Annie Was Missing

[Flora's POV]

The tribesmen were all cheering, but I was certain that they were cheering for my kindness. Perhaps there was a little of it to celebrate Beyonce joining the tribe, but I knew that it wouldn't be much.

Beyonce's surprise was obvious. I didn't think she would have expected me to be so good to her. I watched as her eyes darted around, then she walked up to me and knelt down.

"Respected Luna, you're really too good. I can't believe you're treating me so well. I can't repay your kindness. I beg you to let me be your personal maid, to give me a chance to repay you and take care of you."

There she was again. I just needed to give her a little opportunity and she'll be able to act out a sorrowful scene. But now, I didn't care if she was pretending or not. A personal maid. To think she could think of something like this. Why did she want to come to my side? To spy on me, disgust me, and then steal my necklace?

I suppressed the dissatisfaction that was surging in my heart and then broke out into the sweetest and gentlest smile. I pulled Beyonce up from the ground and hugged her. "Beyonce, don't be afraid anymore. You're already a member of the Southwind Tribe. Here, you can get everything you want with your own hands. As long as you work hard, you'll be able to live well. You can ask anything you don't know. I'll find professionals to teach you. No one will hurt you. Your sufferings have all passed."

Beyonce cried happily in my arms and immediately started to say the words. "Luna, you're the best luna. It's no wonder my mate… oh no, I mean Alpha… Alpha loves you deeply. You deserve to be loved."

Marshall was at the side, looking at me with a complicated expression.

It was an observation. He did not believe that I would let Beyonce off.

I looked back at him and released my biggest move of the day.

"Regarding the relationship between me, Marshall, and Beyonce, I want to ask everyone to understand that mates are a bond that we are born to be unable to resist. I hope that everyone won't bully Beyonce because of the awkward relationship between us. If anyone else discovers such an action, please stop it in time. I'm serious about this matter. I'm not joking."

I could feel Beyonce's body that was leaning on me stiffening for an instant. She wouldn't believe me, that was for sure.

However, from the way my people looked at me, I knew that I had completely won this round.

Their gazes were going to return to me from Beyonce, and those gazes were definitely not pity toward the weak, but respect for the strong.

After completing all of this, I chose to head to the forest to relax a little.

After I came of age, each time I was in a bad mood, I would release Annie out and let her bring me around the forest for a walk, getting close to nature. My mood wouldn't be that bad after that.

Annie was my wolf-shaped will. We had always been inseparable. After my rebirth, I had only tried to summon her once, but she ignored me. This time, in the forest, I thought that she would definitely be willing to come out.

"Annie, we're in the forest. Don't you want to come out and run? Come on out. I didn't tell anyone about my rebirth. I just want to tell you."

Annie didn't respond. She must be really angry, so I tried to say in a currying tone, "Annie, I was wrong. I should have told you about such a big thing like being reborn earlier. I'll run by myself first. When you get the mood to, come out and run for me, okay?"

I moved through the forest, leaving tall and lush trees behind me as I ran. The fresh air made me feel a lot better.

But Annie still refused to come out even though I was already sweating from all the running.

"Annie, are you there? What's wrong? Can you answer me?"

My communication with Annie didn't have any results, but another wolf appeared in the forest. It had silver fur and golden pupils. It was tall, handsome, and majestic.

I was certain that there wasn't such an outstanding wolf in the Southwind Tribe.

The forest was a public area. Wolves from other tribes could come too, so it wasn't surprising that he appeared here. But this smell, oh my god, wasn't this the wolf who went crazy and wanted to violate me the last time? Why did he come out of the hospital? The hospital was too irresponsible.

I turned and ran. It's such a pity that he's a lunatic despite his extremely handsome appearance.

He was clearly coming for me. When I ran back, he accelerated and rushed over. I frantically called in my heart, "Annie, save me! I'm in danger! Come out and save me! Let's escape!"

At this point in the crisis, it was impossible for Annie not to save me. However, she still hadn't appeared. I couldn't help but think of a scary fact—Annie had disappeared.

Without Annie around, I couldn't outrun the silver wolf. He pounced on me again, rubbing his head against my neck and calling me his mate.

"I already said that I'm not your mate, so why are you still haunting me? I can't sense anything from you! Let go of me!"

There was a great disparity in our strengths, so I couldn't break free from his grip. Looking at the small river not far down the slope, I used all my strength and kicked the crazy wolf's knee.

He lost his balance and fell quickly, but his arms were hugging me. I had no choice but to roll downhill together with him.