Heading Back to The Palace

Getting in the sedan, it was going to be a long ride so hopefully she will get some sleep. Sitting next to me, she curled herself into me and drifted off to sleep, noticing that she was tossing and turning almost came out of my hold.

She screamed in her sleep. I gently move her so I can try to wake her up. Getting her to wake up finally.

"Are you ok?" Being concerned

"I am simply fine." She said, tired and grumpy.

Reaching the halfway point, we stopped to rest and stretch our legs to get a bite to eat. As we sit here and enjoy our meal together.

"Are you sure you are, ok?" being concerned

"I am fine. It was just a bad dream, that is all." She said, aggravated.

"I think we are better on our way." I said.

We loaded up and started our way back to the capital. It was awkward now, it just seems like the honeymoon didn't exist anymore. It was nothing but small talk.

I can see the gates now to the capital. We are coming up on them, galloping through the town, reaching her palace right in front of her gate. Letting her step out first, seeing her staff excited to see her.

I get out and stand behind her, watching all the commotion of the unloading. Hearing Cao give her orders.

"Crown princes, things go to the palace of eternal springs." Cao ordered.

"Wait, I want my belongings to stay here at Last Love Palace." I ordered.

Giving Na the biggest kiss ever. "I need to head to see the emperor." I said.

"Ok." she said as she sighed

"Shuming, are you ready?" I asked.

"Yes, your highness." He said as he looks at Cao giving out orders.

I reluctantly left the palace knowing she was coming back and alone on her first official day. I hope the Crown princess will stay at her palace.

"Your highness, what are you going to say to the emperor?" he asked

"Well, all we can do is tell him what all we found out." I informed him.

We are walking down the long pathway of walls to my dad's palace. I realized how many times I have made this walk and how scary it is. Me and Shuming just taking in how creepy it is walking in complete silence. Looking around at the dark walls, it really looked like blood, just at a constant flow. No other colors except the grey stone at our feet.

We finally reached my father's palace. Once we got there, we saw one of his concubines storming out.

"I hope my harem doesn't act like this." I looked and Shuming laughing

We just laughed at the door when my dad's eunuch announced us to my dad. Bowing to my dad "your, highness."

"You may rise, report your findings." My dad said.

"your highness, this trip we had only found that there are many people involved in this. We caught the bottom. He's in the prison now waiting for questioning. There is one big thing the people are being told it is you raising the taxes." I informed him.

"really, I am the one who raised taxes?" the emperor stated

"Well, whoever is behind this, they are keeping the difference between the taxes." Informing him.

"I am sure something alert them to your investigation, so lie low for now." Emperor said.

"Ok, I will do that." I said.

"How was the honeymoon?" Emperor asked.

"It was fun. We got closer." I said.

"So grandchildren are a possibility?" Emperor asked excitingly.

"Yes, of course." I said, laughing.

"On that note, we will take our leave." I said.

"You are dismissed." Emperor said.

With that, we walked out of the Emperor's study. We couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Is it me or does he always have grandchildren on the brain?" Looking at Shuming.

"Yes, maybe you should talk to your brothers about helping with that." Shuming laughing..

"Sure, I will get right on that." I said sarcastically.

Continuing through the gardens, we see many commotions coming from my courtyard. Servants running here and there palace gates are closing. Standing in the garden that connects all the palaces together river flowing through the middle with bridges leading to each palace. Flowers outlining each path. Grass growing around the pathways.

Seeing all these commotions I know who ordered the palaces shut down would be my mom the empress. Only me and her have this power to shut down the whole east palace.

"We need to head to my mom's." I said to Shuming.

"ok" he said with confusion

We turned around and headed to my mom's palace and seeing the royal physician coming out of the east palace.

"What has happened here?" I asked the physician.

"Your highness, I may not say." The physician said.

"By whose orders?" I asked.

"Your highness, please do not make this hard on me." the physician said

"Just tell me." I ordered.

"Your highness, please." He begged.

"Tell me now, this is my palace." I ordered.

"Your highness, it was her majesty the empress. I was told not to tell anyone, including you." He said.

"Shuming, go to the prison to see what you can find out there." I ordered.

Shuming left in a hurry to find out what is going on heading right to the prison.

I went straight to the empress's palace. Running as fast as I could finally reach her gates and someone shut as well them. What is going on? I wondered to myself.

Just then, the empress arrived. I bowed "Your Highness"

"You may rise." She said.

"Mom, what is going on?" I asked.

"Son, don't worry Na, just caught a cold that was contagious, and I didn't want to risk anyone." She told me.

"I will go there now." I said panicked.

"No, just let her rest. She needs it." My mom ordered.

I know my mom is lying to me. Something happened. Well, I am going to head down to Shuming to see if he had heard anything. On my way down to him, I kept thinking to myself what could have happened to my harem for it to go on lock down and no one is talking.

Finally reaching the prison, a tall, grey, ominous building with iron gates in the entrance, the feeling of death in the air. As I walk in, I can smell the stench of blood flowing. Looking around, I noticed that someone of the Fen's servants is in here.

Going down the dark dreary steps of mold and blood in the air, each step I take toward the interrogation room, the more blood I smell. The dampness in here is unbelievable. The only thing lighting the way are small, dimly lit candles.

Put my hand on the wall to steady me as I walk down the steps. Was that blood or water? Reaching Shuming, I see he has one of Fen's servant with him. He doesn't look too happy about it, that is for sure.

"Your highness, for some reason they are not talking." Shuming said..

"Keep trying." I ordered.

"What happened in the east Palace? if you say nothing, we will sell you to the slave trader?" Shuming said.

In that moment, the slave had swallowed a pill, killing himself in an instant. We rushed to the other servants to find them already dead. It looks like we will not get our answers here. Leaving the prison, looking at Shuming.

"Can you please guard Na's palace tonight?" I asked.

"Yes. I might Cao will tell me what had happened." Shuming said.

"I need to head over to noble consort Diu's tonight." I said.

"You don't look too thrilled." Shuming stated.

"I really want to be by Na's side, but I have to treat all my consorts the same because I do not want a harem like my dads." I said to him.

We parted ways, and I headed to Diu. I really didn't want to go but as I travel through the garden, my mind I am thinking of Na the whole time. I don't know if I can consummate the marriage with Diu.

As I walk into the courtyard, she has it, beautiful flowers in every corner of the walls. The smell overcomes you as you walk in. I walk in and they bow. "Your highness."

"Rise." I said

Diu tells her servant to serve the tea. I sit down and she danced for me. I was still thinking of Na. She had to be really sick, but I know it lay me too. Knowing it's not right to ask my consort about the others is in poor taste.

She danced towards me. I can't help but notice that she is pretty. I couldn't help but get hard for her. Getting closer to her, I grab her by the waist and lead her into the bedroom. Lay her gently on the bed.

Removed her robes, slid my dragon into her lotus and spread her legs, she moaned. Sliding in and out of her, I run my hands down her neck and back up. I put my finger on her lips as she licked my finger and let out another moan.

She was ready to explode around my dragon. I quicken my movement, her juices flowing around my dragon. In return, I let my juices flow inside her lotus. We laid down together for the night.

By the next morning I was in a hurry to get up to see if I can find out more information about Na. Every place I look or ask around I keep running into dead ends. What is going on?