As we sat down to tea at the same time as explaining that there are some corrupt officials here and we need to investigate the problem.

"How bad does the emperor think it is?" Shuming asked

"Well, it was enough to bother my honeymoon." I said.

"So, what is the plan?" he asked

"I am going to take Na shopping tomorrow just to see how bad it really is." I said.

"Do you have any idea who is behind all of this?" Shuming asked

"Not yet. I have this feeling that this is going to take a few months to figure out." I said..

"Not to change the subject but, what does Na have planned for me?" He asked.

"I know she wants you and Cao to get together." I pointed out.

"I didn't realize that I was being obvious to my feelings towards Cao." He smirked.

"I guess so. I will not step in her way. It seems like when she sets her mind on something, she will not give up." I laughed.

"That is one thing about Na. She will stick to it until she gets her way." Shuming said.

"What else should I know about her?" I asked.

"She loves hard, just don't make her mad. I witnessed when her brother made her so mad he paid for it for a week." Shuming explained.

"Do I want to know how?" I asked

"Not really, just know she holds deep grudges against people. She will keep it to herself." Informing me.

"I will not do her wrong that I promise. I will do my best to keep her safe." Trying to reassure him.

"I look at her like my little sister. She is a one-of-a-kind person. Who has a heart of gold." He reminded me.

"I would love to do something special for her before we leave here." I said.

"What do you have in mind?" he asked

"I am not too sure right now, but we will meet on this later." I said.

"They should be back from whatever they are doing by now. It is getting late." I said.

We headed out to the room. With the information Shuming has given me, I will think about what I can do to show she is special.

As I approached our room, I can hear her say that Cao should bring me dinner. I love how she is always so considerate of me.

I intercepted the dinner before she made it to my study. "I got your mistress."

Sneaking up behind her in the bath, she started talking

"Cao, I wonder if he really likes me? I am really no one special, but he still is treating me like I am special." She said.

By this time, I couldn't help myself anymore. I snuck up behind her, leaning in..

Whispering "I knew you were going to be special to me from the moment I saw you."

She seemed in shock that I was there. She ended up grabbing me by the robes and bringing me into the bath with her.

"I am sorry, I am sorry." She kept saying.

"I needed a bath, anyway." I laughed.

I moved closer to her in the bath. Trying to keep my hands off her is the hardest thing for me to do.

"I am really overdressed for this. Can you help me?" I whispered.

Shuming coming in yelling "your highness. This won't take long."

Shuming handed me a fresh set of clothes to change into. I changed quickly and headed out to my study.

"What is so important?" I asked Shuming.

"Well, your dad sent a message." He replied.

"go on" I said

"your dad said to talk to the store mangers for information. This may take some time back and forth between here and the capital." Shuming explained.

We reached the study and sat down and continued talking, looking over to the bookshelf that was floor to ceiling. I noticed that there were some books missing. I wonder who took those, figuring out it wasn't Na, because she hasn't seen this part yet.

I must wonder, though, oh well, back to the matter at hand.

"Shuming, is everything set up for the date night?" I asked.

"So far, just working on something for me and Cao, I think I will confess to her that night." He informed me.

"I know it will be well received." I said smirking..

We hear some footsteps outside the room and it sounds like someone stumbled on the steps and then a scream came out. Running out as fast as we could, I see Na laying there on the steps. We figured out that they were trying to listen in on our conversation.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"I just wanted to go for a walk, that's all," she said so innocently

"If you don't mind, can I join you?" I asked.

She gave me a look like I was trying to get out of work or something.

"Shuming, are we done for now?" I asked i.

"Yes sir, we are done." Shuming, replied.

Not being able to keep my hands to myself, I grabbed her hand to hold. I couldn't help but smile at her. She is so gorgeous. I barely noticed that we were in the garden.

"what was that for?" she asked

I pulled her in closer. "Because of you. You make me happy." I said.

Na had the biggest smile on her face as we sat down on the grass as I leaned in to kiss her and I accidentally rolled on top of her, kissing her. She put her arms up to push me up.

"Before we get carried away. I think we need to head to our room." Na said, embarrassed.

Picking her up with no questions, we head to our room. Gently laying her down on the bed, kissing her at the same time. Putting my hands on her face, sliding them down her neck, working my way down her body. I hear a little moan come out of her. Sliding my hands down her leg and back up just to reach her lotus. Being very gentle, I slid my finger into her lotus. She moaned a little louder this time. Feeling she was ready, I slid my dragon inside her lotus with a thrust of excitement. She lets out a moan as I feel her tightening up around my dragon. Couldn't help myself but let out a moan and lean into her for a kiss.

Feeling her hands digging deeper into my back, I can tell she is almost ready. I move faster and we are combining as one. She tightens up more. She can feel her juices around my dragon. I am ready to explode more than I have before. I can feel that our love is getting stronger because she is more relaxed around me. Caving in, I explode inside of her lotus and collapse into her out of pure satisfied exhaustion.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too." I replied.

As she gazed into me and said, "I don't want this moment to end."

"It doesn't have to." I said.

We drifted off to sleep, wrapping my arms around her tightly throughout the night. As daybreak appears through our window, I look at her awakening.

"You can lie here a little longer, but I thought you wanted to go out and about today?" I asked.

"Good Morning, My lady, your Highness." Cao announced

She perked up quickly. I can tell she had something she wanted to do today. As Cao walks in with a smile on her face as she sits the tea and our breakfast on the table.

"Cao, Help your lady get dressed and ready. We are going to see the sights today." I asked Cao.

"Do we have to ride, or can we walk? Na asked in a childish voice.

"We can walk around here. It is safe to walk." I informed her.

We are finally dressed and well fed; we headed out of the manor. I hear a little voice.

"Can we please stop by the bookstore?" she said

"I knew you were going to ask that, of course we are." as I laughed

Walking down the pathway to the store. Noticing people in a hurry around the town, it was a busy little town. People are saying good morning and talking about. I have this sinking feeling there is more than what meets the eye of this town.

Arriving at the bookstore, I can see Na's excitement. She is overjoyed just to be here. She didn't waste any time getting into the store as she headed for the back of the store. Wondering what got her attention back there, but I have other business to do here as well.

I looked at the shopkeeper. "How is business here?"

"It is alright we barely make anything because of the taxes here." He pointed out.

"High taxes?" Confused look across my face as I asked.

"I know who you are, your highness. It's just most people will not respond to you because they are blaming the royal family for the tax increase." He pointed out to me,

Realizing this, I need to reevaluate my approach to things. I need to report this to my father that we are getting the blame for the increase in taxes here. We know we are not seeing this in the royal treasury.

Na comes up to the counter with books in her hand. She covers up the other books with another, one trying not to draw attention to what books she is buying at the time. She was smirking, like I wouldn't notice what she just did. I will let her believe that I just smiled at her.

As I paid the owner of the shop, I whispered, "do not claim this on your taxes."

The owner just smiled at me. We headed out to explore a little more. I hear her stomach growl and the little she blushed, so I led her to a restaurant. As we sat to eat, I was looking around with the shopkeeper's words in my head. We finished eating and visited a few more shops. It was time to head back to the manor.

Dinner and tea were already set in the pagoda for us. It sure was quiet tonight. It was relaxing. We went into the room a little early tonight. She wanted to read her new books. She curled up in front of the bed. I could get behind her, just curious about what she was reading. Reading over her shoulder, realizing what kind of book this is.

I was getting aroused. I can tell she was as well. Reading just one sentence, I was in complete shock at what I was reading.

"What kind of book is this?" still in shock

"It is just a book." She whispered.

She quickly put up the book as if it embarrassed her to read this in front of me.

"I am ready for bed. I am a little tired." I said.

I can see she was a little frustrated with me. I just wanted her to rest after last night.

"We only have one more day here." I reminded her.

"Can we just live here?" She asked.

"Its not fair to the other consorts." As I smile.

I ended up falling asleep because of the day it had exhausted me due to all the new taxes being blamed on the royal family.