The Celestial Escalation, Ch02: Revelations

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by Marethyu, Priapus, Beans

The Celestial Escalation

Chapter 02: Revelations

'We definitely need to come up with a name, and soon, before the PRT sticks us with something tacky.'

Wow, if only one of us had suggested that we wait more than a single day before diving into the cape scene. We might have thought of that.

100cp granted. 100cp total.

Feeling myself gain more points, I pause for a moment before I sigh and spend them instantly.

50cp spent upgrading [Companion Bracelet]'s hacking abilities.

50cp spent upgrading [Companion Bracelet] to make it nearly untraceable.

'Aww, I knew you cared!'

Please, if I don't do this, you're going to bring whoever you hack down on yourself, and again… you live in my head.

Feat Achieved: First Act of Heroism (100cp granted). 100cp total.

Heroism, huh?

'Yup, you're officially a hero, Taylor. Two people survived tonight unscathed because of you.'

I can't deny that Emma's words send a shiver of pride through me. We used to pretend we were heroes when we were kids. Of course, Barnes always demanded that I be the sidekick… or the damsel in distress.

[Sorcery - Fortune (Two Dots)] - 100cp (200cp total), 0cp remaining

Source: World of Darkness: Sorcerer 

For good or for ill, this path allows the sorcerer to control the fate of their target and create both blessings and curses. For reasons unknown, this path also benefits from additional assistance more than other magics would.

[2] Two targets, specifically named, or one ill-defined target, receive either a lasting advantage or a lasting inconvenience for a day or two, such as catching the flu or being passed over by it.

I can sense that Fortune can go further, but as I try to lock in the next level, I feel my power rebuke me. There's a… barrier? Something is stopping me from locking in the next tier.

300cp abilities are currently locked due to your inexperience with the Celestial System. To unlock 300cp abilities, you must first defeat another cape in combat.

Ah, the next level is only 100cp, but since it's upgrading my current ability, it would upgrade it beyond my current capabilities. I can sense a… sidegrade of a sort. Something linked to Fortune, but not a direct upgrade and after a moment of hesitation, I lock that in as well.

Maybe it would be better to spread out my points more, but Fortune seems powerful with enough upgrades. I need to experiment more with my Fortune power, something I would have preferred to do before I tried to become a Hero.

Can I target someone with just their Cape name? With my upgrade, I can target two people at once if I specifically name them, but could I target 'Kaiser and Hookwolf', or do I need their real names?

If so, I could give Kaiser, Lung and Skidmark bad luck every single day until they're no longer a problem.

What does 'ill-defined' mean in this context? Could I just say 'an Empire cape,' or would that be too specific? Would a 'Brockton Bay villain' work? Fortune isn't that powerful yet, but it's a good start. The jump in power between one dot and two was noticeable. One dot was just a minor inconvenience, but two dots causes something that lasts all day.

Sneaking back into my room, I dismiss the cloak and slump onto my bed. That was honestly terrifying; someone aimed a gun at me. I know I live in the Bay, but that doesn't mean I'm used to my life being in danger. I absolutely shouldn't have rushed into this with so little training.

But if I hadn't, my neighbours would have been beaten or even murdered by neo-nazi scumbags. I know that I've made a tiny difference, stopped a single crime in Brockton Bay, where there were probably far worse crimes going on within a ten-mile radius, but it still makes me feel good to know that I made even such a small difference. I guess it just makes it feel like the suffering I went through for this power was actually worth something.

I've wanted someone to save me since Barnes and her bitch friends decided I was their favourite victim. Nobody did. Any of the teachers could have just done their fucking jobs; any of my classmates could have stood up to Emma… but they never did. 

I won't be one of the cowards who has the power to help people and doesn't.

'That's the spirit, Taylor. So… wanna curse Barnes and see how powerful Two Dots are?'

This still feels really unheroic.

'Please, are you going to let that bitch walk all over you when you get back to school? Because if not, you know she's going to find a new victim to target. She's a villain, just not one with powers. Anything we do to make her life harder is downright heroic.'

I do need to test my Fortune power to work out its limits. After a year of hardcore bullying, surely Barnes can handle a single day of bad luck, right?

'Probably not. I hope she cries.'

– Next Day –

It's becoming increasingly obvious that I can't leave Emma to her own devices.

'I resent that! I didn't do anything wrong, and if the Empire are just going to leave their money where I can… redistribute it, they have it coming.'

Please tell me that I'm not going to wake up to the Empire breaking into my house?

'Nah, it's fine. I covered my tracks well.' 

While I slept, Emma took Redhawk for a fly into Empire territory and used it to break into several Empire bank accounts and siphoned off what she described as a 'small' amount of money. Just over a hundred thousand dollars, taken from multiple accounts with their records falsified to hide the theft. 

She also set up a Number Man account under the name 'Redhawk' to keep the money safe. I could order her to stop hacking into things, but if anyone deserves robbing, it's the Empire Eighty-Eight. I've ordered her to actually ask me before doing shit like this again, but I can't deny that the money is going to be useful. Dad doesn't exactly earn a lot, and even if he did, I don't want him connected to my cape life.

I actually used Fortune to give him a day of good luck after he set off for work, but he doesn't have a phone that Emma can track him through. I don't need a phone, not with Emma in my head, but we've agreed that it's going to be better to have one for my Cape identity. The police asked me for a way to get in contact with me last night, but I didn't have an answer for them.

The phone in my pocket feels heavy, but I shake my head. Mobile phones didn't kill my mom, even if she was on the phone during the car crash. Besides, it feels silly to get hung up over a mobile when I have an AI in my head. 

But our shopping trip led to… this.

'Come on, Tay, trust me on this.'

I really don't think that's a good idea, Em. Looking over the outfit Emma suggested I buy, I examine it with careful eyes, a frown on my face. The tight exercise clothes make me frown, imagining myself in them. 

'You have an amazing body, Tay. You want to put a stop to the Trio, right? This is the first step. At least try them on, see how they feel.'

Emma is convinced that I need a new wardrobe, but how am I supposed to explain the sudden increase in funds to Dad? Or my new muscles? Sure, nobody at school has seen me in anything more revealing than a jumper, but there's a limit to what I can pass off.

Maybe I should try to transfer to a new school? 

No, it feels too much like running away, and I'm done doing that. I fought the Empire last night, I'm not going to be scared off by the fucking Trio.

Groaning, I grab the clothes Emma suggested and then some more concealing alternatives and head to the changing room. I've gotten some looks because I'm very clearly a high schooler, and I'm in the mall instead of being at school, but most just assume I'm skipping.

I am on medical leave, so even if anyone takes offence to my truancy, I can prove that I'm allowed to be out of school. Plus, I'm far from the only Winslow student who isn't currently at school, spotting some upper-years in the distance.

I've cursed Emma and Sophia with a day of bad luck, so it's better that I'm far away from them while that happens. I want to keep my luck powers separate from my cape identity because they're far more subtle than anything else I have.

I've also tried something new and tried blessing a couple of heroes. Specifically, Panacea and Alexandria. I don't know if it will work for Alexandria, but Panacea should have gone through because I know her real name.

Trying on the outfit Emma picked, I look down at my exposed abs and the way the tight lycra outfit hugs my body with a mixture of disbelief at my new athletic form and reluctance. I don't have many curves to show off, but still, I'd rather not have them on display like this.

'You might not have much going on upstairs, but you've got an amazing ass and great legs.'

Pausing, I turn around and look over my shoulder at the mirror, biting my lip. I do have a great ass, thanks to [Monk], but that doesn't mean I want to show it off in tight exercise pants.

'Look, let's get both sets then. You can start with the less revealing outfit you picked and work towards this. Trust that I know what I'm doing, Tay.'

Oddly enough, I do trust Emma… but that doesn't mean I have her confidence. 

Trying on my choice, I get changed back into my outfit and head out of the changing rooms, indecision gripping me.

"What are you doing here?" an unwelcome voice says, making me freeze as I turn. Mentally checking the time, I curse myself. This took way too long, long enough for school to end, and this mall is a common haunt of her.

Turning to face Emma, my newfound confidence abandons me as she glares at me.

"I thought you were busy crying in hospital, such an attention seeker," Barnes says, arms crossed under her chest as she scowls at me before she sees the clothes in my arms and her lips curl into a malicious smile. "As if you could afford to shop here, or are you planning on shoplifting? I always knew you were trash."

'Ugh, does she ever shut up? Ignore her, her ego won't be able to take it.'

"Go away, Barnes. I don't have time for you," I say, following Emma's advice as I walk past Barnes and towards the counter. For just a moment, I see Barnes blink in confusion, followed by anger as I ring up my purchases.

I didn't plan to buy the tighter outfit, but maybe I'm just trying to prove a point to Barnes as I pay for both outfits. Barnes never risks ruining her reputation around adults, so I'm not surprised that she just lurks in the background while I'm dealing with the middle-aged woman behind the counter.

Finishing my purchase, I leave the store without looking back toward Emm- Barnes even once, hearing her footsteps chasing behind me.

"There's no way your dad gave you that money," Barnes tries again, chasing after me as I just walk away. "I'd think you're selling your body to the Merchants, but there's no way anyone would pay to fuck you."

Just ignore her. I can hear the frustration growing in her voice as I walk away. Every part of me wants to react, either to show how much it hurts to have my former best friend saying things like this or to just punch Barnes in the nose, but Emma helps keep my face blank as we keep walking. Having Emma in my head has reminded me of just how much I've missed the Emma I knew, not this psychotic bitch that took her place.

"Or maybe you are whoring yourself out. I'm sure you could find someone desperate enough to fuck you if you charged low enough. Do you do group discounts?" Barnes tries again, but I can hear how angry she's getting as she chases after me. My brisk walk means she has to jog to keep up, finally losing her patience as she grabs my arm and tries to pull me back. "Don't ignore me, Hebert."

My stance is perfect, and as she tries to pull my arm, I return the favour. She couldn't make me budge on her best day, but rushing as she is, she's off-balance, and as I pull my arm back, she stumbles and falls. Sidestepping, I watch her hit the floor with a loud thud.

The mall isn't bustling, but enough people are around to see that Barnes did that to herself as I step over her with a dismissive look, guided by Emma. Glancing down at my former best friend, I notice the way her nose is bleeding from the fall as she glares up at me.

'You don't need her anymore. You have me.'

"I'm not surprised you've become a whore, Hebert. Like mother, like daughter," Barnes shouts as I walk away, and Emma is only helping me school my expression. She couldn't come close to stopping me as I swivel around to face Barnes, disbelief and anger in my eyes. "It's not like her teacher's salary paid that well, and your dad has always been pathetic. I bet she was giving out tutoring sessions every night. She probably spent more time bent over her desk than behind it."

My mom was like family to Barnes once. Watching Barnes scramble to her feet, clutching her nose, I barely convince myself not to kick her in the face.

'I take it back, fuck ignoring her. Let's beat her ass. Lemme out, summon Redwing, and I'll carve the bitch up. No, better yet, do it later. I'll make it look like a fucking accident.'

Tempting, but not the greatest idea.

"You're pathetic, Barnes. I can't believe it took me this long to realise it," I finally say, sounding more sad than angry. Emma is a master of faking emotions, and with my better Emma in my head, she can guide me through a type of battle I'm utterly unprepared for.

Barnes goes to respond, trembling with anger, but she's cut off by the arrival of another person. It did occur to me that it was weird for Emma to be in a sports store, but then her new best friend is a track star, isn't she?

"Hebert?" Sophia asks, looking slightly confused as I turn to her and freeze. Barnes suggesting that my mother was a prostitute pales in comparison to the rage I feel as I spot Sophia Hess. "Emma, what happened to you?"

Sophia Hess (Shadow Stalker)

A breaker capable of shifting herself into a shadow form, which allows her to pass through walls.

"Hebert pushed me over," Barnes lies as easily as she breathes, but my gaze remains utterly locked on Sophia, who turns back to me with a challenging glare.

Sophia is a hero. Sophia Hess is a member of the fucking Wards.

Sophia moves closer, getting in my face but it is taking every piece of self-control I have not to attack her on the spot. Taking several calming breaths, I call on the knowledge from Monk to try and clear my mind and focus.

Emma, hack their phones. Now.

'On it.'

"Barnes fell on her own, trying to pull me back. Ask anyone who saw her; it's not my fault she's so clumsy. I've got stuff to do, Hess. Get out of my face," I say, barely succeeding in calming myself as a little growl slips into my tone.

Hess hesitates, used to me backing down or flinching away as I stare right into her eyes. 

"Ooh, someone grew a spine," Hess almost whispers, a savage grin on her lips. "But I think you forgot your-"

As she speaks, she reaches forward to grab my shirt despite us being in public. We aren't drawing a crowd, but there are some people around. Which means those people get to see as I grab Hess's wrist and twist it, making her yelp in surprise as I bend it at an unnatural angle, though she quickly pulls it free.

"Fuck off, Hess. I don't have time to deal with you two," I say dismissively, pushing her back. Unlike Barnes, she catches herself quickly and doesn't fall back even as she stumbles from the force behind my blow. It doesn't stop her eyes going from curious to fucking furious at me standing up to her. Yeah, she's not the only one currently furious.

If Ems wasn't helping me control it, I think I'd be outright attacking them both.

"You fucking bitch-" Sophia growls as I turn and walk away. I don't plan to leave, but I want it to be very clear that this is self-defence as I hear her footsteps rapidly approaching me. Our argument has drawn an increasingly large crowd of on-lookers, and as I focus my Ki, I use it to hone my senses and reflexes.

Sophia lunges at me, rage clouding her judgement as I step to the side, letting her pass the spot I was just in as I sweep my foot and take out her legs. I'm not done yet, and as she falls, I bring my hand down on the back of her neck with a harsh chop, slamming her into the ground with a pained shout.

"I told you to leave me alone, Hess," I say simply, seeing the disbelief in her eyes before she freezes, and instead, I see realisation. Rising to her feet, she goes to step toward me again before she pauses and turns to Barnes.

"We're leaving," Sophia orders, making Barnes blink in confusion.


"I said we're fucking leaving now," Sophia growls, making Barnes freeze up in confusion and shock, looking between us both. Sophia storms off, and Barnes hesitates for a moment before she turns and follows behind like the good little sidekick she is.

Taking a deep breath, I turn and walk away. Sophia knows. Out of the Trio, Sophia is the one who prefers physical forms of bullying; she knows I didn't have this much strength before we broke up for winter.

I can claim I started working out more over the winter break to help protect myself, but there's a limit to how much I can bluff. She knows, or at least suspects, that I'm a cape. She's with the fucking Protectorate; she could expose my identity…

Emma. How do I destroy Sophia's life?

'I thought you'd never ask.'

Feat Achieved: Stand up to the Trio (100cp), 50cp spent unlocking [Sorcery - Fortune Ritual (Death Curse)]. 50cp remaining.

[Sorcery - Fortune Ritual (Death Curse)] - 50cp

Source: World of Darkness: Sorcerer 

Some, but not all, Paths also have rituals, which take an extra ten minutes to cast but are easier to perform, more powerful, and often capable of producing effects that cannot be replicated with normal sorcery. A sorcerer must have the appropriate dots in the proper path to learn a given ritual.

Death Curse(1): The only ritual this path provides, the sorcerer's next curse will be their last, as this ritual causes it to consume the lifeforce of its caster. However, the effect will be several times more powerful than they could otherwise achieve. Alternatively, this ritual can confer a blessing of equal magnitude.

…damnit, I was hoping for something more useful than this. A ritual that makes my curse much more effective is nice, but not when it kills me. Also, was Madison even there? Looking into the distance, I spot their little cheerleader trailing behind them. Huh, so she was.

'Get back home, got something to tell you. Then, we have three lives to destroy.'

– Sophia Hess (Shadow Stalker) –

"What?" Emma asked, making her growl.

"Where does Hebert live?" Sophia repeated, and the answer only made her more unhappy. Pacing back and forth, she growled and punched the wall to try to let off some of her anger.

"What does-"

"There's a new cape that saved some family near Hebert's house. The PRT is making a big deal of her because she's a fucking healer, but she also has some marital arts bullshit. Hebert hits way too hard; she was weak as fuck when we stuffed her into that locker," Sophia growled, disbelief and anger flooding her.

She went through hell to get her powers, and Hebert triggers after a fucking prank?

 "Wait, you mean-" Emma started, shock colouring her tone.

"Hebert triggered; she had to. You saw how the bitch moved. FUCK," Sophia growled, her pacing increasing. Hebert triggering was bad enough, but she'd had to sit through an entire fucking meeting about this new cape and how much the PRT wanted their own healer. 

They'd throw her under the bus for Hebert if they found out about their pranks.

A combat thinker, maybe? Hebert moved with way too much confidence; even the way she walked was different. She walked like a predator, something that made Sophia's already burning rage grow. 

Hebert, pathetic weakling Hebert, had triggered.

Despite her rage, she forced herself to calm down as she frowned. She had to play this smart, even as she watched Emma seemingly having a mental breakdown from the realisation that Hebert had gotten powers while Emma hadn't.

Today had been a downright shitty day; adding Hebert kicking her ass onto it was the final straw.

– Taylor Hebert –

Arriving at home, I have to spend some time controlling my breathing and forcing the rage burning inside me to cool before I'm in any position to listen to Emma, but she understands. Her soothing words help just as much as my own Monk techniques.

So much makes sense now, why Sophia never gets in trouble, why Panacea came to help me so quickly. The PRT was cleaning up their mess and sweeping it under the rug.

'No, or not entirely, at least. I don't think the PRT know Sophia was responsible for your hospitalisation. Sophia's handler contacted Brandish to get Panacea, but I've been digging deeper. Sophia is on probation, and Sophia's handler hasn't been doing the regular check-ins she's supposed to. She took the role for a pay raise but has let Sophia run loose, and now she's trying to fix her mistake before the PRT realise how wild Sophia has gotten. Winslow is getting a large budget increase for Sophia's presence, and Blackwell doesn't want to lose that if Sophia's actions cause her to get sent to juvie.'

So, it's incompetence and corruption rather than malice on the part of the PRT? Lovely.

You know, I was seriously considering the PRT. Not as a Ward, because I've had enough teen drama for one lifetime, but when I hit the age for the Protectorate, I was thinking of joining up. I could use the time until then to build myself a heroic reputation… but after this?

Armsmaster is supposed to be in charge of the Wards, right? How has he missed how much of a psycho one of his charges is?

'Sophia has mentioned to Emma multiple times that Armsmaster barely ever checks in on them. As far as I can tell, she can't stand the other Wards, and they don't like her.'

Ugh, I was right about the Wards being filled with teen drama.

So, the important question. How do I expose Sophia? There is not a chance in hell that I'm going to let her keep pretending to be a hero.

'I have her handler's name, so we can start by cursing her with bad luck. There's a chance that with enough bad luck, we can make them expose themselves while keeping your part in it secret.'

We could also give people who would be looking into this kind of thing good fortune; maybe it'd give them a nudge in the right direction.

'True. I'll find the names you need.'

Sophia suspects that I'm a cape. I listened to Barnes and Sophia's conversation through her phone, and I can't predict what Sophia is going to do. Would she unmask me? Maybe, but Emma doesn't think so.

The Unwritten Rules, a stupid name, to be honest, mean that unmasking capes is a big no-no, and that's the kind of thing that gets you killed.

It also means that I know that the PRT have told all their capes to watch out for me because they want me for my healing powers. Healing will always be in high demand, but that gives me an opportunity

I need to expose how much Sophia has been violating her parole without it being linked back to me. I also need to build my hero rep up more so that if Sophia does come for me, I'll have a reputation to back me up instead of it being some nobody's word vs a Ward.

The more power and renown that I have, the more the PRT will want to recruit me and the more likely they are to listen to me should it come to that. Basically, I need power and a reputation, and for that, I need to start working on removing the limits I have built into my power.

I need to defeat a Cape.

Still, I have some points left so I might as well see what I can get to tip the odds in my favour.

[Sword Of Resistance] - 50cp, 0cp remaining.

Source: MtG - Shandalar

This magnificent blade is quite suited for close-quarters combat, but its true power lies within. The Sword Of Resistance allows its wielder to gain an innate sense of who (or what) needs protecting, with the range increasing the more severe the threat or the larger the number of potential victims. You might become aware of a woman being chased by a carnivorous troll from a few hundred yards away, while an entire city under siege by malicious sorcerors might be felt from halfway across a continent. Only the most urgent or severe target will be known to you, but you need not stand by helpless and unable to act. For once you are aware of any target, the blade can be activated to instantly teleport to or near the target, ensuring you can personally aid in its defense (if you wish) regardless of the distance you would have had to cover otherwise.

The Sword Of Resistance can be used once per day for free and can be recharged instantly by spending white mana.

Summoning the blade, I examine it with curiosity for a moment, but while my Monk knowledge came with some weapons training, swords aren't my speciality. Not even close, but then it's not about the sword itself but the power it holds.

Emma, can you get me a list of all the villains in the city? I need points if we're going to pull this off, and I'm not going to get any by sitting around feeling sorry for myself. Every bit of power I get is another nail in Sophia's coffin.

'On it, Tay. We're gonna take those bitches down hard.'

Damn right, we are.

Making my decision, I switch back to my Cape outfit and activate the Sword Of Resistance. The sword isn't stupid; it doesn't warn me about things I can't change, and in an instant, I reappear in an alleyway behind an ABB thug with a gun.

To say he's surprised to have a hooded monk with a glowing white sword appear behind him is a bit of an understatement, but he barely gets a single strangled word out before the fists start flying, his weapon taken away in an instant.

— Bonus Scene — Amelia Dallon (Panacea)

Looking up the PHO page for the new unnamed cape, Amy felt herself freeze at the single photo of them. She'd only bothered because Vicky had told her that they were another healer. Apparently, they were some martial artist with healing powers, which sounded more fun than being Panacea.

But the reason she froze was simple.

For just a moment, as she looked at the admittedly grainy photo of them, her eyes locked onto the woman's amazing abs, which were on display thanks to the way that her cloak had parted in the picture. The hero was clearly new, having what looked like a short black tank top that ended just under her breasts and a pair of exercise pants on beneath her cloak, not a proper cape uniform.

No, what had gained Amy's attention wasn't the outfit but the simple fact that she recognised those abs. Maybe she was jumping to conclusions, but not two days ago she happened to heal an unnaturally tall girl who also happened to have a set of amazing abs. 

But she'd checked Taylor, and she didn't have a Corona Pollentia or Gemma, right?

No, it had to be a coincidence; Taylor didn't have a monopoly on amazing bodies; just look at Vicky. Still, if there was another healer in town, maybe she should… go and say hello? Vicky was always telling her that she needed to socialise more, right?