Ch.13 An ancient evil

In a bunker nearby Hauptstadt, the capital of the Dominion, some important people held a meeting. The room was barely lit and because of that no one could see the faces of the others. There were ten big seats around a big table, those seats had big numbers on the backrests, and around fifty smaller seats without a number behind them. The eight of the big ten were filled. The smaller seats behind were left empty as well as the Big seats with the number one and number four. The first one to talk was number nine.

"I summoned this meeting because in one of our excavation sites we found an old bronze tablet." Number seven was furious "Do I understand you correctly, that you summoned all of us just because you found a piece of old metal?!? You should know just to call us together if it's important."

"This tablet is of high importance because those who made it were the old ones and because they wrote a warning on it." The other seven council members went silent and anxious because of this.

"Nine are you sure that it is authentic?" Two asked "Yes I am afraid that it is very real and I think we should take the warning seriously because the most prophecies of the old ones became true."

Impatiently number seven interrupted him again "But what is the warning abouaaah". The room was shocked especially number seven "I like to chat with people but he wants to give us some information we are going to need so dos anyone else wants to disturb?" Number three asked with the taser still pointing at seven. Looking around no one tried to disturb so he said "Well it looks like you can tell us what the warning is about."

"Thank you. Where was I, ah yes the warning is from the old ones and regarding an old enemy they had. They called it 'De monstro sanguinis in forma humana'. As far as we know it is another species that is similar to humans by look but if I decrypted the tablet correctly than there are some big differences. But before I tell you about them I gonna name them Vampires because De monstro sanguinis in forma humana is just too long. First things first they feed on blood."

Five looked like he wanted to ask if he misheard him but looking at three with the taser ready he kept quiet.

"Those creatures are born hunters and seducers, they are faster, stronger and even more beautiful and charming than us humans. We have no information regarding how much and how often they have to 'eat'. The tablet also describes their non-human features, they have red eyes and fangs. They are also described as pale and they fear the sun."

Everyone listened carefully because those 'Vampires' sounded powerful and they all valuated if they would try to befriend them or if they would try to exterminate them.

"Furthermore, they are described as aggressive and cunning. My question is what are we doing against those creatures?" Nine said

"Why should we do something against those 'vampos' or however you call them we can use those creatures. If we can win them for our cause then they are lucky and if not we can use them as example why we are the good people but for that we would need them to grow stronger. And we have no idea when they would appear maybe they come back tomorrow or maybe in 2000 years. Since we don't know when and where they appear and we could use them in a strong position as enemies or as allied we shouldn't do anything about them." said Five

Four of the seven other agreed. Those who disagreed were Nine and Two. Number Seven didn't choose a side because he just started regaining his consciousness.

"You would let a blood sucking monster, we know almost nothing about, run freely in this country just because you think that you could gain an advantage out of it?" Nine asked outraged. "Calm down Nine you are quite new and should not make any enemies among us, but I agree we have to learn more about those 'Vampires', I like the name by the way, before we make plans with or against them because I think they could be a great asset and or ally. Nine do you think you could find out more about them in this excavation site?" Two asked.

Noticing that he was alone with his high moral thoughts Nine said "I don't know if there will be any more information at that place but I will try my best. If I don't find anything there then I would have to look in our archive but we would need to vote if i get permission to do that."

"Okay lets make that a fast one my dinner is ready and i am hungry." Said Three "Everyone who is approving that Nine get's the permission to access the archive press the green button and everyone who is against it press the red button." noticing that they all had some meetings together already he added "Why am i explaining that shit to you? You all know how it works."

The counter showed seven votes for Nine to be allowed that he can look into the archive and one against it. "Well that was fast and without discussion. Are there any other questions?" looking around no one wanted to say something so Two said "I declare this meeting is over." And with that everyone went out through different tunnels. The only people who stayed a little longer were Two and Nine.

"Before you say something I know what you want to say, we are cold hearted assholes and yes we risk that people die because of our plans but our plans keep the empire in one piece. Keep in mind what we showed you. Without us the territory of the Dominion would fight them self. We save more lives than we risk. Do you understand that." Two said.

Nine answered quite nervous "Yes ok I think I understand it, but I hope I will never risk someones live." but since Two had an important meeting in Hauptstadt they said good by