Fight With Light Church

Then after saying to the girls I used only physical skills to fight with these groups of people as using ninjutsu would be overkill.

I reached inside the cave in an instant and then I saw nine people were awakened and when they saw I was already near them. These guys launched their skills one after another.

I saw several light balls and also fire and water balls coming towards me with a fast speed.

As I saw it in slow motion, I easily avoided it and then I saw a person had cast a poison spell.

Seeing this I moved away from that place and decided to knock out this group of people.

First I knocked out the person who used poison. And then I continued to knock out the other five people and then I brought the group of people inside dead space after using space body skills.

After doing so I said," three girls will fight your group of people. Do your best to fight the girls seriously or else you might die".