Not sleeping well last night because of what I witnessed. I feel horrible that I couldn't rescue Na at that moment in time. I am nothing to her right now, seeing that might make Fen even more mad at her and do something to her if I jumped in at that moment.

As I lay out my robes for this wedding, I really don't want to marry this person. This is a political marriage, so that means I really don't have to spend too much time with her. Maybe once she figures out her role, she will change highly unlikely, but I can always hope.

Wait, my mom is supposed to go visit Na today. I should go see if I can get some information about her more than I already have. Walking by the other palaces, I can see all the hustle and bustle from the moving in. quietly sneaking past the palaces, I do not want to be noticed as they are unpacking.

I finally reached Na's palace without being noticed at all. I found a place where I can hear the conversation with my mom and her. Hoping that she does not notice me at all. Wait, is that her mom, my soon to be mother-in-law? I can see where she gets her looks from, and she looks strict.

Wait, I am marrying Na officially as well. I am learning a lot just standing here. Why didn't my mom tell me we were having a ceremony? I am sure it is because she wants me to finish this one first. At least I will have something to look forward to and it seems to be in less than forty-eight hours.

That means the day after I marry the devil itself. She seems terrified about this marriage. Just then, I feel a tap on my shoulder. It was Shuming standing there behind me looking disappointed in me.

"quiet I am trying to hear what they are saying?" I whispered.

"You need to get ready for tomorrow, and your dad wants to see you." He said.

We walked towards my dad's palace.

"Shuming, why is she so scared about the wedding? I thought she would be excited." I asked.

"well, she is nervous because they taught her to be perfect in everything. Seeing she has never been married or really knows anything about it, of course, she is scared." He replied.

"I want to ask why your family didn't try to marry her?" being curious

"I wanted to at first, but I look at her more like my little sister than anything." He said.

"I am grateful that you didn't. I think I am in love with her. My heart races every time I am near her. I can't sleep without dreaming of her." I explained.

"It sure sounds like you're in love with her." He said.

"Really? you think so?" sounding excited

"yes, I think so." He replied, annoyed

We finally reached the steps to my dad's chambers. Noticing there was one of his consorts leaving at the same time as we arrived, we bowed to her. As she walked by, not looking too happy about something, but that is none of my business.

We bowed "your highness."

"You may rise and have no formalities in this conversation." My dad said.

"Father, you wanted to see me?" I said.

"Well, I am sure your mother didn't tell you yet, but you are getting married in forty-eight hours again." He replied.

"I heard something of that nature." I replied.

"You mean you were ease dropping on a conversation you shouldn't of have." He stated.

"Yes, I did. It was informational, at least. I found she is very nervous and scared of getting married." I said.

"Well, of course she is. She wasn't expecting a wedding at all." He said.

"I will not disappoint at all." I said.

"You better not." My dad said sternly.

"I hate to ask is this all you needed was to tell me this. Mom has me getting ready for tomorrow's ceremony as well." I said.

"stay away from Na's palace today. We don't want to stir up trouble with you first wife. It is already caused a lot of problems in my harem." He said.

"We will take our leave on that note." As I hurried to leave,

I looked at Shuming. "wow Fen is causing all sorts of trouble in all the harems it seems."

"Unfortunately, she has been causing fits after fit." He reminded me.

"Well, let's finish getting ready for tomorrow. It couldn't come fast enough." I said.

We headed to my palace to just relax when I thought I can't marry Na in the same robes as Fen. That would not be right. Then I noticed another person carrying something to my palace. I am not too far from my dad's palace at all. At least we have gates to close off from the rest of this world.

We rushed to my palace to see what was going on. One of the embroidery staff was carrying another set of robes. This one is better than the ones I got for marrying the witch of the south.

"Who are these for?" I asked.

"your highness, this is for your wedding in forty-eight hours from now." as she is kneeling

"you may rise, these robes are fantastic. Thank you for bringing them." I said.

Shuming gave her a silver piece for herself as we hung up the set of robes. I had the other ones sitting on the arm of my chair. They look like something I am not sure, but they are traditional. Just as I finished putting on the new setup.

I hear yelling coming from my courtyard and it is moving in quickly like a rabbit on a mission to the carrot patch.

"Whose idea was it you had a ceremony with the second wife?" Fens voice echoed from the courtyard

She comes in like a rabid beast after its prey. With the biggest fakest tears in her eyes.

"Do I not mean anything to anyone here?" with the fake tears in her eyes

"What is the matter this time?" I ask.

"This isn't fair, your getting married right after we are." She continues with the fake tears.

"That is the emperor's orders." I stated.

"Its just not fair. We won't even have a honeymoon or meet my parents." She said.

It doesn't look like she is going to give or stop soon if I don't say something that will help.

"we can do the parents' visits within the month. It will be ok. As far as the honeymoon I don't know when we will be able to seeing I have a lot of work to do." I said.

It seemed to calm her down. I really don't want this to get out of hand. She got a big smile when she looked in the directions of the robes hanging up. I will not say a word to her about the robes at all.

"You better head back and get some rest for tomorrow." I said.

With a smile on her face, she walked out the door. Wow, she is exhausting to deal with.

"Shuming, that just wore me out. I think I am just going to go to sleep and get tomorrow over with." I said.

"Good night, your highness." He said and walked out the door.

I could hear him give the orders to not let anyone disturb me tonight. Seeing tomorrow is going to be a long day.

As I wake up, I am dreading today, but come tomorrow, I will marry the woman of my dreams literally. I just have to get through this day. All the commotion going on outside getting the final touches done. I hope they will change it for tomorrow because I want her day to be special.

I can hear the guest arriving at my father's palace.

"your highness, it is time to get ready and great the guest coming in. Your father wants you to get ready at his palace." Shuming comes in.

"Fine, let's go." I said reluctantly.

We headed over to my father's palace. I am dragging my feet like a toddler that doesn't want to go.

"I don't want to be here." I whined.

My father is greeting the guests. The general is standing next to him as well. I hate this. I keep having to remind myself that tomorrow is going to be better. Just got to keep in mind that tomorrow I will be with Na.

As I get ready for the ceremony, I can hear the noise outside of the congratulations ect going on. What is there to be happy about Fen is a spoiled rotten little bitch that throws temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way.

I guess someone eventually had to become the sacrificial lamb to her. I wonder if her dad realizes who she really is.

I hear the eunuch say "the auspicious time has arrived."