The Celestial Remnant, Ch08: Invincible Boy

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by Beans, Malcolm Tent, Priapus, Marethyu, Mike God of Lore, Old man of the mountain

The Celestial Remnant

Chapter 08: Invincible Boy

– Roman Torchwick –

People had a habit of underestimating him, which was by design. His flamboyant act and flippant attitude were perfectly designed to make him seem like less of a threat, balancing the line between being underestimated, respected, and feared.

Being the world's most famous thief meant he was always going to be in high demand, but he put a lot of effort into not becoming such a threat that he'd have an Atlesian Specialist hit squad sent his way, nor to get so infamous that the officers he bribed would find their consciences, buried under the Lien he threw their way. And when he needed someone to disappear? Well, that was what he had his adorable Neo for. She was very good at her job, and it kept his hands seemingly clean and soft.

Cindy was one of the people who vastly underestimated him, throwing around her little fire show as if he was going to be quivering in his boots. Okay, sure, it had been impressive, but… 

Watching the video of the Emerald Forest being frozen in an instant, he chuckled to himself. Cindy was not the biggest fish around, and her threats lost some of their sting in the shadow of Akari.

So, when Cindy changed her plans and wanted to target Akari, well, if there was one thing he was better known for than his dashing good looks and roguish charm? It was his finely honed sense of self-preservation. Steal Dust for Cindy? Sure, that was easy. Insultingly easy; in fact, he could do it in his sleep. It was a waste of his talents (accidents with Little Red aside).

Help Cindy target Akari, who had the Ace Ops and Specialist Schnee watching him like a hawk? No, thank you. Specialist Schnee had a stick up her ass, and she wouldn't hesitate to pull it out and beat him to death with it if he went near Atlas' little golden goose. He was good, but that was how you went from famous thief to forgotten corpse, tossed in some deep hole by the Atlesian special forces when they were done with you.

Cindy was a little scary, but the full force of Atlas was somewhat scarier. Basically, she could fuck right off. 

Neo looked at him knowingly, tilting her head as she waved her hands.

"Yes, yes, you did indeed tell me so," Roman admitted, making Neo smile smugly. She'd said getting involved with Cindy was a bad idea. Well, she'd offered to murder Cindy in her sleep, but it was basically the same thing.

As she mimed a stabbing notion, Roman shook his head.

"No, I know you're strong, but I don't want to risk messing with our illustrious boss. I have a better idea," Roman said, making her pout. "I need you to deliver a message, my dear, to Beacon."

Neo perked up, looking at the video of Akari as he nodded.

His greatest trait was his ability to adapt and survive, and with the information he had? Well, he could buy his way out of this mess, all while giving Cindy a black eye for threatening him.

– Akari –

100cp granted, 100cp total

Feat Achieved: Make Roman betray Cinder (100cp), Get Neo's Attention (100cp, good luck!), 200cp granted, 300cp total.

Roman? Cinder? Neo?

Who are they supposed to be? Well, I won't say no to free points.

[Holy Water] -100cp, 200cp remaining

A vial containing 250 ml of Holy Water. It is highly effective against evil and demonic entities and can be used to sanitise wounds caused by demonic magic. Refills whenever emptied.

My system assures me that this is equally effective against Grimm, and it makes me pause in thought as an idea strikes. It is something I'll have to look into as I send a message to the best person I can think of to ask for help.

[Wavesmasher] - 200cp, 0cp remaining

One of the more irresistible forces in this world is the beating of waves upon the sides of cliffs and mountains. Even stones that withstood time for unknown ages crumble against the relentless force of water. Your blows will come to embody this same unstoppable force, striking with an insistence that propels even the sturdiest of foes aside like pebbles in a storm.

As if pushing your foes around like leaves in a current weren't enough, your blows now continue pressing against foes even after your swing is complete. Those who find themselves wedged between that force and a solid object will discover just how painful a squeeze between a rock and a hard place can be.

I have [Nimble as a Diarmuid] empowering my dexterity, so having a boost to my strength is appreciated as I go back to watching cartoons with Nora, munching on popcorn as we both cuddle into my wolf's fur.

– Next Morning –

"Akari, I have the Dust you requested," Weiss says, making me blink as I wake up. I see her directing some minion to place the large crate down in our room with a smug smile. "You were right to ask me; the Schnees have the monopoly on Dust, after all."

"Mhm, thanks," I say, stretching as Winter sits up, thankfully mostly dressed in her nightwear as she gives us both a curious look. 

"What is this about, Akari?" Winter asks, getting out of bed. I have found that I like cuddling while I sleep, and Winter makes for a good body pillow. Winter also likes cuddling with my tail, but I can't blame her.

"Got an idea, need to test it," I say, stretching as I spot Weiss' gaze lowering to my bare chest. I only sleep in some pyjama pants. "When are lessons starting?"

Nora snorts, making Weiss blush and look away, then gives me a thumbs up. 

"They've decided to just delay the start of classes by a week so that they will start next Monday," Weiss explained, making me nod. I have time to kill, then. It's only Wednesday now.

Moving over to my desk, I carefully grab some of the Dust and get to work. Every Huntsman knows how to handle Dust; it's an essential part of our lives, after all, and I had to get used to it while I was working on my weapon.

[Artifice] helps me, much like it would help me design magical materials to make new outfits with, guiding me as I carefully take some Fire dust and work on adding my Holy Water to it.

Weiss goes to speak, but Winter places a hand on her shoulder as they watch me work, seeing me cap the vial of Holy Fire Dust. 

"What is it, Akari?" Winter asks, watching the vial I used refill.

"Holy Fire Dust, super effective against Grimm," I mumble as I continue to work. It doesn't work with Electricity or Wind Dust, but I can make Holy Water Dust. "My power gave me this, but it's not that useful in this form. Figured I could combine it with Dust. I was right."

Weiss looks at the vial of reddish-gold dust, her eyes wide. 

Feat Achieved: Invent a new type of Dust (100cp), 100cp total.

"It'll need testing, but I'm pretty sure I did it right," I say, capping the vial of Holy Water Dust. I don't think anyone else could combine them. I need Artifice to guide me, but I have an effectively infinite amount of Holy Water with the tiny vial. "Give them to Ironwood, he can test it."

Winter nods, accepting the vials I made, looking down at them in curiosity and some awe.

[Magmatic Magician] - 200cp, 100cp required

The ancient hexes of Gelmir are somewhat limited in application compared to many schools of magic in these lands-and yet when he rediscovered them, Praetor Rykard was able to put them to practical use by channelling the magma of Mt. Gelmir. And with this, it seems that, like him, you too made a study of the lost hexes that have given you a great arsenal of similar magics. From firing condensed lumps of magma that erupt after a short delay, to surges of molten rock scorching all near you, or flumes of lava, you have mastered the weighty, searing destruction of this magical tradition. But your capacity to innovate new spells for it is considerable, and you have developed a few personalised spells related to this school. Perhaps, like Rykard, you too can summon searing spirits that leave trails of destruction in their wake?

Fire and Ice. Interesting. I don't know if I can give away perks, but I still don't feel like fire suits me. I like my Ice. The fairies say that Ozpin gave some of his magic away, which is part of the reason why his magic is all wonky (beyond him just being super old), so why shouldn't I be able to do the same thing?

After breakfast, I wander the school with my wolf following behind. It turns out he has some control over his size because as we get outside, he goes from the size of a horse to the size of a house, covering me in slather in a single lick of his gigantic tongue.

Something tells me that Ozpin is just done being surprised because when he saw my goodest boy, he just made a comment about increasing the food budget and wandered off without bothering to question where I got him.

I still haven't thought of a good name. Looking up at him, I get some stares and whispers, and I stroke my chin. Artorias. I don't know why, but my system gives me that name as I see an image of a knight with his own giant female wolf, Sif. 

"Wanna go kill some Grimm, Artorias?" I ask, stroking his fur as he howls in agreement, a dark smile on his fanged grin. Using Farseeing, I pick a spot and open a portal as he bounds through it happily. 

Taking a few steps, I pause before I send Sienna a warning about my new friend who is helping protect our home. Wouldn't want any misunderstandings after all. I do hope she cleans up her act, but if she attacks Artorias, then I'd have no choice but to turn her into an icicle. Never come between a man and his house-sized dog.

He's a big boy, and while I can't leave Beacon much right now, it just wouldn't be fair to keep him locked up. If you're going to have a big dog, you need to make sure to give them the exercise they need. Watching through Farseeing as Artorias rips a Beowulf pack apart, I nod. He's enjoying his walkies.

He's basically immortal and a warrior at heart, so even if he meets a foe who can slay him, I'll just summon him back tomorrow. What's important is that he's having fun.

I don't want to spend my time making more Holy Dust until it's been tested and proven to work, but I have no real idea what to do at the moment. 

"Hey, Akari," Yang shouts, making me turn to her and give her a lazy wave. "I was hoping to catch you."

"Oh? What's up?" I ask, tilting my head. Does she want me to enchant her-

Yang cuts off my thoughts as she pushes me against the corridor wall, slamming her lips against mine. My eyes briefly widen before I relax into the kiss, my hand going around her waist. I'm not sure what prompted this, but I'm not going to complain as she pushes her breasts against my chest.

The sound of whispers tells me that we're not going unseen, but Yang breaks the kiss with a cocky smile as I tilt my head.

"Hi?" I try, making her chuckle. "Nice to see you too."

"Heh, just had to get that out of my system. Consider it my thanks for what you did for Rubes," Yang says, looking down at where my hand is on her ass with a cocky smile. "Something tells me you don't mind."

I pause for a moment before giving her firm booty a squeeze, making her snort.

"You're welcome," I say, nodding to myself mentally. "Wanna spar? I'm bored."

"Heh, you're on, foxy," Yang agrees, grabbing my hand and leading me to the ring. "I need to get used to fighting with fire anyway; you don't mind, right?"

"Nah, go for it," I agree with a shrug.

– Pyrrha Nikos –

It was funny how quickly her star had waned. Of course, it made complete sense. Who cared about a little girl who'd won a few tournaments when Akari was in the same class?

She was yesterday's news, something she found entirely acceptable. Her team were great: Ruby was a little chatterbox who loved weapons, Yang was the team extrovert, forcing the rest of them to actually interact using her 'big-sis' powers, and Blake was calm and collected, admittedly the one she knew the least despite the Faunus being her partner.

Arriving at the combat arena, she smiled as she watched Yang and Akari throw down, fire and ice flashing as she leaned against the railing with a curious look. Yang had shown off her fancy new fire powers, and Ruby had shown off her upgraded cloak. Blake was less of a show-off, but her new jaguar form was equally impressive. Akari truly was a mysterious one, but as she watched him block Yang's flames with a spin of his umbrella, she felt her eyes narrow.

He was good.

Beyond good, he was amazing. He moved so swiftly, seemingly predicting every attack before Yang had even started it, and his skill with his spear could not be missed. Her competitive side awoke at the side, clutching her weapon as she watched Akari manage to get the upper hand and sweep Yang's legs out with his umbrella, pointing the spear at her as she fell.

Yang shrugged, accepting his hand as the pair joked about something. Yang gave Akari a small spank, making him jump before he rolled his eyes as he saw her grin. They were too far away for her to listen in, especially with so many whispers from the crowd who had gathered to see Akari in action, but Yang turned and spotted her, waving her over with a grin.

Part of her said not to do this as she hopped into the ring, but she had made her choice.

"Hello again, Akari," Pyrrha said with a slight bow, making him nod back at her. Yang was getting a little sick of getting her ass handed to her, so she'd called Pyrrha to help. "Do you mind if I cut in?"

"Your turn, Pyrrha, this fucker has been kicking my ass all day," Yang joked, throwing an arm around her shoulder with a grin. "Maybe the 'Invincible Girl' can put him in his place."

Yang was clearly teasing her, making Pyrrha smile. Yang and Ruby were impressed by her record, but they hadn't gotten starstruck by her. 

"I'll certainly give it my best try," Pyrrha agreed before turning to Akari. "If you don't mind, of course."

"Hm. Heard you were good. It would be nice to see how I match up," Akari agreed, resting his weapon on his shoulder and giving her a curious stare. Pyrrha returned it, feeling the excitement building in her chest.

This was a lose-lose situation. If she won, her reputation would rapidly recover, and she'd be back on the pedestal she had grown to detest; and if she lost, her people would be disappointed; her entire career as the 'invincible girl' would be over. She could hear her manager telling her not to do this, but she moved opposite Akari with a challenging look.

"No ice, I wanna see how my skills match against yours," Akari said, making her nod with an excited smile. 

"Bring it," Pyrrha challenged, drawing her sword and shield in preparation for a tough fight. She had no delusions that she could beat Akari if he were really going all out, but she wanted to see how she compared with him.

– Yang Xiao Long –

As Pyrrha rushed forward, Yang watched with widening eyes as her teammate and friend clashed. The speed and skill they both displayed made her feel briefly incompetent before she shook it off and just watched her two friends fight.

Pyrrha was better than her, but that wasn't really a surprise, as the shy girl deserved her rep, even if she clearly didn't like it. Her face was a mask of complete focus as she threw attack after attack Akari's way, learning the same thing that Yang had.

Akari didn't attack until he was sure he could take you down in a single hit. She didn't know what had changed since their spar, but Akari's fighting style had evolved. 

Before, he would block or deflect a dozen or so attacks before landing a single brutal hit and moving back, but now? He spent the entire fight deflecting and parrying, tricky movements knocking you off your guard before he landed one devastating blow that took you down instantly. Having her Aura shattered in one hit was just embarrassing, even if Akari used his weird glowing ice to restore it afterwards. It didn't help that this strategy took one look at her Semblance and then spat in its face. She couldn't use Burn against Akari; his fighting style negated her Semblance entirely.

Pyrrha was harder to take down; her attacks were far faster and more precise than Yang's berserker attacks, each one aimed at a vital point as Akari danced between her blows, using his umbrella to deflect the attacks he couldn't dodge.

Pyrrha was obviously loving it. With each failed blow, each deflected attack, her grin grew more fierce, and she sped up, going all out as the pair moved in sync. It looked more like a dance than a fight, a pure display of skill and grace.

Akari was trying to knock her off balance, even placing a strong kick against her shield to knock her back, but Pyrrha recovered damn fast, rolling back to avoid the moment of weakness Akari would have used to put her down, and Akari's tail was swishing behind him excitedly as the fight went on.

Watching the show, she grinned. She had some damn impressive friends, and she needed to train more if she wanted to catch up. Spotting Ruby watching the fight with wide eyes, she moved over to her sister as they cheered the pair on. 

– Pyrhha Nikos –

Akari was the best fighter she had ever fought against, and several minutes passed without either of them managing to deal any damage to the other's Aura. It was deliberate on Akari's part; he was looking for something but hadn't found it yet. In her case, she just hadn't managed to land a blow on the incredibly fast and agile Akari; not once had she managed to catch him off guard.

Dashing in with her sword, she swung it, knowing he'd back away before she grinned. Her hands started to glow black as she yanked one back, watching Akari's eyes widen as his weapon was torn from his hands. She didn't care in the slightest that her Semblance was on full display, switching Miló to its javelin form as she closed the distance, lunging forward; his grip on his shield had caused him to be yanked forward at the same time, off balance for the first time, her javelin rapidly approaching him.

Go on, Akari, show her that she was right. 

Instead of dodging to the side or moving back, Akari moved forward to meet her, his body swaying as he slipped under her blow, rising to grab the shaft of Miló with one arm, the other hand coming to meet her stomach in a powerful punch.

He didn't let up, switching tactics as he spun his body, disarming her while his foot came up and crashed against her skull, sending her flying back, crashing into the side of the arena with the sheer force behind his blow.

Recovering quickly, she went to pull Miló back to her before she laughed, watching him just drop it through a hole in the floor, which closed, leaving Miló out of her range, wherever he'd sent it. 

He could have gotten his own weapon back, but instead, he charged as she threw her shield away and did the same. She could have pulled his weapon to her; it was similar to her own, after all, but she didn't.

The moment they clashed, she knew she had lost; unarmed combat was not her strong point, and Akari wasted no time in pummeling her, powerful blows sending her back until she was pressed against the arena wall, desperately trying to block his onslaught. A lesser man might have taken pity on her, and she'd have loathed them for it, but Akari didn't let up; the fight wasn't over until one of them gave in or couldn't fight anymore.

She pulled her shield, sending it soaring towards the back of his skull, but he simply spun around and caught Akoúo̱, hitting her with it with no mercy before he tossed it through a portal, leaving her defenceless.

She tried, throwing her own punches and kicks to try to drive him back, but she was no match. Before long, she smashed into the arena wall with a devastating thud, the sound of her Aura finally shattering, causing the crowd to go silent as they watched her fall.

Akari caught her, giving her a soft smile, and she returned it as he laid her down on a bed of glowing ice that reinvigorated her, her Aura levels rising rapidly.

Despite how easily he'd won, he was panting slightly as she rose, watching him retrieve her weapons with a smile.

"Good fight," Akari finally said, making her laugh.

"Amazing fight. I've never fought anyone who could truly challenge me like you. I thought I had you when I disarmed you," Pyrrha admitted, beaming widely as Akari smiled secretly.

"I'm good at fighting without a weapon. When I worked out your Semblance, I figured it was better to go without it," Akari agreed. "You're good, Pyrrha. I couldn't knock you off guard; I wanted to get a single finishing blow."

"Heh, I'm not going to go down that easily," Pyrrha swore, looking at Akari as a multitude of emotions overcame her. Akari was amazing; he was not just a worthy rival, not just an equal, but someone who was truly her better. For the first time in so long, she had someone to look up to again. She had a goal.

Akari was… perfect.

She closed the distance, amused to see Akari get back into a combat stance before her intentions became apparent. With what felt like half the school watching and several Scrolls recording, she kissed Akari deeply, her hand gripping the front of his kimono as she pulled him in; embarrassment could wait because this was the perfect first kiss.

The only way it could be better would be if he'd beaten her and claimed it himself, but he was too much of a gentleman for that, so she had to be the one to step up and give him his prize. Yang's wolf whistle made her pull back with an embarrassed giggle, but Akari just gently brushed her loose hair back behind her ear with a small smile.


Pyrrha's smile grew wider, watching him grab his weapon and get back into position as she retrieved her own through a portal he reopened. Her mind sped through ways to fight now that she'd blown the secret of her Semblance as she charged Akari with a wild grin. He had better be careful unless he wanted her to jump him and give him some other firsts while the entire school was watching.

She could only imagine what people back home were going to think of the videos that were undoubtedly already spreading online. She didn't care in the slightest; it didn't matter. Only one thing mattered now as she clashed with Akari again, her eyes locked with his.

– Akari – Later –

Pyrrha is scarily good. 

Without [Precognition] and [Nimble as a Diarmuid], I have no doubt she would have handed me my ass several times over. 

Feats Achieved: Defeat Pyrrha Nikos (Epic Feat: 200cp), Gain Pyrrha's Love (100cp), Gain Pyrrha's Yandere Affections (100cp). 400cp granted. 100cp spent to unlock [Magmatic Magician]. 300cp remaining.


That's probably fine, right? Pyrrha is such a nice girl; I'm sure it's fine.

[Memphis Lightning] - 400cp, 100cp required

There's no lack of mighty, lumbering brutes in this world, but what good is overwhelming physical power if you're so slow that you can't even hit your foes in the first place? With this in mind, it seems you've undergone a process similar to Memphis, one of Barbarossa's four Heavenly Generals, in which your body has been augmented by the power of the Dungeons. In particular, this augmentation has gifted you the ability to move at blistering speeds. Though you're not any stronger than normal, you can run so fast that the ground cracks beneath your feet and your form appears to blur... if one can follow your movements at all. But it's not just your running speed that's enhanced, but the speed at which you can act and react, too, letting you rain ten blows down on someone in the time it takes a skilled swordsman to make one. Without a doubt, you're one of the fastest beings in the world, so quick that an adult Fanalis would struggle to keep up with you.

Where were you when I was desperately warding off Pyrrha? Well, I'll gladly take a major increase in speed and reaction times, now all I need to do is get the extra-

Feats Achieved: Stop Adam's Rebellion (200cp), Ensure Sienna Survives Adam's Insurrection (100cp), 300cp gained. 100cp spent to unlock [Memphis Lightning]. 200cp remaining.


What's going on back home? Do I need to head home? Sending a text to Kali and Sienna, I scratch my chin. Adam, what did you do?

[Thought Acceleration] - 200cp, 0cp remaining

Even a human brain operating at peak capacity has its limits - it is, after all, what amounts to biological hardware with set limitations. But what if those limitations could be surpassed? You are able to accelerate your thought processes to twice their normal speed, letting you quickly multitask and react faster than your body and nervous system would normally allow, running calculations and strategies in a blink rather than a minute. In time, you could even accelerate this to three, or four or more times in speed. However, much like overclocking a computer, this is a stressful technique that is exhausting and, if overused, can burn your brain out like an overheated engine. Practice and careful moderation may help you overcome this, but for now, be cautious about how you use it.

Huh, double reaction speed buff. Nice.

I got a message back from Sienna and Kali. They reassured me that things are fine, and Adam just threw a tantrum over being told he wasn't allowed to attack the SDC anymore, making me shrug. It sounds like they have things sorted over there.

After all that work, I'm tired anyway,so I head back to my room early. I need a nap.

Pausing, I spot a fairly young girl standing in front of my door; she turns to me with mismatched pink and brown eyes, tilting her head. Even her hair is mixed with pink and brown, but she's wearing an Atlesian specialist uniform as she waves at me.

"...did Ironwood send you?" I ask, making her pause, placing her finger on her cheek and pouts in deep thought before she nods with a wide grin. I pause, scratching my chin before I shrug and open the door, gesturing for her to enter.

I've got enough energy left for this, at least. As she spins around to face me, I move forward and kiss her, making her eyes widen as my hands start removing her clothes… which feel kinda weird. She hesitates before she helps remove her clothes, which change design as she takes them off. Picking her up, I toss her onto the bed, making her grin at me and waggle her finger towards me.

I mean, she is here for the breeding program, right?

– Neopolitan –

As Akari climbed onto the bed, kissing her again, she wondered what was going on. Shrugging, she helped him out of his cute little kimono, running her hands along his chest. 

Akari was just her type; the blank doll face made her want to mess with him, and she flipped them over so he was beneath her with a wide grin on her face. She grinned, running her hands down her body before she grabbed his hands and moved them to her hips. 

Admittedly, this wasn't exactly what she had planned, but a girl had to get her fun where she could, and he'd be more inclined to listen to her after he'd emptied his balls into her a few times. A girl had needs, and she'd been busy dealing with Cindy and that mess lately.

A knock on the door made her briefly consider extreme violence, watching as Akari reluctantly got up and walked over to it, covering himself with a pillow.

He opened the door to another woman in an Atlesian uniform, which could be a problem since they'd know she wasn't supposed to be here- wait, she knew that woman.

"Mr Akari, I'm here on orders of General Ironwood," Raven Branwen lied, the bitch, making Akari blink.

"Another one?" Akari asked, making Raven look towards the bed. They both froze as they stared at each other before they shared a single subtle nod. 

"I'm sure you can handle two, Akari," Raven drawled, stepping into the room as she started to strip, Neo moving behind Akari and kissing his neck. 

Neo ripped away his pillow, her hand wrapping around his cock as she stroked him to Raven's striptease. She shared a look with Raven, not sure what Raven was up to but also not really caring as long as it didn't get in the way of ruining Cinder's life and getting Roman out of the mess he'd gotten himself stuck in.

As Raven finished stripping, she guided Akari back to the bed as she shared a knowing look with Neo, making Neo shudder slightly because Raven was admittedly a scary woman, but Raven just smirked as they pinned the confused faunus boy down. 

— Bonus Scene — Sienna Khan

Undergoing a change to a more peaceful White Fang was always going to have challenges, especially after she'd spent so long pushing them the other way. Of course, many had realised that Akari was the reason, especially since this change came right after she'd had a meeting with him. The Albain brothers had seen Akari in her office, and she'd left that meeting with her new Totem necklace.

It was funny in some ways. The more extremist followers also happened to be the ones who believed that Akari was an Avatar of the God of Animals. The Albains would have been against her, but the fact that Akari was behind the change meant that the fanatics had sided with her.

Some still stood against the change, of course, and as she struck Adam with the might of the Rhino, she sent him flying back, gasping in shock at her immense strength. Her Totem was powerful, and it almost seemed to help her learn how to control it.

Adam had challenged her for control, but while he was powerful… she was blessed by divinity. The endurance of the Tortoise shrugged off his blows, the strength of the Rhino hit him like a truck, and the flight of the Hummingbird made her very hard to hit as she easily flew around him.

She was not entirely convinced that Akari was divine, but the White Fang were. She wasn't just the High Leader anymore; she was the Champion of their God. Her 'blessing' had further convinced people that Akari was the God of Animals returned; how else could he have given her the power of every animal?

She could call upon the venom of the Snakes, the invisibility of the Chameleon, or the Speed of the Cheetah, and that was just scratching the surface. The Animal Kingdom was large, and every single creature involved was hers to call upon.

Adam, for all his talent, stood no real chance as he looked up at her in shock and horror, seeing how quickly his attempt at an insurrection had been shot down. The few men that had stood by him looked like they were having some serious regrets, seeing her glow with the power of the Red.

"Stand down, Adam. You've lost," Sienna said, making her decision. She briefly considered killing him, but starting the gentler path Akari wanted with an execution wasn't exactly the best way, was it? "The world is changing, Adam; we have to change with it."

"Because of one boy?" Adam asked, spitting the words out, rage clear in his stance. 

"Sometimes, that's all it takes," Sienna replied simply. "Akari might be a single person, but his actions have given us a chance to finally settle things and make a better Remnant for our people. Acting out like angry children isn't going to help anyone."

Adam growled, but with his Aura on its last legs, he knew it was over. Her words, making him seem like he was just throwing a tantrum, marred his reputation, something he clearly understood as he clutched his side. 

Rising, he went to speak before he turned and stormed off, only adding to the childish image. She made a note to keep an eye on him going forward, glancing over to where Ghira was stroking his chin and giving him a slight nod.

Going back to him for help with her tail between her legs had been embarrassing, but for once, they were on the same page. They had a real opportunity to change things for the better, using the power of Akari as their symbol.

Already, people had seen the giant wolf that was making short work of Grimm around the borders of Kuo Kuana, and even with Akari's warning that he'd sent his 'pet wolf' to help, she'd had a heart attack when she saw the giant beast. You would think that Akari would mention that his pet was the size of a building, but he had not.

Going over the different animals, she mentally planned out the best way to secretly assassinate Adam if he became a real issue, even as she reassured his followers that they were not in any real trouble. She wouldn't let Adam mess things up for them.