Bandit Leader

So I went to the bathroom and looked at my dick. It was black and it had become 10 centimetres long when in sleeping mode. When it became hard its size increased to 20 centimetres. Its circumference had increased to 4 I'm in diameter. It looked like a f*cking monster that would make the women go crazy.

After looking at my dick I felt satisfied. Then I decided to buy wind devil fruit for 500 points. After that, I asked," system will there be any side effects after eating the devil fruits".

The system said," no side effects, except its taste, is very bad. You need to take a bite and then it will melt with your body".

I listened to the system explanation and then took a bite and felt nauseous. I tried to throw it out but the fruit melted with my body in the blink of an eye. There were various changes in my body That I needed to see it.















After looking at my attributes I was satisfied and I decided to practice the next day. Then the system sounded in my mind," the host please buy an encyclopedia of plants and beasts that contain the knowledge of every type of beast in detail and also of plants. It will increase your survival rate. It cost 900 points and also, please buy the god of cooking life profession for 1000 points. You are offered a 99% discount, so please buy it or else you will miss the opportunity".

I looked at my system points present and then said," buy it".

Then a very thick book that was almost of my size was placed in front of me and also the system had transferred the god level cooking skill inside my mind.

Looking at the huge book I asked," system can't you let me learn as you did with cooking skills".

The system said," of course host, but next time if you buy runemaster books, formation books, Alchemy books, puppetry, witchcraft, etc then you need to learn by yourself.

I decided to learn it now as in future maybe I will draw something from the system that would increase my learning ability so I said," system I want to learn the book now".

Then the book transformed into white light and I felt pain in my head. It was very painful and I clutched my head and fell inside the bathroom and shouted out loudly. As soon as I shouted out the door of the bathroom gave off a white light which made my voice stop and no one outside could hear my voice. So alone I could only bear the pain and after ten minutes that felt to me like a century had passed, the pain finally subsided.

Then I said," system say it next time that my head will hurt when transmitting the information. At least I will be mentally prepared".

The system said," Okay host next time I will remind you. Host don't you feel angry".

I said," why should I feel angry with you. Instead, I am grateful if you would be not present then I couldn't enjoy my current life. So I would like to say thank you".

Hearing my words the system said," okay host, then I feel relieved to hear your words. Please host become strong as soon as possible".

Listening to its voice I smiled then I went out with a smirk as I would ask my mom to fulfil her words.


Somewhere in the forest inside a hideout, a person whose one eye had been slashed was sitting on the chair while a woman was sitting on her lap.

The man was squeezing her breast while looking at his subordinates. Then a person came in and said," boss it's not good the people we sent to capture the women and the girl had escaped".

Listening to his subordinate's words the bandit group leader face changed and couldn't help say," then where are the people whom you sent".

The subordinate said," boss they are all dead. They were all killed in a signal blow".

The face of the bandit leader changed and he squeezed the woman breast tightly which made her scream in pain. Listening to the woman scream the bandit leader slapped her face and said," be quiet or else I will let my subordinates play with your body".

Hearing his words the woman gritted her teeth and tried her best to not make a sound. She was already soaked in a cold sweat. After a few seconds, the boss leader released his hand and then he put his hand inside the women's pussy and began to play with it. Then he looked at his subordinates and said," the women I fancy will never escape from my palm. After I catch her I will play with her and then I will give you all guys to play with their bodies. So go and find the mother and daughter. Also, call my son".

Hearing the words of the boss the people were excited and they had lewd expressions and then they went to call the boss son.

After he saw his son, he looked at him lovingly and said," son come and help your father. I need you to help me catch two people. There is a strong person present. Maybe he is a warrior".

The son looked at his father and came near the woman and put his hand inside her pussy and fingered it and then said," father I can agree to go and killing him would be easy. My strength has broken into a mid-level warrior. So tomorrow I will go to look for them", saying so he stopped and then he said," but father I want to f*CK this woman".

The bandit leader said," okay then, we will enjoy her together".