2. Catching Firefox, Chapter 6

There were hundreds of them. It seemed they had been waiting outside. Waiting for someone to tear down the wall for them. And luckily for them, someone did. But they were not entirely in luck. The true Firefox was using the Sword of Forgiveness and his own fire powers to subdue them. With the silver sword he was able to easily cut through them. Additionally, my glove was much stronger than I thought. Somehow I was able to produce a strong enough wave to stop several of them from advancing. Their bodies were hurled through the air and landed somewhere out of sight, probably with a few crushed bones. But the hordes kept on coming, there seemed no end to it. Even after we had slain so many of them. Then finally, standing above all the others, I could see him in the distance. One big bad sunglass-wearing wolf. With one giant leap he came at us and as usual we were too slow.

This sunglass-wearing wolf was once again digging his claws and fangs deep into the earthly body of a fox-spirit. This time it was the true Firefox. As true a Firefox he may have been however, it didn’t save him from his horrible fate. The wolf ripped out the entire rib cage with his claws and then proceeded to utilize his enormous fangs of his on the spirit’s throat. After a while his body was completely torn apart. Or more accurately, torn into a thousand pieces. There were literally thousands of pieces lying on the floor by the time the werewolf was done. Many of them the young master considered useless for a human being to even possess to begin with. However, empowered by the sudden rage he was feeling, he jumped high in the air and heroically punched the creature’s chin with his gloved hand. This heroic uppercut caused the teeth to shatter and the head to bend back that far it broke its neck. The creature was sent somersaulting through the air, teeth falling out of its mouth while in midair. Then after the lifeless body of their leader landed on the floor, the other werewolves retreated in fright, howling while doing so. The young master breathed a sigh of relief and then found that the head of the Firefox was surprisingly still in one piece. And even more surprisingly, still able to talk.

“I tried to block the attack but then I realized that I was blocking my own ability and it was too late,” the head explained.

“I really don’t understand how your powers work,” I had to admit.

“Yes, sometimes I don’t know myself,” he answered, sadly smiling.

“Listen, the war is not over. You killed a powerful werewolf, now the master of the wolves will be infuriated. They will come after you,” he then proceeded. I obviously didn’t want to listen to him. I just wanted this to be over. I even wanted to go back to school. Less than a month ago, my biggest problem was how to hide an erection in class and now I had to fear for my life. It wasn’t really how I imagined things to go.

“Since you cannot wield two weapons, the sword is out of your reach but one of your friends can still use it,” the Firefox then said.

“Cassandra,” I immediately answered. If anyone it had to be her.

“Alright then. As wielders of fox-weapons you are now foxes yourself. You have to realize that. And seeing how you fought, you shall be the leader. You are the Masterfox. Lead your pack of foxes to victory,” he continued.

“What? What is that supposed to mean?” I asked confused. By that time all the others were gathered around the talking head.

“It means that the spirit of the fox is in your heart. In all your hearts. Well then, Cassandra you shall be Swordfox, because you are now the wielder of the sword. That responsibility is all yours now. You Cody shall be Powerfox, since you possess a great deal of physical strength, if not much of anything else. And you exploring fox-spirit, you shall be Shadowfox because you are always skulking in the shadows, or sulking much rather,” the talking head explained with a smile at the end. “I am not sulking. You just can’t see my facial expression is all,” the Explorer angrily responded. He was ignored however

“Let’s hope this doesn’t turn into a fox hunt,” was the last thing the talking head said before he finally breathed his last breath.

“He’s dead. I guess I am not such a weak spirit after all,” the Explorer commented.

“Nah, you’re just hard to kill,” I answered.