Fight / Viscount Of Talin

I looked at those people and said," you guys do your own thing, don't disturb us".

Then a young boy came to me and took out a dozen of gold coins and placed it before me and said," boy I want to boy both the girls as slaves. These are the gold coins".

As soon as he said the words I became angry in an instant. Then subconsciously I opened Sharingan and then a kunai appeared in my hand and then I cut off the young man throat.

The people present didn't see anything, they only felt like breeze passed away and then they saw their young master was holding his neck and wanted to say something. But they watched his body fall down and then slowly he lost his life.

Seeing this the people present were horrified. While his subordinates who were arrogant at the moment felt like they had fallen in the ice cave. Then someone said," you kill the young master. Now you can't escape", saying so they all besieged us while one person ran away to inform their leader.