"Shuming, can you please go by my oldest brothers and see if they are going to go to the Lotus House tonight?" I asked.

"Sure thing, are you sure this is the right thing to do?" Shuming asked.

"From my understanding that this is the place that I can gather information, drunk lips will tell the truth." I said.

"That is so true, I will take my leave and find out what is needed." Shuming said.

Sitting at my desk I noticed the feeling in my study is not as exciting as Na's study I have my books, my work, but I can't concentrate in here. It has a dark feel to it where there is nothingness. It's dark and gloomy no light in here at all even though the candles are lit and daylight is shining in.

Pacing around the hardwood floor wondering how I am going to crack this case. Heading to the Lotus House have a lead there, all the officials go there to unload from their days. Not knowing what to say or ask all I can do is just play it by ear. I hear my brothers and Shuming coming down the walkway they are not quiet as well.

"Hey little brother are you around?" I hear my first oldest brother.

"Little brother." My youngest was yelling.

Walking out to meet them I greeted them "hello, what is all the noise about" I said

"So you have grown tired of your wives already?" my youngest was saying

"What gave you that idea?" I asked.

"You want to go with us to the Lotus House." he said

"Its not like that." I said.

"Then what is it little brother." My oldest asked.

"I want to learn some stuff from them." I said.

They both get a big smile across their faces and laughed. They grabbed me by the arms and led me into the city and we stood in front of the Lotus House. It was a bit intimidating at first a two-story red building with lanterns everywhere. Courtesans out front greeting people to guide them in.

We walked in and there was a center stage where the courtesans dance and play music for entertainment. Tables are around the stage as well up stairs but there are rooms upstairs. The smell of sex is flowing through the air like incense.

It's covered in red fabric upstairs the feeling of drinking and sex is everywhere here. I follow my brother over to the table next to the stage it is hidden away so no one can notice us. Just sitting there watching all the women walk around us.

As one courtesan brings us wine and food dishes to eat. Seeing my brother wave one over to us. It looks like his favorite one she is beautiful her hair pulled up in the traditional style. Not a lot of make-up but she has a soft feature about her. Not like the ones that are walking around.

As she approaches there are two more women behind her, they all look good. As I looked past them, I noticed a few of the court members here enjoying their time. Looking over at Shuming and nodding in their direction. He was alerted and moved closer but unseen to them.

One courtesan come up to me and put her hands on my shoulders at first I was uncomfortable but then I remembered why I was here. She was unforgettable the way they dressed her in purple robes looking like flames going up the skirt. Smelling like lavender and roses.

It was so easy to get lost in her, make up done ever so lightly with a lotus on her forehead. Relaxing into her touch as she grabbed my hand and led me upstairs. They sure move fast, following her up to her room. They decorated it in pinks and black fabric and the bed was a black silk comforter.

She sat me down at the table serving me tea just showing me a little bit of skin first. While she was serving my tea, she was quiet as a mouse running around the house. Guiding me to the bed, she was removing my robes.

"Your guard informed me you need instruction on how to keep up with your second wife?" she guided

"Yes, she picked up a book by Su Nu Jing." I said.

"They teach us in the arts of Su Nu Jing." She responded.

"First lesson is to learn how to be harmonious. It's a give and take system you both cannot have your ways but there is a way to do it harmonious." She explained.

As she continues "This is going to take time and effort. If you cannot spare the time, we should not start."

"I am willing to." I said.

Laying on the bed she kisses my neck, working her way down. To my dragon. Wrapping her lips around my dragon lips working their way up and down my dragon never had this experience before. She was getting me so excited that I flipped her over to her back. Then I stopped dead in my tracks because I kept thinking of Na. I couldn't betray her like this, I know I have consorts but it's not the same.

"Excuse me, I need to go, I am sorry for wasting your time." I said.

"It is ok, I understand this being your first time. Maybe next time will go better." She said.

Thinking to myself as I walk through her doorway smelling like jasmine and roses. Seeing Shuming off in the distance looking like he is enjoying his last days of freedom. Flirting with one courtesan as his cover so it wouldn't draw attention to himself. Walking down the stairs I look at the distance and see that he was also listening in to what the officials where saying.

The officials from different areas of the state. All of them high-ranking officials each of them hold a high military and political positions.

Tapping him on the shoulder, he just nodded at me we headed over to my brothers. My older brother is missing well I don't have to wonder where he is.

"We are taking our leave." I tell my second oldest.

"Are you ok?" he asked

"Yeah, I am fine. Just need to go." I responded.

"Ok, I will see you later." My brother said.

We headed back to my palace so I can unwind, feeling guilty about a thing that conspired wanting to see Na not sure what to do about it.

"Shuming, what did you learn?" I asked.

"Well, it is in over one town that this is happening in. They are trying to raise money to overthrow the emperor." Shuming replied.

"What else?" I asked

"Nothing really they got interrupted by the courtesan." He said.

We reached my palace I made the notes needed to send to the emperor.

"Shuming, can you take this to the emperor?" I asked.

He leaves to take the note to the emperor so it can prepare him I know in the next few months I need to head over to the towns to figure out what is going on and try to stop it. Knowing they are trying to raise an army to usurp my father's rein.

Deciding ongoing to Na's I have been worried about her all day. Wondering if she is ok knowing she has been through a lot these days. As I get closer to Na's I see Cao walking out of Na's palace it's late, I wonder where she is going. She is heading towards the main gate. Wishing Shuming was here to follow her to make sure she is safe.

Seeing Na's mind is not paying attention to her surroundings I gently tapped her shoulder

"Are you ok?" I asked

"Greetings your highness." She said.

"When we are in our house, it is to be Unformal." I reminded her.

"You simply scared me. I thought I was alone, that's all. Me and your mom went to Fen's palace today and visited your father as well." She told me.

"By the way aren't you supposed to be with one of your consorts today why do I get the visit?" she continued.

"I missed you, is there anything wrong with that?" I asked.

She just sat there and shook her head no. There seems to be something wrong with her today she is acting differently towards me.

"It's important that you visit with your consorts." She stressed to me.

"If I didn't know better, I'd swear you are pushing me away." I said with a frown.

"It is far from that. It is just got one of your women after me. I need a chance to survive. They will all hate me." she said.

She has never acted like this before. Wondering what is going on with her I am so worried about her.