Ch.6 The mission

Angelo ran to the place they called "The Office" but it was just another tunnel of the HQ in the tunnel system of the rebel cell number 354, 345th or they called it cell CED.

As he got there Angelo knocked at the wall and looked inside to see if the leader of CED was inside but Hans Meyer wasn't in. Angelo wanted to look where their leader was but before he could someone ask from behind "Do you look for me?". The person asking was the leader of CED even through he did not look like it.

He was maybe in his mid thirties, blond, no beard growth in general, 1.6 meters high and at all small build but even through he looked like a 14 year old, Hans was the most respected person in the whole cell, even the leaders of the HQ respected him and that was rare because he only held the rank of captain.

Angelo answered immediately "Yes we got our supply's. With them two letters came in too. First of all, i think that was your plotting, Matheo will get a mentor for his magic." "Really that is great!" Everyone nearby could see how happy he became in an instant. As fast as the smile appeared on his face it vanished again and he said. "But i believe that you wouldn't just come here just to tell me that, so what's with the other letter?" "Well i have no idea because i am not allowed to look inside but i think that those could be new orders ." Angelo explained

Angelo gave him the letter and Hans knew instantly that Angelo's guess was right. The design of five black circles intertwined in each other and a small blue point in the middle of each Ring was just used for important letters only meant for the eyes of the commanding officer of the respective cell.

"Ok i gonna look into it. Would you mind waiting here while i read this in the office? I am sure that i need you after that for the preparation of a mission briefing." Hans asked. "No problem. take your time i gonna wait here." was Angelo's response.

Hans went into the "Office" and closed the door after that he looked if he really was alone. After this short check he opened the letter. It was also encrypted with the higher officers code that normally just the Colonel's knew but the higher ups knew that Hans cracked this code after they took a bet if he could crack it or not, Hans won. Since then they used the higher code with the important messages for the 354th.

After he decrypted the letter he was surprised with the contents of the text. It explained a mission into one of the most protected parts of rainburg. The rebels had to steal a new kind of weapon. As for the information Hans got about this new weapon it had the name of SR short for smart rifle and he got the information that it could be transported by one person but there weren't any other information regarding the Weapon.

He had to build a group for in two weeks to do this raid and they had to be great because they had to steal it out off the lab of the recently deceased professor Schmidt and the rebel couldn't be sure when the Governor would take it all out but there was one bright site, according tot he information's in the message Schmidt was brilliant but also paranoid so even if the Governor and his troops would be there, they would still have a chance that they haven't found the SR or maybe that they didn't even knew about it but there was one big problem about this mission they needed at least another person speaking the Larunan and Dominion language and this person would have to have a clean record and they did not have somebody like that at the moment.

Inside of the envelope was a small marking that was strange for Hans but he had no time for that he had to plan an operation.

After he thought about it he went to the door opened it, informed Angelo about most part's of the order and asked him if he would know somebody like that. The only answer he got was "We would have to search someone like that."