Harry Potter Tent

After walking for half an hour we were inside the forest and soon we reached the small waterfall, which looked beautiful in the evening time and made the scene a little romantic. My neighbour and Ava exclaimed at the same time," so beautiful", while I also nodded my head.

Then my neighbour whose name was Alina looked at me and said," John do you remember the things you told me when the people's were present".

I blushed hearing Alina's word and said," miss I was joking".

Hearing my words Alina said," but I took your words seriously, so tonight you need to satisfy me or else I will look for another man", saying so she looked at me with provocation.

I looked at her and said," if I satisfy you, will you not leave me and go to another man".

Hearing my words Alina nodded and said," of course, you see the people in our world can live as long as 300 years and now I am still young, so I want to live with someone who will love me and then grow old with me. As my husband had many women, he just made love with me on the first night and then the next morning I was thrown away, so my heart broke", saying so she looked at Ava, while she nodded her head and then Alina continued," I thought, I could live without making love, but you awakened my lust that I had suppressed for many years, so it's your responsibility to help me release it".

Hearing Alina's words I said," miss I will help you release it, but don't you feel weird making love with your neighbours ".

Alina said," what are you feeling shy for, here women love the strong person, as she will feel safe by his side, don't you know the mayor in the village had three wives but if he asks any girl to make love, they will happily do it, because she can ask the mayor for anything that mayor had the power to grant her", then she looked at me and continued," and now a strong man like you is my neighbour, how can I let other women make love with if my husband was here to protect me I would not make love with you".

Hearing my Alina's words I understood that this was not my previous world but in this world, only people with strength have the right to get anything.

Then I asked Alina," miss didn't anyone ask you out, as you are also a beautiful woman".

Alina blushed and said," of course they asked me out, but I fell in love with you, when you were fourteen years old, so I used makeup to look ourselves bad, or else do you think I would be still talking to you till now".

Hearing her words I understood why my neighbour's face looked a little different from my memories.

Then I said," Okay miss, I will accept you as my woman but you need to know to make a promise to never make love with another man than me, not even your husband".

Hearing my words Alina had a smile on her face than she went towards the water and splashed on her face and my sis did so. Soon her the makeup was washed away, all that was left was a beautiful face, that I couldn't help look at it in a daze. I kept on looking when Alina came to me and shook my head and said," Do you like me now?".

"Of course, I loved you before, now and later", I answered which made my Alina look at me and say," remember as I have made a promise to not make any love with any man, you also need to make a promise, that you will marry not more than five wives including me and Ava".

Hearing her words I nodded my head immediately and said," of course I will also make a promise, I will marry you, Ava and others three women not more than that".

Then I said," now we need to find a place to hide, within three days I will kill the Forest Bandit Group, then I will marry you both".

Alina and Ava had excited expressions after hearing the word marry and then they both said," don't forget to marry us after three days".

Then I looked at the waterfall carefully and saw a small bird fly out from the waterfall. Seeing this my eyes lit up and I said," miss and Ava you both wait here", saying so I went inside the fall and came to the cave, which was filled with some flowers. Seeing this I checked the cave once again and found there was no problem than I carried my mom and sis inside the waterfall.

Both of them had surprised expressions and exclaimed," this place looks so beautiful, see the flowers are glowing in the night, which can help us solve the light problem. Now the only camp is required for us to rest properly".

While they were checking the cave, I was checking the system store looking for a tent. But I couldn't find one so I asked," system is there anything which can help me solve the problem of camping space".

Hearing my words the system said," of course host, buy the magical tent from Harry Potter word, which have everything, inside although the size from outside is small, the inside is so large that you will be glad you bought it. It has clean water to drink, kitchen and bathrooms. There is also a dining room and ten big bedrooms enough for hundred people to live in. It also comes with self-cleaning, which helps you clean the bathroom itself. It can be bought for 1000 points but the host gets a 50% discount price for buying prop the first time. There is also two types of formation. One is hiding formation that makes the tent only visible to the user and your people. The other one is protection formation. It helps you to defend yourself from various attacks below tier 3. And the best thing is it can be upgraded ".

Listening to system words I asked it," system will I get a discount on any other things if I buy for the first time".

The system said," yes host".

I then said," System what are my attributes".

The system replied in a cold voice, " host doesn't have any attributes. Please buy devil fruits to get attributes".