Chapter Six


The next few weeks passed in a blur and that was when I awoke to a phone call from Leo.

“Meet me on 79 and then take the mountain pass south for three miles. We need to talk alone”. Leo’s voice sounded extremely neutral.. which was rare for him.

I took a deep breath and considered running away.

And then there was the matter of Jackson.. I have not seen him in the Clan House for weeks.. and he never responded to any texts from me.

I sat up on my bed half naked, next to one of the women in the Clan.

Now that I thought about it, she was probably one of the females who lied to Leo about me forcing her to my bed.

They liked the power in sleeping with the Clan Leader.. some even hoped that I would fall in love with them and make them my wife. Little did they know I would never do such a thing.. they were good for sex.. nothing more.

‘Zo? Are you leaving already?’. She whispered, seductively.

‘Yes’. I spoke neutrally, peeling her off of my arm.

By the time I arrived at the Mountain Pass, I knew something was amiss. I could smell Werewolves.. but I could also smell Leo and Jackson’s scents.

I took a deep breath and then stepped off of my bike.

‘Give me a second, I would not want my jacket ruined’. I chuckled, forcing my fake confident nature on everyone around me.

Alexander Bayou stood near Leo crossing his arms.

‘So much for respect and apologies. And you still think he is worth saving?’. Alexander spat in my direction.

Saving? I cocked my head to the side, scoffing slightly in response at them.

‘What no trial?’. I scoffed, scowling at them slightly.

Jackson narrowed his eyes at me slightly.. clearly he had not thought I would act so.. cheerfully towards them.

‘Aww this is adorable, but I hate to break it to you buddy, I am pretty sure that this ALPHA is straight’. I winked at Jackson.

Leo frowned and stared at Jackson, who was now blushing and scowling angrily at me.

Shit.. so now everyone knew I was definitely bi-sexual and clearly that Jackson and I had ‘a thing’ going on.

‘Looks like the cat is finally out of the bag’. I laughed scornfully, at my own joke.

Alexander rolled his eyes at me and then nodded towards Leo.

Alexander wanted me dead but Leo did not? I betrayed him.. I ruined everything and he did not want me dead.

My chest hurt so bad; but if I gave in to weakness.. that Alpha may destroy not only me but my Clan too.. Leo and Allie.. and everything I have worked so hard to protect.

‘We should have spoke about this, like adults little brother’. I scolded Leo.

‘And you, this is the thanks I get for saving your pathetic existence?’. I snickered towards Jackson.

Leo snarled at me.

‘I am not some little child you can mock and try to put down. Stop trying to turn this around on others!’. He snapped, angrily.

I had to hide my internal wince, as I plastered yet another fake smile on my face.

‘Why do you have take everything from me!?’. He screamed at me, as tears fell from his eyes.

Alexander regarded us coolly; he was clearing sizing up either our situation or our family.

‘Take? I simply borrowed. And she certainly did not complain’. I snickered.

Leo snarled at me, shifting into his leopard

Alexander shifted too, almost on queue.

Jackson stepped back, looking at me with a horrified expression.

Alexander’s pack members shifted and surrounded the escape routes.

I was.. how to put it bluntly? Royally fucked.

I would never harm Leo.. but I had planned on making a run for it, at the very least.

Leo lunged at me and I made an attempt to cover my throat, assuming he was going for the kill.. only instead I felt a sharp searing agony around my eye and down to my jaw.

It was then that Alexander also jumped me and began digging his claws into my stomach.

I closed my eyes, as my blood began to flow from my body.. I could hear Jackson screaming at them to stop.

Jackson leapt at them both, getting bitten in the process.. he swore loudly in response.


I blinked at Jackson, throwing him an apologetic look, before my mind went and everything faded to darkness.

It was then that Leo stopped and threw Alexander off of Lorenzo’s weak and pale body.

I shifted back to my human form and screamed, as I took in the amount of blood running not only from my brother’s face but also from his stomach.

He was so pale.. barely breathing.. despite what he has done to me, I knew that I could not let him die.

But I did not trust Alexander to stop if he knew that he was alive; I gave Jackson a mournful look and he nodded, allowing his tears to fall down his face.

So it was true? Jackson had feelings for Zo.. this was odd even for me; never once had I thought that my brother was into men.. and yet it was now so obvious. I thought to myself.

‘He is dead.. you fucking killed him. So much for exiling him’. I spat at the ground, hiding his lie.

Jackson then snapped at them both, playing along with my new plan.

Shortly after, Alexander and his pack members left the Mountain Pass.

I winced as I took in my brother’s mangled face and deep stomach wounds.

‘I do not know what came over me.. he was taunting me and I-’. I sobbed, as I sunk to my knees.

‘Leo.. you just saved his life, surely that must count for something?’. Jackson frowned and then gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

‘He is barely breathing, we need to act fast. Take him to the Hunter’s Guild. They might be able to do something to save him at least’. I ordered, through my tears.

Jackson took deep breath but soon nodded.

‘I am sorry it had to be this way, Jackson. I now know how you feel about my brother. Allie told me as much before, but I did not believe her’. I frowned.

Jackson stared at me, but shook his head and clearly decided not to argue with me.

‘The Hunter’s have better medicines than us.. they will fix this. But we will owe them’. Jackson grumbled.