"Okay.....So if you're tired just take a fucking long nap,i won't disturb you but don't ever think of running away from me..... I'm not gonna leave you.....Come and eat!!"he said while pointing at the little table in the balcony. Yiyi was dumbfounded by the sudden change in his expression.She sat on the chair and started eating.
"Why did you brought it here?? I would've come downstairs instead...Where is my baby???"she said while eating her food.
"He is sound asleep.....Well, I can also be your baby!!"he said with an amused expression while sitting in front of yiyi.
"Shut up!!"she yelled.
"Well.....I can be your daddy too!!"he smirked with a playful look on his face with his eyebrows raised.
"You know what?? Fuck you!!"she shouted at him.
"Well.... It is my privilege to have received your 'Invite'.!!"Yiyi didn't replied to him and just snorted coldly.
"Anyways,I haven't eaten dinner too."he continued with his bullshit.
"Why??"She asked him with a soft voice.