The High Roller, Ch01: The Chosen One

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by Beans, Malcolm Tent, Mike God of Lore, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain, Priapus

The Guild of Gamers: The High Roller

Chapter 01: The Chosen One

Spending my credits as fast as possible, I glance over to the TV, where the news reporter is talking about a particularly audacious heist, the dashing rogue getting away with millions with a small smile. Even as I glance at the door, expecting the police to arrive at any moment, I give myself a pat on the back for a brilliantly executed operation.

Getting all that money turned into digital currency wasn't easy and cost me no small amount of my haul, but it will all be worth it just as soon as the Gacha gives me what I need, for I know the secret.

The Guild is real, and they are using the Gacha to recruit new members. I know I'm right; I've seen the signs. Recently, both a university student and the heir of some multi-million dollar business disappeared without a trace, with only one thing seemingly connecting them: they both played the hell out of this game, the heir having spent tens of thousands on Gacha pulls and the student being one of the top players before his disappearance, even skipping class on occasion to play more. Both had the game open at the time of their disappearance, both showing a pull the devs claim was just a rare visual bug.

They were taken by the Guild, I know it. Okay, yes, this revelation came to me while I was off my meds, but those are just placebos at best, or more likely drugs made to hinder my mental faculties. My mind has never been clearer than after I flushed them away, and I knew what I had to do.

The Gacha is the key, the key to a new world, to true power! 

For that, I needed funds, which I now have. 

The police will find me soon, agents of this failed government, but as long as I draw what I need first, it won't matter. I will leave this corrupt, decaying world behind until I have the power to achieve my ambitions, no, my destiny!

Pulling again and again, I spend hundreds of thousands in mere minutes as I watch all the Guild members get added to my collection, but as much as I admire my future senior fellow Guild members, they aren't what I'm here for. 

Again and again, I blow through my stolen millions, maxing out every character and item as I just keep pulling; certain that destiny awaits me, and then it happens.

A single blank card with a golden, glowing border appears as my heart starts to pound, the same 'visual glitch' that both Arthur and Seth had on their screens.

Do you like Gacha?

I am indifferent to Gacha, it is but a means to a glorious end.

Do you enjoy your life?

Of course not; nobody could truly enjoy their life in this decrepit dying world. 

Do you like your world?

No, this world has failed, its leadership is a mixture of incompetent and corrupt in equal measure. Our world is dying because of the short-sided idiocy of our so-called leaders; it needs a saviour. 

It needs me.

And for that, I need the power granted by the almighty Guild. 

Would you like to leave this world for a more interesting one?

Yes, though, I will return and save this world in time. I must. But the truth is clear to me: there are so many worlds out there, and so many of them are even worse off than this one. I have a lot of work to do.

May you live in interesting times.

As I am pulled into the screen, I can't help but laugh boisterously, and they said I was crazy!

Gacha System V3 Online.

You have been granted three pulls, which are guaranteed to be uncommon or higher.

All pulls will be drawn from a much smaller selection of items and will be far more likely to synergise to increase your chances of survival in the early game.

But I always knew the truth, that I was destined to rule. 

I have studied the history of the world carefully and came to a simple realisation. Freedom is a dangerous illusion, one that is the source of so many of the world's problems. Democracy has failed; the only way for a world to truly thrive is under the benevolent tyranny of one person. 


The people of the world will thrive under me, freed from the unpleasantness of choice, with a single mind directing the world.

And who better than me, the heir of the True British Empire? Not one of those German frauds who claim to be royalty; they are nothing but puppets placed as figureheads during the fall of the Empire after the true royalty was seemingly wiped out, our enemies not realising that one of them had escaped, my ancestor.

I know this to be true. Okay, fine, my DNA test said I wasn't related to royalty in any way, but they lied! They were probably in league with my 'therapist', hoping to prevent me from reclaiming my throne. 

Yes, I will rebuild the fallen empire of my ancestors and go even further beyond, rising to the position of God-King, benevolently guiding a million worlds. Such has always been my destiny, and with the Guild backing me, I will finally have the power to achieve my goal.

Rolling Three Rolls

Results: Epic Power, Uncommon Power, Legendary Power

[Babel] - Epic

The user has a Shaker ability with a city-wide effect, capable of causing a sudden and severe loss of comprehension among those in its range. Those affected find themselves unable to make sense of the things around them, whether it be the language spoken by others or the written words on a page. It can be used individually on a single or select few targets or unleashed on everyone but those you exclude within the range.

[Free from Sustenance] - Uncommon

You no longer need to eat or drink to survive.

[Power Scramble] - Legendary 

You can swap the expression of powers to any Parahuman with a touch. They will possess the same Shard but have an alternate version of what they could be; for instance, a shaker power could be turned into a related tinker power. You cannot choose what the power gets changed into, and once a Cape's power is changed, it cannot be scrambled again for one week. This works on non-Worm powers in a similar way. This power lasts indefinitely, but you cannot have more than five capes scrambled at a time. 

It may not have given me any personal combat power, but such is the whimsical nature of the Gacha. Already, my mind swims with ideas, how to use my new powers to sow discord amongst the agents of The Man in whatever world I find myself in. 

You can gain extra pulls by rolling a Curse; these pulls are guaranteed to be at least Uncommon. The amount of pulls gained will depend upon the severity of the curse rolled.

Aha, I can take a little risk to gain a reward? Naturally, I will do so. One can not succeed in life by being cautious; you must grasp every opportunity that comes your way. Besides, any rolls gained now will be Uncommon at the minimum and that makes them more valuable than future rolls once I arrive in my future kingdom.

In the game, you could roll Curses, and they gave you pity points and nothing else. I see no reason to believe that things will be different now that I am here in person; no, it is most likely that pity points still exist.

I will likely roll curses in the future, but right now, I can guarantee at least one roll for each curse. In the future, they'll simply grant me pity points that are less valuable. I do not fear curses; they are merely speed bumps that I will drive over with a smile!

Give me three curses, almighty system. I am ready.

Rolling. Results: Two Minor Curses, One Major Curse. Four Rolls Granted.

Ah, so a Major curse is worth two? 

[Curse of the Breathlessness] - Minor

You cannot hold your breath for more than two seconds.

[Curse of Fascination] - Minor

You are easily fascinated by the arts and will become enraptured by dancing, singing or other arts, leaving you unwilling to leave or do anything else until the performance is complete.

[Curse of Obsession] - Major

You will grow obsessed with something or someone, and fate itself will make claiming this thing through normal means far more difficult than usual.

Fascination and Obsession? I can only hope that the fates do not decree that I become obsessed with something that would trigger my fascination. That could be troublesome, but even still, I do not regret my choice.

Regret is for lesser men.

Now, my glittering prizes.

Rolling. Result: Uncommon Astral Plane, Uncommon Artefact, Uncommon Knowledge, Uncommon Summon

All uncommon rolls? How quickly luck abandoned me, but such is the will of the gacha, whimsical as it is.

Uncommon Astral

[Building: Mansion]

You have gained a modern mansion within your astral plane, equipped with all the amenities for you to live a life of comfort. It has internet access and a signal to whichever world you are in as long as that world has that level of tech.

It is no royal castle, but it is good to know I will not be living on the streets. 

Uncommon Artefact

[Decanter of Endless Water] 

This stoppered flask has an infinite amount of water within it, and once unstoppered, you can decide how fast the water should pour out of it from a gentle stream to a forceful geyser.

An infinite source of water? It does not take a genius to find a use for such a powerful item. Yes, I can use this.

Uncommon Knowledge

[Singing Mastery: Adept] 

You are a natural singer with the equivalent knowledge of someone who has dedicated a decade to this art. 

Every good ruler should have a good voice, all the better to give out my royal decrees. 

Uncommon Summon

[Cat: Lion]

Ah, the king of the jungle to stand alongside the king of all? Truly, the Gacha understands my needs.

And yet, despite the worthy fare, I have found myself still lacking the power I truly need. I do not know how dangerous the land I will be arriving in will be, and it won't do for me to get eaten the moment I arrive because the ability to scramble someone's powers and communications can't help against some great predator that roams the land.

So, once more, I require curses to pave the way for my grand ambition. Three more, if you would be so kind.

Rolling. Result: Minor Curse, Major Curse, Ultimate Curse. Six Rolls Granted.

Ah, there it is. The ultimate curses; in the forums for the computer game, I saw some people whining that these could make your entire account borderline unplayable. Weaklings, not seeing the opportunity that the curses represent! Such is the way of the weak, whining at every challenge. It is what separates them from those deserving of power and greatness.

[Curse of Dulled Senses: Taste] - Minor

Do you truly need five senses? This curse will massively dull one of your senses, chosen at random. 

[Curse of Mana Leak] - Major

Your spells now leak mana when cast, making their casting highly inefficient. All spells cost twice as much mana to cast.

[The Apocalypse] - Ultimate

The world you are inhabiting will experience an apocalyptic event within the next six months. This could range from demonic or alien invasions, natural disasters on a global scale, zombies or any other world-ending threat. It cannot be stopped, however, once started, you could minimise the damage if you are prepared enough.

I have no spells, and I can do without my sense of taste. That said…

This is wonderful.

In the world of a man with little fingers or something like that, chaos is a ladder. How better to build my new world than to use the impending destruction of the world as my foundation? This is no curse but an opportunity that I will happily grasp. I merely need to ensure I do not fall into this world-ending threat myself.

Rolling. Results: One Uncommon Perk, One Uncommon Magic Tome, One Uncommon Power, One Rare Power, One Legendary Power, One Mythical Power.

I was starting to get worried at my inability to roll above Uncommon, but the final result makes me grin wildly. The Gacha is on my side, for now at least.

Uncommon Perk


You are in great condition for your species, in great shape in every way that matters. You are as strong as a lifelong bodybuilder and as fast as a professional runner; your senses are great for your species, and you have no inherent physical flaws.

Ah, I was already in wonderful shape, but I won't refuse a perk that helps keep me in that condition. A healthy body is a healthy mind, or so I've been told.

Uncommon Tome

[Tome of Cryomancy (Shadow School)]

My curse makes this less appealing, but even still, the power over Ice is not something I will refuse. 

Uncommon Power

[Tinker Speciality: Communication] 

You have a tinker specialisation in building all manner of communication devices.

An undeniably powerful ability; I can think of many plans that would take advantage of having access to incredibly high-tech communication devices, helping me spread my word to the world. Yes, I can work with this.

Rare Power

[Peace Zone] 

You are able to create a field around yourself that causes anyone trapped within it to quickly lose all aggression, unable to take actions that would harm another person. This effect fades if you make any aggressive actions or they take damage from outside of the Peace Zone.

Ah, another way to defend myself from the aggressions of those who do not understand my lofty ambitions. Much appreciated, but now for the grand prizes.

Legendary Power


Once per day, you can make a clone of yourself, which is mindless and entirely obedient to your will. These clones have your powers (though reduced in effectiveness), and you can never have more than five at a time. You can control any clone mentally, becoming a hivemind. If you are killed, and a clone still exists, the clone will become the true you.

How fascinating and useful. Six sets of hands are far more useful than one, and as long as I keep one of my clones safe, then I can avoid death itself. Yes, I can work with this.

Mythical Power

[King Maker]

You can grant copies of any perks and powers you have access to. These copies cannot be stronger than Epic in power, any Legendary, Mythical or Divine perks or powers will be reduced to Epic.

Hm, I am the King I want to make, but I suppose the ability to empower my minions will only help in the long run. Yes, I can work with this most assuredly.

But I do believe that I have rolled quite enough; let's not overdo it. One ultimate curse is enough for me, thank you very much.

So, onwards to my new kingdom! My future subjects await.

Required Perk Added.

[Blank] - Legendary

This power protects you from Master and Thinker powers, including precognitive ones, making you essentially invisible to their powers.

My vision blurs, and when it clears, I find myself standing in my mansion. I suppose that's as good a place as any to begin, the knowledge of how to use my numerous powers entering my mind as I smile to myself.

I can open a portal to… ah, Brockton Bay. Well, I did say there were worlds worse than mine, and I do believe my system decided to prove just how right I was. Worm is the perfect example of a world that will benefit greatly from my divine rule. Earth Bet is the very definition of a dying world, from what little I know of Worm.

I'm vaguely familiar with it, but I can't say I'm an expert on anything beyond the basics. What I do know is that everything is terrible. Honestly, the impending apocalypse is probably an improvement over living in such a doomed world.

But they need not fear, for their saviour has arrived. This world will be the ultimate test of my ambitions because if I can turn Earth Bet into the utopia I envision, then I can save any world from its suffering. 

Yes, this will do perfectly.

Immediately using Replication, I look into the lifeless eyes of my clone with a smile on my face. I am a handsome devil, aren't I? Well, it's only natural, I think as I stroke my light-brown beard, given my fantastic lineage. Good looks are expected.

Plus, I've spent a lot of time maintaining my fantastic beard and slightly curled moustache; good facial hair is the measure of a man. A man who cannot grow a proper beard is not a real man. My new perk has taken my already fine physique to the next level, and thankfully, my mansion comes with a large wardrobe, which I move to and search through the many styles to find one that fits me.

First impressions are important, after all. 

I settle for a white shirt with a bronze-coloured tailored waistcoat and tie to match my eyes. A gentleman must be suitably dressed, after all. I'll need an overcoat; the weather is entirely too cold for me to be running around without one, black should do. 

Oh, and a top hat. Obviously.

As for my 'mask'...

I'll go with none at all; I will not hide away like some coward. I shall proudly bear my face to the world, not hide behind some flimsy 'cape identity'. 

Nodding to myself in the mirror, I give my first royal order to my clone and open the portal to Brockton Bay, setting out into the city that will be the start of my empire. It must be such an honour to have me begin my immense kingdom with their decrepit little city.

Now, to announce my presence.

Babel did say it was city-wide, right?

– Emily Piggot –

She really hated new triggers.

What else could this be? As she watched the entirety of the PRT devolve into panicked gibberish, not a single word making sense to her as some new cape power muddled her mind, she tried to send off a warning that this branch was potentially compromised by a master.

It wasn't helped by the fact that every word on her computer was now equally gibberish, and Dragon appeared on her screen. Unfortunately, she couldn't understand the tinker, and from her expression, Dragon could not understand her either. 

Still, the fact that something had gone terribly wrong had been passed on, Dragon's access to their systems showing that everyone in the Rig was suffering the same fate as her. Wouldn't that be fun? How exactly were they supposed to put an entire branch into Master-Stranger containment?

Turning on the news, she watched with increasing anger as the nonsensical reports made something clear. It wasn't the Rig; it was the entirety of Brockton Bay that had been caught in this new effect from the panicked gibberish of the reporter showing shots of chaos across the city.

Several hours after it began, the words she heard started to make sense once more, and she was left looking over a city that had spent hours tearing itself apart, leaving her in a foul mood even as a call from Costa-Brown came through.

– Sebastian Fairfax –

This city is a powder keg, and unlike the cowardly and corrupt fools of the PRT, I understand the truth. The status quo is just a slow descent into anarchy; they cannot save the city with their passive approach, allowing all manner of scum to get dug in.

My reasoning for using Babel immediately? I want to shake the city up and see what happens. Also, it was funny. Both are equally valid reasons.

But as the city was going mad, one group was mostly unaffected. 

Because the Merchants are too high and disorganised for me to make them any more disorganised by removing their ability to communicate. 

"Who the fuck are you? You think you can just wander into my home, you cock-munching shitcunt?" Skidmark politely asks as I wander into his home, gun in hand, as he glares at me. My, he is poorly dressed for a leader.

The only reason he hasn't shot me is because I have Peace Zone up, but I'm not sure he's noticed yet. Finding the Merchants wasn't particularly difficult; they hold constant drug-fuelled parties/orgies, so it only took a little research from my clone to direct me this way.

"Hello, you are Skidmark, are you not? My name is Sebastian, and I've come to offer you an opportunity," I say with a wide smile, uncaring of the hostile attention of the ruffians surrounding me.

"The fuck kind of poncy name is Sebastian?" Skidmark spits, my smile unmoving. I won't be taking naming advice from Skidmark anytime soon. "And yeah, I'm Skidmark. What the fuck do you want? You some rich fuck wanting to get high?"

"No, I'm here to offer you something far more valuable than drugs. I am a Cape of considerable power, and I've come to offer you a way to gain an advantage on the rival gangs," I say cheerfully, making him blink as he looks me over.

"A Cape? You think I'm fucking stupid? Where's your mask?" Skidmark asks, making me chuckle.

"Where's yours? I don't believe in this ridiculous mask culture, but I can prove my powers easily enough. I am a Trump, able to grant powers to other people, both capes and regular civilians. I am offering you a chance to see your entire gang empowered," I explain, seeing him pause.

"And why would you do that? What's in it for you?" Skidmarks, sharing a glance with a rather buxom blonde.

"I wish to see the status quo of Brockton thoroughly shaken, and out of the many gangs of Brockton, I find yours the least distasteful. The PRT are the very symbol of what I wish to take down, the Empire are nazis, which I find distasteful, and Lung does not strike me as a reasonable person either. As such, I've picked you. As for what I want from you? I wish for you to take my power and use it to inconvenience the other factions of the city," I explain with a flourish, making Skidmark lean back.

"And what can you do?" Skidmark asks, considering my words.

Instead of answering, I simply reach out and touch a Merchant who was getting into my personal space in a vain attempt to intimidate me. Instantly, I use King Maker to grant him Conditioned, the thin, reedy man bulking up before all their eyes.

"I can grant every member of your gang bodies on par with Olympic athletes, for a start," I say with a smile, seeing the man stumble back in shock.

He's grown a few inches, and his ragged clothes barely fit his now-muscular frame; I'm fairly certain it cleared him of the diseases ravaging his body as well, for good measure.

"What's the catch?" Skidmark asks, even as he fails to hide his interest.

"In this case, there truly is no catch. Should you want to wait and see if there are side-effects, I can leave you my number and return when our friend here has proven me true to my word. I have no quarrel with you; your empowerment will make things difficult for the PRT, and that alone is enough of a payment for me," I say cheerfully.

The Merchants are just the product of the failings of the government, so I am truthful in my words. I will see them gone in time, but not out of malice.

"Heh, got a bone to pick with those PRT cunts? I don't blame you," Skidmark laughs, leaning back before he nods to the blonde. "Tits, go get some of his magic touch. I wanna see what it does to a Cape."

"Fuck you, Skiddy," 'Tits' replies even as she moves forward, accepting my touch as we watch her drug-ravaged body repair itself, her skimpy clothing doing nothing to hide her physique as she takes on decidedly Amazonian traits. "Holy fuck. Skiddy, you gotta try this. Maybe it'll even make your limp dick bigger."

"I don't need no fancy cunts touch to have the biggest dick around, you fucking whore. Maybe if you'd stop with those goddamn horse dildos, you'd actually be able to feel something down there," Skidmark shoots back, glaring at her. "Oi, Mush. Your turn."

A strange pink goblin thing stumbles forward, making me pause as I look him over. What an odd fellow.

Ah well, one more touch has him looking far more respectable, even if there is still something oddly goblinoid about his appearance. His pot belly retreats and is quickly replaced with toned abs, thin, reedy arms growing muscular, and his hairline ceases its retreat as a full head of hair grows back.

"Fuck, it even made Mush hot?" the woman, I assume is Squealer, says, making Mush preen as he looks himself over.

Skidmark can't hide his astonishment, staring at Mush and Squealer with undisguised interest.

"Fuck it, oi shitstain. My turn," Skidmark demands, but I don't let his language upset me. He's obviously a product of low education and poor upbringing. My goals are to make sure the children of the next generation do not become Skidmarks themselves; I don't hold his poor attitude against him.

Touching him, I watch as his blackened and rotting teeth return to pearly whites, the odd man bulking up himself. His followers watch in awe as their leader grows into a man who actually looks like he deserves leadership. 

"Do I have your attention, Skidmark?" I ask confidently, making him turn to me with eyes no longer clouded by the drugs. "Because this is merely the first gift I offer, how would you like the ability to effectively more than double your membership?"

His eyes widen at my words, watching as I offer him a hand.

His gang cheers as he takes it, and I pass on a copy of Replication to him. Weakened as it is, he immediately uses it to create a second Skidmark, much to his gang's awe (and Squealer's excitement).

Weakened as it is, it lacks the ability to be used as a hivemind, nor will his consciousness move over if the true body dies. He can also only make two clones, not five.

"Now, shall we begin to spread my gifts through your fellows?" I ask, giving him a wide smile.

He returns it, pearly white teeth glinting as we turn to his gathered gang members. 

– Later –

Skidmark considered kidnapping me, but I can remove all my gifts with but a thought, and there is an intelligent mind behind those eyes. He knew I wouldn't have come to him without a way to escape; perhaps if the drugs still clouded him, he would have tried, but he let me go in peace.

He did offer me a chance to stay for the party that quickly broke out, but I declined this time. I still have much work to do, after all. 

While I was busy, the tutorials for removing curses and upgrading powers both came up, explaining that I could take quests to remove my curses or upgrade my powers. I plan to remove all my flaws, of course; a King cannot have these curses holding him back forever.

But I am more interested in upgrading my powers at the moment and chose Replication as my first power to upgrade. 

The options for upgrades were interesting. One simply increased the number of clones I could make, one removed the cooldown so I could summon all five instantly, and finally, it offered me the option to make my clones no longer entirely mindless.

They'd still be subservient to me, but they'd be capable of independent thinking, which could be interesting; who could I ever trust more than myself after all? But I decided it was more important to increase the numbers first.

[Replication Upgrade Quest]

Objective: Have your clones win ten battles without any direct input from you. (0/10)

Objective: Have your clones earn you three Gacha pulls without any direct input from you. (0/3)

Reward: Replication Clone Limit Increased

As for why I was in such a hurry to leave, I have something very important to take care of before I can truly start my quest here in the Bay. There's a certain someone who I find distasteful, and I want gone.

And my clone was able to track down where he lived. I know the Unwritten Rules say not to kill or attack people in their civilian identities but I find myself uncaring of their rules made to maintain this failing status quo.

Besides, if anyone deserves what I have planned, it is this particularly unfortunate fellow.

– Thomas Calvert (Coil) –

Waking up, he immediately split the timeline. He was in his civilian identity's house, his wife next to him in bed, but he felt something was wrong as one of his timelines immediately snapped closed.

As he looked around, He had a great many questions, but perhaps the most important of all was this…

Why the fuck was there a lion in his bedroom?

As it pounced, he barely had a chance to reach for his hidden gun or even let out a scream of terror as its massive fangs tore into his skin, tearing out his throat in a single savage bite. Disbelief and horror flooded his mind, even over the pain; this couldn't be how his plans came to an end.

His wife woke up, screaming at the gory sight beside her, and as he was mauled, he barely noticed the well-dressed man watching the scene from the doorway, a proud smile on his face. 

– Sebastian Fairfax –

Feat Achieved: Defeat Coil, three rolls granted.

I had worried that this might be a body double, but the moment I realised where I was, I had already decided to kill this pretender to the throne. His little simulations wouldn't help here. 

Do you know the fun part of being a Communications Tinker? There's not a comms system in the world that can keep you out, and my clone was busy back home. After the Babel pandemonium, he got a message from his mercenary captain warning him that the base was compromised during the Babel attack, before he lost contact altogether.

He'd been at the PRT building himself and decided to go home for the night instead of going to the base today. From there, it was easy enough. All I had to do was open my Astral portal inside his house (I can only make the portal in places I've been, but from outside his house, I could see his living room through the open curtains, which was good enough) and summon my beloved pet to handle the rest. 

Ah, shame about the wife. She was probably mostly innocent despite who she was married to, but you can't make an omelette without feeding some people to a lion. 

"In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight~" I sing cheerfully as I leave the scene, my pet following behind, well-sated from his two-course meal, the main dish being an overly ambitious snake.