The Blessed, Ch01: Terms and Conditions Apply

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain, TheDonFluffles, Malcolm Tent and Mike, God of Lore 

The Guild of Gamers: The Blessed

Chapter 01: Terms and Conditions Apply

Life is all about ups and down, I learnt that real quick.

The up, I was born into a wealthy family. I'll never have to work a day in my life if I don't want to.

Which is great, because the downside is that I got hit by a truck and now my legs don't work. 

That was nearly a decade ago, and the accident took both my parents out. I survived, barely. I wasn't really old enough to remember it fully, even my parents' faces and voices are vague and blurry in my memories.

Fortunately, my very rich grandfather took me into his fancy estate, made sure I was homeschooled because he didn't want me to go outside anymore. There's the up, and the down? He died a couple of years ago, old age is a bitch, leaving me alone in this ancient house.

My manor isn't in a town, but fortunately I can get groceries delivered. 

Grandpa made arrangements for me to get an assistant to help take care of myself once he was gone, given my wheelchair-bound state, but I kinda… never followed through with them.

Maybe it's a dumb pride thing, making things harder for myself, but I can take care of myself. 

I do have a groundskeeper, obviously. There's a limit to what I can actually do by myself, and handling a massive garden in a wheelchair isn't exactly manageable.

I'm pretty sure I have a reputation as that weird rich guy who lives outside of town, but that's alright.

So, downside? I'm a cripple, living alone in the middle of nowhere. Plus side? I'm loaded and have nothing but free time.

So, what's a guy to do with all that free time? 

Games, movies, shows, anything to pass the time and amuse myself. Thankfully, the age of the internet means I have plenty of ways to entertain myself even without leaving the estate.

Don't worry, I do. in fact. touch grass, in the (very large) garden but I get out all the same, it's just too much effort to go into town.

It was my gaming hobby that got me into this mess, because while the new Gacha game was undeniably fun to play (yes I'm a whale shut up), it would have been nice if it came with a disclaimer.

Maybe something along the lines of 'may kidnap you and pull you into a different dimension'.

Gacha System online.

You have been granted three pulls, which are guaranteed to be uncommon or higher. All pulls will be drawn from a much smaller selection of items, and will be far more likely to synergise to increase the chance of you gaining the power needed to survive.

So, to catch up.

Played a game, got pulled into my monitor, floating in a void with words appearing in my head.

Note: due to the unforeseen success of Gacha System User: Sett, the duplicated system has been modified for balance.

User: Arthur has been chosen to test the modified system. 

That's me, Arthur. Woo, I'm a beta tester. Let's hope this thing works better than some of the early access games I've played.

I should be panicking, in fact, I'm pretty sure this 'system' is stopping me from panicking.

I get the idea, the Guild of Gamers had an explanation on systems, each one designed for a different purpose, making the user grow if they act accordingly to the system.

The Supervillain gets stronger by playing the villain, the Archmage grows by learning and casting magic, etcetera.

The idea of a Gacha system is fairly simple to understand but also rather worrying, it implies a certain randomness that I find disconcerting.

The Gacha gods can be cruel after all. 

Though apparently I'm not the first to get this system, and my predecessor apparently did so well that they changed the odds. Now I'm suffering from his success.

The implication that the Guild itself is real makes me panic. From the "game"'s lore, they aren't exactly the nicest guys around, but I calm myself down and focus. 

Either one of two things is happening. 

Either I've gone completely barmy, or this is actually happening.

Either way, I only see one way forward, by playing along.

If I'm crazy, there's no harm in it, and if I'm not crazy then not playing along could incur the wrath of whichever founder created this system. 

Rolling Three Rolls

Result: Uncommon Magic Tome, Uncommon Perk, Uncommon Power


You can teleport to anything within your line of sight, with limited range.

[Immune Response]

You are resistant to all forms of poison, heat, electricity, and acid. You are totally immune to all forms of sickness and radiation.

[Tome of Warding (Astral School)]

Perhaps I'm not insane because I can feel the knowledge of how to blink enter my mind, a sort of short-ranged teleportation.

I can't feel the change from Immune Response, but resistance to a bunch of forms of damage is never going to be a bad thing.

The Tome is strange, because it doesn't give me power immediately like the others, but the method of learning to wield power, a magical grimoire on magic based around protecting people and punishing attackers.

You can gain extra pulls by rolling a Curse, these pulls will also be at least uncommon and drawn from the same selection. The amount of pulls will depend upon the severity of the curse.

I don't know where I'm going, I remember enough about the Guild lore to know that people given systems are tossed into different worlds, but I could end up anywhere.

So, logically speaking, I should gather as much power as I can considering I don't know where I'm going or how dangerous it's going to be.

I have the knowledge of how the system works in my head, and guaranteed Uncommons are pretty good…

It avoids the Junk and Common categories, and there's always a chance I'll roll a Curse anyway once I get out of this tutorial mode.

So, take a guaranteed curse to get more rolls, before I arrive in an unknown place, which could range from completely safe to hellish death world.

Sure, the Curse could also be a problem, but I think it's worth it from a purely logical standpoint. I don't know the odds of a rolling curse is but I'd rather take a curse and an uncommon pull or higher.

Plus, what's life without a little risk? Boring that's what, and trust me I know a thing or two about boring lives. 

Besides, I'm still a cripple, just a teleporting one. From a practical standpoint, I'll take the risk to try and get some way of fixing my spine. I'm kinda fucked if I end up in some ye olde fantasy world without a pair of working legs.

Minor Curse Rolled

[Worst Day Ever]

Your first day in your new world will be particularly difficult, with threats and inconveniences alike appearing to make things worse for you.

Okay, that's not particularly good but it's a temporary issue, one day of issues for another roll is worth it to me.


Result: Uncommon Power

[Telekinesis - Minor]

You have the power of telekinesis, able to move small objects with your mind.

Fucking worth it. I can move things with my mind, and that will be helpful no matter the circumstances. 

My weight limit and range isn't great, but I can feel that my powers can grow over time, with practice and experience. I don't need to rely on future rolls, as I practise with it, it will grow.

Same with Blink, I can improve its range by training with it.

This is also my first combat power, because I should be able to use it to both attack and defend myself as long as there's stuff around for me to levitate.

I've never been one to quit while I'm ahead, and rolling is fun.

Minor Curse Rolled

[Identity Reveal]

Your civilian identity will be leaked, making it impossible to hide who you are behind a mask.

Hm, that implies I'm going to a superhero world. Marvel, DC, Worm (god I hope not), the Boys, something similar.

It could be a world I'm not familiar with at all, but this curse actually helps me slightly. Personally I was somewhat with Tony in the civil war thing anyway, the New Wave movement was right, heroes and villains shouldn't be allowed to hide behind a mask to get away from their deeds.

A serial killer shouldn't get to go home to his wife and kids because he took off a mask. Masks give people an anonymity that lets them get away with so much more than they'd do if they weren't hiding their identity, heroes and villains alike.


Result: Uncommon Power

[Power Sight] 

You can instinctively see what powers someone has, and if they're currently using them.

I'm going to take a wild guess that I'm rolling below uncommon, but my little safety net in this phase is saving me. It's a useful power, though not what I'm looking for.

Am I tempting fate? Perhaps, but if I truly am now a member of the Guild, I'll need every single bit of power I can grasp.

I should roll until I get something really good, or really bad.

Major Curse Rolled

[Curse of Mana Corruption]

Your mana itself has been cursed, making casting spells both painful and damaging, the larger the spell the more painful it will be to cast, with the highest tier of spells putting you on death's door to cast.

Oh, fuck. Well, at least it only affects my magic? I have the magical tome but I don't know any spells yet, and while I definitely want to learn them, I'll have to try and find a way to fix this little issue.

Major curses give two rolls, that's worth it right?

Rolling Two Rolls

Result: Uncommon Magic Tome, Uncommon Perk

Man, only Uncommons?

[Tome of Pyromancy (Chaos School)]

Oh haha, curse my magic then give me a spellbook for fire magic. Very funny.


You are in great condition for your species, in great shape in every way that matters. You are as strong as a lifelong bodybuilder, as fast as a professional runner, your senses are great for your species and you have no inherent flaws.

A sharp pain makes me scream out in surprise as my spine violently snaps back into position, my eyes widening as feeling returns to my lower body, years of atrophy fading as my legs become well defined, muscles forming.

Interesting, even with the odds unchanged, your rolls have been far inferior to Sett's. By the time he did this many rolls he already had several legendary rolls.

Well, good for him.

My legs are working, I was right to keep rolling, and naturally… that means I should keep going.

Major Curse Rolled


You lose all knowledge of whatever world you are going to, whenever you arrive in a new world you forget everything you knew about it. Any attempt to record your metaknowledge will be erased.

Ah. That's a bit dangerous, because I do know a lot about superhero worlds.

I've spent many nights reading DC and Worm fics, searching the wikis, I think I'm familiar with all the major players in most super hero comic book worlds.

Rolling Two Rolls

Result: Uncommon Power, Uncommon Item

[Gravity Manipulation - Minor]

You can alter gravity around you, lowering or increasing it.

[Amulet of the Drunkard]

This wooden amulet causes the wearer to heal while drinking alcohol, however it also increases the strength of the alcohol and reduces the tolerance, ensuring they get absolutely plastered.

Uncommon, always uncommon. Am I just rolling really badly? There's no way it's always actually uncommon, because it's in the fucking name.

'Un'common. Not common. 

I mean, they're both nice, but still.

I fucking knew Sett was just too damn lucky. Lady Luck can't stop sucking his big red cock.


An image of a smiling Tiefling flashes through my mind. He looks handsome but his smile is kinda… How do I put this?

No thoughts, head empty.

Okay, one last offer before I boot you out of the tutorial and go fuck with Sett's settings out of spite.

You can take one more drawback, and the rolls will be rare at a minimum. I kinda calibrated your world to expect another bullshit guy leaving the starting room with at least a legendary power.

Ah, so I'm definitely going to suffer for his success. 

Ultimate Curse Rolled

Oh fuck.

[The Curse of Enmity]

A powerful figure in your new world has it out for you. Who they are, why they are after you and whether they want you dead or alive is up to chance, but they are far stronger than you are at the moment, among the most dangerous people in your world.

Man, you are cursed.

Yes, I'm well aware of that fact, thank you. Ah fuck it, I'm just rolling and calling it a day. 

Rolling Three Rolls

Result: Rare Perk, Rare Power, Epic Power

[Noctis Cape]

You no longer require sleep, and have perfect recollection.

[Revenant Blade]

You can summon a translucent weapon, in any design you wish, that can pass through anything non-organic. You aren't limited in how many weapons you make but they disappear a minute after leaving your hand.

[Oni Lee: Seeing Double]

You can teleport anywhere in your line of sight. You leave behind a clone of yourself that has all of your powers besides Seeing Double when you teleport. These clones will crumble into dust after 30 seconds or they are killed. You do not suffer mental degradation from this power. You can control your clones as if they were all a part of a hive mind.

An Epic! My very first epic, a legitimate Epic as well! Oni Lee, huh? 

…the crazy suicide bomber? Well at least my mind won't fall apart, and the fact that I even remember Oni Lee tells me I'm not going to Worm.

Combined with the ability to create weapons, that can bypass most types of armour, I could be pretty fucking dangerous.

Oh happy days, even if this means I have two types of teleportation now.

So, after rolling an Ultimate curse would you still keep rolling if I let you?


Ha, I like you. 

Fuck it, we ball.

Minor Curse Rolled

[Rough Start]

Your new life isn't going to be a good one at the start, taking a hit in multiple ways.

This can be taken multiple times, making the start worse each time.

Oof, Rough Start and Worst Day Ever?

Sucks to suck, I guess.

It does indeed, oh almighty voice in my head.


Result: Rare Magic Tome

Tome of Revelry (Chaos School)

May chaos take the world, I guess. 

Honestly my dude, good luck. You fucking need it.

Also, I can't believe you got this during the tutorial.

Due to gaining more than three Powers, you have gained 'Power Lending'.

[Power Lending]

You can now lend powers to other people, losing access to them and granting them to another person. This power can be recalled at any time but once recalled remains inactive for one week before reactivating.

That's nice I guess, I can see the use since I'm going to end up with obsolete powers at this rate.

One last thing, take this.

It's actually part of worst day ever and rough start, but I gave it a little buff since honestly you got fucked hard by the almighty RNGesus, and he didn't even take you to dinner first.

[X-Gene: ???]

You are a member of the Homo Superior (no homo), with an undiscovered power. 

Something in the back of my head twinges at that, but I can't place it and I don't have long to think about it either.

Oh right, I almost forgot.

You can remove curses, kinda. Take your curse quests, I'd advise doing them asap if you want to survive.

[Cleanse Your Mana]

Objective: Reach Master level in any magic affinity.

Objective: Discover and perform the ritual to cleanse your magic.

Reward: Curse of Mana Corruption evolves into a Perk.

[Identity Crisis]

Path A: Create a new civilian identity, changing your name and face and remain undiscovered for three months.

Path B: Embrace your revealed status, becoming a world-renowned celebrity as a public cape. 

Reward: Varies based upon your path.

[Face your Foe]

Objective: Kill or otherwise Neutralise your foe.

Reward: ??? 

Good luck, I'm rooting for you! More than I am for that himbo Sett anyway, now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go troubleshoot his system. Some fuckery is definitely going on.

Before I can really think about that, I find myself pulled through the void, my newly muscled body yanked away as I'm flung to my new world.

Which means after a lot of mediocre rolls, it's time for my worst day and rough start.

My vision blurs, and as it clears I hear a scream, my hand extended as I stand on my own two feet for the first time in years.

Standing in what seems like a grocery store, I look forwards and my eyes widen as someone stares back at me, a translucent golden dagger sticking out of his chest.

He's wearing a balaclava, a gun in his hand but he reaches up to his chest desperately, before he drops to his knees, the blade lodged in his heart as he falls to the ground, my blade fading.

The shouts start, as memories flood my mind. My new name is Arthur King, because my mysterious benefactor thinks he's very clever, and I've just killed a man.

In a crowded store, on CCTV.

He was going to shoot me, I panicked and revealed my powers, that's what my memories tell me, and as his friend, also wearing a balaclava turns to me, I act instinctively as I jump.

Leaving behind a clone of myself which creates a shield of light and lifts it up to block the bullets coming his way.

It doesn't work, because the bullets aren't organic and they go right through my shield, but as they pierce the body, making my clone gasp and explode into a cloud of white ash, I appear behind the other thug, a translucent large hammer in my hand, already swinging.

With my new muscles, the thug barely had time to turn around before I clobber him in the face. I probably killed him, given the force I hit him with, but I can't worry about that now as I immediately make a run for the exit, stumbling slightly. 

I hear a shout of 'mutie' as I leave, because that's what I am now.

I'm a Mutant, an evolved human with superpowers, and let's just say humanity isn't dealing well with having to share their world with us.

It's not helped by an extremist group called the Brotherhood of Mutants, led by a borderline genocidal mutant named Magneto.

There's been talk of forced registration, building a task force to 'handle' the growing mutant issue, and all kinds of draconian measures against my people.

Basically, I'm stuck in a world where a race of advanced superpowered beings are being treated as second class citizens and predictably some of them are lashing out.

I can already hear sirens as I leave the building, looking up as I blink to a rooftop, knowing the courts won't look favourably on a mutant killing a 'normal' human, criminal or not.

I've heard horror stories about how mutants get treated in the system, it's why 'I' have tried to keep my head down.

Arthur King is… a nobody. The heir of a vast fortune once, most of it got stolen by his father's business partner when 'my' parents died in a car crash.

What he had, he wasted on frivolous things, because you can't trust a sixteen year old boy with wealth.

Now I'm broke, living in a shitty apartment doing dead end part time jobs because he's a high-school dropout with no prospects.

Unfortunately, my 'place of work' is the same place I've just run away from, and my boss hates mutants, so I do believe I'm within the ranks of the unemployed once more.

Rough start indeed, but as I run along the rooftop on my own two legs, I can't say I give a damn.

Seeing a small gap between the roofs, I take a running leap, predictably not making it and having to blink again.

I'm not being subtle, but I can hear the sirens below me as I run for it, unsure where exactly I'm going.

Blink is tiring when you use it in quick succession, and I'm too focused on looking down to realise my problem.

I should have been looking up.

I barely see the red-clad figure as they swing into me, kicking me in the chest as they knock me back into the rooftop. I just jumped off, using my chest as a jump board to do a backflip, shooting something sticky and white at me.

Thankfully, it's just webbing as the webs cover me and pin me to the rooftop, the figure landing on the railing, balancing easily.

"You know, there's less dramatic ways to quit your job," the figure says as I look at them, perching on the railing in a red and blue suit, thin black lines imitating spider-webs.

He sounds young, quipping despite being clearly cautious. 

How does he already know- ah, I'm still in uniform.

I'm in no mood to return his quips, using Seeing Double to clone myself, the one left behind exploding into a cloud of ash.

Forming a plan, I duplicate myself again and again as every clone picks a different direction to run, Blinking in that direction.

Blink isn't obsolete, because my clones get it too, and the spandex clad figure has to make a decision.

A dozen Arthur's, all heading in different directions, but he doesn't hesitate for long as he shoots his webs at several of them, making an annoyed sound as they blink out of it.

But that was just part one, as each of my clones is about to vanish, they blink right in front of him.

He has some kind of danger sense, but they don't want to hurt him as they all explode into clouds of ash, the rooftop he's on being engulfed as I make a quick decision, I clone again and then Blink back to street level, into an alleyway quickly ducking into arched doorway, giving me some cover from above.

Oh yeah, this world has plenty of superheroes and villains as well. Looks like I've not made the best impressions with the locals.

Waiting, I see something swing by above me, immediately heading in another direction.

New York City, the Big Apple. 

I'm a country boy at heart, preferring the countryside to bustling cities, and if the shitty day alone wasn't enough to convince me that's the right mindset, the smells certainly are.

Spotting what I'm guessing is a vagrant in one of the alleyways, I walk over to him, startling him as I reach into my pocket.

He relaxes as I pull out my wallet, and five minutes later I leave the alleyway wearing an oversized piss-smelling coat and a wool hat, fifty dollars poorer for this height-of-fashion outfit.

I have striking looks, undeniably good looking with wavy platinum blonde hair and blue eyes, only made more appealing by my newly-muscled body, so I stand out a lot.

This isn't perfect, but it should help as I make my way into the city, listening out carefully for any sirens, but I seem to have lost them. For now at least.

It hasn't even been an hour yet, my chest hurts from where that spiderguy kicked me hard, I'm lost and now wanted for at least one murder.

Twenty three hours to go.

— Charles Xavier —

This was a troublesome situation.

In the height of the mutant paranoia, a mutant revealed himself and publicly killed someone, in self-defence admittedly, but it was an issue all the same.

Arthur King had vanished off the map, and while he'd sent Storm and Wolverine to try and find him while he tried to calm down the chaos this had caused, even Wolverine's nose was having issues with the teleporting teen.

His apartment had been ransacked when they arrived, and he couldn't even begin to guess who was responsible for it.

The Brotherhood of Mutants, S.H.I.E.L.D, and some other, unidentified groups, were all combing the city for the missing teen, because they all suspected what Charles himself did.

Destiny, a precognitive mutant, had recently made a prediction that a 'Omega-Level Mutant was about to awaken in New York.'

His spy in the Brotherhood had informed him, and word had clearly gotten around because too many groups were waiting for any new mutant to appear.

According to her prediction, this new mutant would be weak at the start but held unlimited potential.

He had no way to confirm that Mr King was this mutant, but he knew that too many groups were ready to grab him just in case.

The reason Wolverine lost the scent was because Sabertooth was following the same trail, and those two immediately attacking each other.

Eric wanted Mr King, and so did Mr Fury. For what, he could only guess, but he didn't intend to let a scared, lost mutant get grabbed by an organisation as shadowy as S.H.I.E.L.D.

He'd even heard of Hellfire sniffing around- unsurprising, given that Arthur's parents were both members before their untimely and suspicious demise. 

Somewhere within New York, was a scared mutant who had already shown a willingness to use lethal force, and a creature was at their most dangerous when they were cornered and out of options.

Unfortunately, he was proving problematic to detect with Cerebro, but Charles didn't plan to give up.

He couldn't allow such a powerful mutant to fall into the wrong hands. He truly feared what Arthur could become if Destiny was right and Eric got to him first.

— Arthur King —

I can't go home, that's obvious.

Rough Start, Identity Reveal and Worst Day have all worked together to make sure that's not an option, because that's the first place they'll look for me.

I'm on the news, I caught that as I was walking past a cafe, a teenage mutant (but not a ninja or a turtle) wanted for murder, armed and dangerous.

My shitty disguise has helped, but I've still seen some suspicious stares and whispered phone calls, making me keep moving as the sun starts to set.

I have a shitty phone, that's almost out of battery, and I ran at around 3pm. I don't know if Worst Day is 24 hours or until midnight, but I'm assuming the worst.

It's almost 9pm now, six hours of flinching at every sound, constantly moving. I almost miss my wheelchair, because as good a shape as I'm in, my legs hurt.

For now, I've made my way to a park, possibly Central Park actually, I haven't a clue. I'm hiding under a bridge, hopefully looking like any other homeless nobody.

Thankfully, one of my perks means I don't actually need to sleep, because I certainly don't feel comfortable going to sleep here.

I'm not the only person around, some are just living their best life, an attractive couple cuddling over on a bench, and some living less well, other bums down on their luck like me.

On the bright side, beyond the one encounter with Spiderman (questionable name, I doubt he's any older than me), I've been mostly clear.

I had a brief encounter with the police, but they weren't prepared for a teleporter.

I think I'm in the clear for tonight, once the sun has fully set and it's all dark I'll start to make my way out of town, work out a plan from there.

Scanning the area again, I freeze as I notice something I missed before.

The couple have made their way closer, not towards me but just in the general vicinity, and while they're not looking at me in the shadows…

Why is the woman triggering my power sense?

She's basically superhuman, in every aspect from looks to strength and durability, even her mind is enhanced by… something? It's not clear but I don't think it's a natural part of her, it's artificial.

The man isn't triggering anything, a regular human, but the woman puts me immediately on guard as I slowly rise and start to walk away from them, the moment I have a clear line of sight I'm duplicating and teleporting away.

My Seeing Double has much further range than Blink, if I can see it I can get there.

New plan, top of the tallest building then jump again, as far as I can see.

That's the plan, and I get as far as three steps before something hits my back, making me freeze as electricity runs through my body.

It would have incapacitated me, if I didn't have a resistance to electricity.

"He's resistant to electricity, all units converge," I hear said as I swipe at whatever was electrocuting me, wincing as several helicopters approach, spotlights shining on my position.

The woman doesn't look so lovey dovey anymore, a cold look in her eyes as she extends a hand towards me, what I mistook as a bracelet revealed as a weapon.

What spy bullshit is this? Of course the hot redhead is a spy.

Okay, I've missed something because a single thugs death shouldn't result in this kind of reaction.

"Mr King, I'd suggest surrendering," the woman says, utterly calm. This must be a regular Wednesday night for her. "You won't be harmed, you have my word."

"You know, that might have meant more before you shot me in the back," I say, making her shrug uncaringly.

"You're a flight risk, couldn't chance you teleporting away," she responds, her expression softening. "You're not in trouble."

"That might be a little more believable if there weren't so many people aiming weapons at me," I point out, looking around as black-clad agents start to circle me.

Worst day ever indeed.

Am I imagining things, or is her 'lover' aiming a bow and arrow at me?

"I know this isn't the best, but we are the good guys here. There are dangerous people looking for you, we can help clear up that mess earlier, we just need you to come with-" she continues, stepping forwards before she freezes.

So do I, because one of the helicopters just got yanked sideways into another one, she briefly looks at me but seeing that I'm as confused as everyone else, spins around.

It doesn't take long to work out who is the cause of this new mess as the agents guns are yanked into the sky, the helicopters being brought down with a casual gesture from the floating man in dark red armour, an equally red helmet covering most of his face but leaving the scowl on display.

The spotlights move onto him, and I'm pretty sure he's doing that himself, which is very dramatic.

"I think not, Miss Romanov," he says, moving his hands as if he's conducting an orchestra as he dismantles the attempt to surround me with contemptuous ease. "I will not allow another of my people to vanish at the hands of Shield."

Some people try to shoot him, mostly with sidearms, but it doesn't exactly work as the helicopters are torn to shreds, the metal parts flying at the agents, though 'Miss Romanov' easily cartwheels out of the way of the metal sent her way, firing her bracelets at him. 

It doesn't even seem to affect him.

The closest I see to an actual reaction from him is when the archer sends an arrow at him, his frown deepening briefly before he scoffs and tosses the arrow right back at the man, an explosion knocking him back.

Despite the brutality, I do notice that nobody seems to die, bound in wreckage and tossed around but even the helicopter crew seem alive, if disoriented.

I know who this is, my memories supply the name.

Magneto, the Master of Magnetism. Leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants, and a very powerful supervillain.

"Mr King, I believe we should speak, though perhaps not with the dogs of a government that seeks to oppress our people listening in," Magneto says calmly, a metal plate landing in front of me. "You need not fear me, I simply wish to speak with you. If you find my words not to your taste, you may leave afterwards."

He's a good orator, with a powerful voice. I actually almost believe him.

Stick with the shadowy spies or go with the supervillain? Today really does suck.

After a moment of hesitation, I step onto the plate which folds slightly to help me stay atop it, feeling it rise up into the air beside him, an approving smile on his face. 

He's going to take me into the air, and from there I can teleport.

"Excellent choice, Mr King. If only all our kind were so reasonable," he rumbles, looking up as a storm cloud forms above us.

"Oi, put him down Magneto," a gruff voice calls out, making Magneto sigh tiredly, a short man running towards us with… metal claws coming out of his knuckles?

This is my life now, huh?

"Again? Really, Logan? When will you learn?" Magneto asks, sounding like he's lecturing a small child as he casually gestures towards the man. "A man with metal bones, attacking one who can control all metal. Your simplicity will never cease to amaze me," Magneto says, lifting the man into the air and simply tossing him into the far distance. "Worry not, Logan can survive far worse than that."

"I'm more worried about the storm," I admit, making him chuckle.

"Ah, wise of you, but it appears the self-styled goddess doesn't want to risk hurting you," Magneto says, nodding towards a beautiful dark skinned woman with white hair and glowing eyes, her hair flowing wildly in the wind which is picking up a lot.

"Let him go, Magento," she calls up, making Magneto sigh.

"I am not holding him prisoner, he could easily teleport away from my side if he desired," Magneto lectures chidingly. "Tell Charles he can give Arthur his… lecture later, should Mr King find my offer not to his liking." 

The woman calls up again, but both Magneto and my ride both simply fly away, at shocking speeds, making me grip the sides of the makeshift platform.

I should teleport away, but then I'm back in the same mess. That's two other separate groups that are looking for me, so maybe I should stick with Magneto?

He's apparently a mutant supremacist, and I'm a mutant so would I be safe with him? Would it hurt to hear him out?

Play along for now and maybe run later, or teleport back down and keep running on my own. 

This morning my biggest concern was my win rate, now I'm debating whether I should let a supervillain monologue to me or go on the run from him, another group of superpowered people and the government and their super sexy spies.

Well, at least I won't be bored.