Chapter Eight


I gasped at the heat that I felt coming from my body; I looked down at myself surprised at the fact that I was still alive. I then noticed how much bigger my body was… it felt like I had been bench pressing a bus.

It was then that I felt something around my neck and I frowned; I put my hands around it and swore at the burning sensation on my hands.

‘Spoiler alert, you are no longer just a cute fuzzy pussy cat’. A black haired Hunter spoke happily, in my direction.

He was covered in scars, on closer inspection.

‘What have you humans done to me?’. I snarled.

‘We made a monster to use as we please’. He grinned.

‘I am going to kill you’. I snarled.

The Hunter pulled my hair so that I was looking up at his face; he then grinned at me, as he shoved his knee into my throat and I gasped spitting blood onto the floor.

‘Then come fight me if you think you can’. He grinned at my challenge.

I snarled and ran up to him, only to be kicked in the ribs and I soon found myself completely powerless.

Whatever this collar was it was suppressing my abilities; I was as weak as a fucking human right now.

Despite my new physique, it did nothing to help me. My body moved like lead attached to the floor.

I spat more blood onto the floor, as he kept kicking me in the ribs. I gasped in pain as, I heard a crack. This Hunter must have broken one of my ribs.

He kept it up for a while, before snickering and leering disgustingly at me.

‘Actually, I may as well get off while I am here, I heard you liked both, right?’. He began laughing uncontrollably, as he unzipped his jeans, pushing my face to the floor and yanking at my trousers.

I swore at my newest predicament; was I actually about to be used in such a way? I gasped, screaming at him to get off of me.

Every part of me knew if I did not fight, he was going to go all the way. This was not a fucking game to him.

That was when he was thrown to the other side of the room, before he could even touch my skin.

‘James, what the fuck are you doing?’. A different Hunter snapped.

‘I can share, Diego’. James, the Hunter trying to force himself on me, laughed.

I frowned at both of them; pulling my trousers back up. I pushed myself to the furthest corner of the cage.

I regarded the two Hunters uncomfortably.

Was this now my life? I thought to myself in anger.

I went from being a strong Clan Leader to being some toy for Hunters to use, as they pleased.

So Diego was the Hunter in charge and the one who stabbed me earlier.

Diego punched James square in the nose; I frowned at the feeling of satisfaction I got just from watching the blood flow from his nose.

Diego rolled his eyes at my expression; he then threw a bottle at me and I surprisingly caught it right away.

I opened the lid and wrinkled my nose in disgust; he expected me to drink this? It was blood.

‘Drink it, Hybrid. I will have more brought to you tonight, so that your body heals from that beating’. Diego muttered neutrally.

‘Why are you feeding it?’. James snapped, whilst looking at me in disgust.

‘HE is still a living thing, created for our Squad. Do not fucking forget that’. Diego glared at his colleague James.

I frowned. A Squad? So I was going to be treated as a monster to do their bidding?

So they worked the same way as the Werecat Council did? I had lost too many years doing their bidding.. I was not about to go down that road again.

I screwed the lid back on and rolled it back to them.

‘No thank you, I do not accept help from Hunters’. I frowned.

‘Maybe next time I will leave you to get attacked then’. Diego snapped.

James grinned in response and Diego hit him in the jaw.

‘I have lost my urge, asshole’. James snapped.

James spat on the floor, before leaving the cage. I heard a click of a lock and a code being inputted.

‘It is no use, it changes often’. Diego chuckled, clearly amused that I was already contemplating my escape.

I sighed and sat up, holding my ribs slightly.

‘So I am an abomination?’. I frowned deeply.

Diego regarded me coolly before sitting in front of me and placing the hat that he had been wearing onto the floor.

‘Yes, it was their way of saving you, so to speak. It also got my team a strong.. creature to use against our enemies’. He muttered.

‘I see’. I sighed.

This ‘Diego’ was regarding me as if I would attack him at any moment. What would be the point, when I was so weak? I grimaced at the thought.

‘Relax, I am too weak to hurt anybody. I could not even defend myself’. I muttered angrily.

Diego smiled softly.

‘I was rude yesterday, I am sorry for stabbing you’. He smiled.

I eyed him suspiciously.

‘What do you want from me?’. I frowned.

He threw the bottle at me again.

‘Drink’. He spat.

I eyed it sadly.

‘I.. just.. I want to be like I was before all of this’. I grimaced, putting my head in my hands.

‘And what the hell happened to make my body like this?’. I flexed my arms in shock of how much bigger they were.

He laughed at me.

‘An odd reaction to more Vampire venom’.

That was when I felt a deep wound on the left side of my face, the wound my brother had given me, it has still not healed over completely.

I winced at the slight pain I felt from it.

Diego frowned at me.

‘Does it still hurt?’.

I glared at him.


‘I cannot believe how fucking gross it must look’. I muttered, regarding his attractive face.

He raised his eyebrows and then moved towards me. I shuffled back and he let out an amused laugh.

‘Relax, I am not going to hurt you, I am actually the only person here that is on your side’. He muttered happily.

I frowned, as he reached out and put his hand over my face, touching my wound. I winced slightly but did not move.

‘It should have healed by now but it has not and it is a little swollen. I should speak with the Doctor’. He sighed softly.

I panicked at the thought of that Doctor touching me and doing worse experiments on me.

I grabbed his hands and he sucked in a breath, unmoving, despite eyeing the knife on his belt.

‘I would rather die than have that person do more of this shit to me’. I snapped, pushing him onto his back.

It was then I realised that I was very much attracted to this Hunter.

I gasped, forcing myself to the other side of the cage. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

‘So you are attracted to me? I only helped you because I have to. I am your boss nothing more, remember that, Hybrid’. He muttered awkwardly.

I looked over at him scowling.

‘So I am The Hunters Guild’s new pet, is that it?’. I snapped in shock.

He let out an amused laugh.

‘Unsanctioned you are my Squads pet, yes’.

I rolled my eyes in response.

‘Right now the only thing I want to do is make my brother pay for what he has done to me’. I spat.

‘Your brother thought he was saving his older brother from death, he probably had no idea what we had in store for you’. He murmured softly.

‘I am a freak because he could not take me on fair and square in a challenge’. I growled.

‘Oh? I do not know the details’. He smiled slightly.

‘Why are you even in this cage talking to me?’. I frowned.

‘I like to know who I am protecting and working with’. He muttered.

‘Piss off’. I snapped.

I stood up clenching my ribs, as I threw myself on the uncomfortable bed that they had given me and turned to face the wall.

I sucked in a deep breath when he climbed on top of me on the bed.

‘What are you fucking doing?’. I panicked.

He pulled off my shirt and I groaned slightly at the feeling of his warm hands running down my chest.

‘Relax’. He murmured softly.

It was then, too late, that I realised he was just patching me up. He wrapped a bandage around my ribs to keep the swelling down.

‘You are pretty ripped, I have to agree’. He muttered awkwardly, blushing.

I raised my eyebrows questioningly, as he frowned, shaking his head in confusion.

‘I worked out a lot, before all this’. I laughed awkwardly.

He grabbed the bottle off of the floor.

‘Drink, or I will fucking force it down your throat’. He snapped.

I sighed. He was not going to give in. I took a deep breath and grabbed the bottle from his grasp and unscrewed the lid, tilting it so it poured into my mouth.

I gasped softly, as my body felt a deep lust; it did not help that Diego was still towering over me.

I grabbed him, throwing him onto his back and he blushed deeply.

I ran my tongue down his neck and he gasped in shock. I however, had no control over my body; My fangs retracted and I bit into his neck. The collar made no difference, as he groaned in pain.

It was then that everything went black.