THAT NIGHT, Jacky visited when she heard that my father was in the hospital.
“How is uncle?” she asked as she laid the fruits and bread she handed on the side table.
“He needs an operation as soon as possible,” I said with no strength.
“What happened? How about his medication?”
“I really don’t know. Maybe I also have a shortcoming because I still let him get tired from work even though he has heart disease,” I whispered weakly.
She leaned over me and gently held my palm. “Don’t blame yourself. Uncle Gorio just wants to have a normal life,” she said to me.
I shook my head and could feel the warm tears in my eyes.
“Nothing will happen if you blame yourself. Let’s just pray that uncle’s condition improves.” She tapped my back.
I wiped away the dripping tears and watched him sleep soundly.
“I heard you moved to the morning shift?” she started.
I took a deep breath and sat up.
“Did Calixto misunderstand you?” she asked again.