done that," said Judas.

They keep looking through the cars to see what they find in cars. They find a room where they find the missing DHO Officers sleeping.

"so, this train is the reason these guys went missing could it be alive," said Judas.

"that can't be a machine," said Yumi.

"Who knows really." said Judas. "it's a guess if anything." Judas goes to one and checks if he still breathing.

"they seem to be under a sleep spell," said Yumi.

"Great work detective Yumi. we nearly solved this mystery," said Judas.

"What kind of demon can do this?" asked Yumi.

"beats me but it got to be tough it's good thing dad sent a Celestial Knight to handle this," said Judas. Judas and Yumi keep walking through the cars till they reach the one where it was empty but a suit of rusty armor on a single wooden chair.

"Well, what do we have here," said Judas.

"a suit of armor," asked Yumi. They watch the suit of armor get up and grab a sword out of his helmet.

"well Yumi it's time we dance," said Judas. Yumi then transforms into her great sword form.

"Who dares come to here." said a voice in the room.

"Judas Alistair, I'm here to take you out," said Judas.

"I see another Demon Hunter you will fall here." said The Voice.

"I already figured it out you're not the creature not in front but the train itself." said Judas. "this guy here is just a guard so no one stops you."

"your very smart for a human but this is far as you go…" said The Voice before Judas then slashes a blue blast at the knight destroying it in one blast.

"come on that small fry had nothing on me," said Judas.

"I see then I guess I have no choice then." said The Voice.