— Yangyang? What the hell are you doing now? —asked Haesuk, behind me— it's been several days since you locked yourself in this room, you don't eat and from your face you certainly don't sleep either, besides, what are all these drawings?
I was so happy to be out of my lockdown punishment, but I've been suffering from some after effects, I see that guy hanging around me, that voice in my ear, I haven't even been able to talk to Noona again, because Samchum forbade me. I have thought about it many times and still I have not been able to get a logical answer, I have changed my bandages but the pain continues to feel like the first time, it visits me in my dreams, cornering me and hunting me.
— I've got to find him Haesuk, I've got to find that damn bastard —I muttered, tracing what I think were his eyes.