It was weird that never before had I been stuck in situations like these and now they were occurring so frequently.
I thought about just saying out loud that I was in here but I didn't trust the situation, men never came into the girl's bathroom unless something had to be fixed.
In which case, the rooms would be out of order and no one would go in.
I saw the feet of the person linger until finally leaving, it wasn't a safe bet to leave right away, maybe he would stand outside for a minute to wait and see if anyone was in.
Any person's immediate reaction would be to want to get out as soon as possible but I had to resist the urge to let out my breath and run out of the restrooms.
I sat "hidden" for a few minutes until finally standing up, once I did I immediately went towards the dormitories so I could put the notebook away but as soon as I reached the door I heard voices.
I came to a halt and stood next to the door, against the wall.